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The X-Files: Season 1

1x21 Tooms

Skinner arrived! Wonder if they knew at this point how important a character he would end up becoming, eh?

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Glad to see they revisited Tooms and closed that X-File... For now?

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Is it possible to be even creepier than the 1st....yep!!!

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Eugene Tooms has to kill one more time before he can hibernate for the next 30 years. Tooms is released form a sanitarium but Mulder follows him everywhere. Tooms finally kills his fifth victim but Mulder and Scully find his nest and kill him under an escalator in a shopping mall. Skinner, under pressure from the CSM, hassles Scully and Mulder. Mulder predicts things are changing. Perhaps they are getting too close to the truth and the SCM is pressuring Skinner to put the brakes on the team's investigations.

Secondary characters in this episode: Skinner, Eugene Tooms

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Not convinced by the new building replacing Tooms' old apartment in just one year. That doesn't seem possible given the speed of construction projects.

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Squeeze, the show's third episode, was the one that confirmed to me that this was definitely my type of show. It was the first episode I loved and while I have thoroughly enjoyed the ride of the first season since, I haven't quite loved any of the episodes. Until now. Tooms is absolutely fantastic. Eugene Tooms is ridiculously terrifying to me and Doug Hutchinson's performance, particularly in the facial department, is a sight to behold. An unbearably tense episode that works as well as it does because of the lingering threat that Tooms needs only one more victim to sustain himself for the next 30 years.

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Ahhh finally some closure on that stretchy bastard.

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