Inspired choice to start the series with a Bel Tine again. Very slow and set-uppy but that "coming soon" trailer leaves me with no doubt it's going to be so rewarding. I felt the very sparing use of Rand and Mat were very effective in this episode. From the glimpse we saw, I think Donal Finn's gonna be a great Mat!

Liandrin was the highlight of the episode for me! Never thought I'd think that from the books alone!

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I rewatched the first season in the last few days, and this episode looked and felt too different for my taste.

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Wait, what?? WoT TV is actually palatable?! More than that, this was compelling.

They’re still playing fast and loose with the story, but somehow it’s coming together in a significantly more coherent fashion that’s simultaneously (somewhat) faithful to the books.

Not sure if they hired writers from early GoT season, but whatever’s going on, this is excellent.

Only issue I have is that they set an extremely low bar for themselves with the finale of the first season, so I’ll wait until this season is over to pass true judgement.

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Good start to the season. Seeing a different Mat felt odd. Seeing Moiraine this way felt even more odd.

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What the hell happened to this show? It’s actually pretty good now. I had a very hard time getting through first few episodes of the first season but the series was turned on it’s head in this season. Ambiance wise, it gave me GoT vibes which is so refreshing because none of the recent shows has done that for me. Character and story development has significantly improved and it doesn’t feel rushed. I think this series would greatly benefit from having 10 episode seasons rather than 8. The character of Liandrin seems quite intriguing now and I’m excited to find out more about her. Casting is quite good for the most part, especially considering it has a diverse cast and lately it just feels like shows are doing that just to fill a quota rather than actually casting good actors for the role. It doesn’t matter what color they are as long as they can do justice to the character.

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Season 2 Episode 1 was so boring! I fell asleep. What a sloppy boring way to start a new season.

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Shout by viperflo

Boring beginning for a new season. Besides that without knowing the books I imagine the episode would be confusing with all the different characters. Don't mention that this all doesn't have so much common with the books anymore :(
The last fighting scene was super annoying, because all the time you could only see a almost black screen. At the end everyone was hurt, but it was impossible to see why. Who the fuck thought, that this might be a good idea?
Funfact: The main character is shown for only three seconds.

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All this talking. I could barely keep myself awake. And though I think that the show will benefit from this in the long run, it shows for me what the writers neglected during the first season.

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