Personal Lists featuring...

The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse 2020


List created and maintained by


List created and maintained by



Only Disney+ Original Content. Updated through 5/1/2024.


We've had two impeccable television years in a row, so it seems like Peak TV is hardly dead. Here's to a third!

Side-note: Instead of ranking the shows as I go (this became all-consuming), I'm going to use this to keep track of the shows I watch in 2022 and then rank them at the end of the year. Have a great year, everyone!


Movies I’ve watched and either like or don’t like. Many of them may be missing because I can’t remember all of the ones I’ve watched, but I tried to keep it up to date. This is in a separate list to organize the anime and cartoons better.


Check my other lists for more movies & shows.


I do this kind of thing on Letterboxd to help me keep track of the shows of the year. This is subject to change, but also subject to lots of love for television :). It's also fun because we have a broad idea of which movies are coming this year, but television is so "close to the vest" and "market at the last second" that, you know, who knows? Could we have Succession? Maybe! Let's end that drought!

Special: Nickelodeon's NFL, Soderbergh's Oscars, Pedroia's retirement, Oatly ad

Honorables: The Premise, Behind the Attraction, Man in the Arena, Scenes from a Marriage, The History of the Atlanta Falcons, Saturday Morning All-Star Hits, The Next Thing You Eat, Insecure, Underground Railroad, Reservation Dogs, Hemingway, series finale of DuckTales, Bob's Burgers, Always Sunny, How To, and Shadows.

Update: This list is now finished and blurbs are at Saoirse Ronan Deserves an Oscar! Fun ride!
