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The X-Files: Season 11

11x05 Ghouli

"Mulder, how is it possible the only updates I receive about what you're doing come through complaints by other agencies in the government?"

Ahahahhaha oh poor, long-suffering Skinner.

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The season had a rocky start but has felt like old school X-Files again since episode 3. My favorite seasons are probably the last 3 ones before Duchovny was barely around due to money issues. With fun stand alone episodes.
This season and like one from the previous season felt like we were back to the glory days.
Scully finally getting to see William again was good stuff. I just hope this last season has no loose ends at all.
Kill the Smoking Man for good. The whole surviving being blown to bits by a missile is just stupid.

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Surprisingly good episode, attached to the mythology but not too corny or poorly written, the Jackson/William plot sounds... cool, the whole super power thing and we finally come to understand what happened on the S10 Finale (it didn't happen). It was heartwarming in a way, Scully "meeting" her son, the whole episode was filled with tension and some very cool scenes (those mind-bending hallucinations were cool) and that scene with "Scully" dead on the ground was somewhat terrifying was well.

Pretty good episode overall and much better than any of the previous mytholgy episodes since the reboot

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Shout by Ward

So when Smoking Man impregnated Scully when she was unconscious for those few hours, the medical person (Masumoto)/team who did it also experimented with the embryo using eugenics...

What? What are you even talking about?

It was nice to see William at least, but him having two girlfriends and cheating on them is dumb though, along with helping them both almost kill each other. It inherently makes the character more unlikable, when if you had any sense as a creator, you would make him likeable because he's Scully's long lost son. Him having powers, making him overpowered, adds to his unlikeability because he's already unlikeable.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

It really annoys me when creatives lack common sense and when they've got worse over time, or their minds become eroded by politics.

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Oh no…another story arc episode. This time, Mulder and Scully bump into their son William, who uses his alien super powers to escape the bad guys and the good guys. I really can't describe how much I hate the William storyline.

Secondary characters in this episode: William

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Curious episode for what happens

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Too bad most people will give up on the show after first two godawful episodes... I know I almost did. I just kept watching too see how laughably bad it can get. Surprisingly, last 3 episodes felt like classic X Files. Loving it.

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The crying scene was completely unbelievable. They really need to stop this pointless kid trip.

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Shout by Douglas

I didn't expect to see Scully falling to pieces like that. Well done.

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Did I miss the episode where they cured the plague? Or they just taking a 2 week break from that while it spreads?

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