The episode just felt stupid. All the hype built around facing the Dark One was for nothing. Greatly disappointed.

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How can something with this much budget and such talented people working on it feel so cheap ? The CGI looks like Ghostbusters from the 80's, everything in the dark so you are trying to make sense of the shadows. I'm really trying to like it but this keeps feeling more like an episode of Xena or Hercules than a show like GOT or LOTR. The source material deserves better.

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I don't even think disappointing begin to describe how I feel about how stupid this episode is.

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The ending as anticlimactic as the book

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Lol what a joke of a season. All that build up for that? No epic battle or nothing just a poof and the dark one is gone, okay. All five of these characters are so important yet they never really do anything at all. I mean rand never got into a fight, shot his bow, swung his sword or anything.

why didn’t they do that channeling thing at the wall before anybody was sent out. The brother and all those troops would have never died. So dumb. Also to have nynaeve die and come back so quickly really took the oomph out of her so called death.

Absolutely awful. No one will care about this show once lord of the rings drops later this year.

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Overall, not a bad ending. Though, I have to admit, I was happy Nynaeve died, but not that she was resurrected. Hopefully they do more with her character. As she stands, she's more annoying than useful. But that's also something lacking within the entire series...making three dimensional characters. They are all a bit flat. Hoping that changes next season.

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After the last 2 episodes, this season finale fell SO flat, it flopped. :(

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OMG. I've seen books changed for movie/series adaptation like Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, but this...
They seem to want to purposely change every single moment. If only it were for the better...

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Is the Dark One an opera singer?

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Very underwhelming episode, even by the standards of this underwhelming series.

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Nynaeve and Egwene are the true love story.

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Okay I gotta admit this show pretty much won me over. The things I like about it are probably the things hard-core Randtards hated, but such is like. Padan Fain, true player for real.

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After this episode I don’t think I am ever going to watch season two.

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What the fuck was that.

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I am trying to like this show but it’s just so rushed and the themes are all over the place. I just don’t know what’s going on most of the time. Ugh I feel like I’ve wasted hours of my life on this show. I should have waited for the series to finish and binged them then because this was whack af.

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As happens with all screen adaptations of cult classic fantasy, the faithful come out to complain loudly about any creative license taken for the screen version. I get it, I do, but rather than get in my feelings about it, I approach it with curiosity about how the story will resolve itself with the changes. If you take this episode, and the entire first season, for that matter, and separate it from what you know from the books, it’s not as horrible as many of the comments make it sound. It’s a solid fantasy screenplay with good actors and special effects on par with today’s technology. My advice is to enjoy the work for what it is and not let every diversion from the original books spoil the fun for you.

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An epic sus of a screen adaptation!

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As a book reader, this finale left me both impressed and confused. I appreciate the decision to split the ending of Eye of the World with the start of The Great Hunt because they do need to save time and most of the stuff that happens at the end of the first book doesn't really matter in the long run, so just sending Rand and Moiraine there was fine. Do not understand Moiraine's outcome there, though. Can only presume that'll expedite one of Nynaeve's discoveries. (I wonder if Siuan/Leane will have the same fate when that happens down the line? I wonder if this is a way to bring that discovery out earlier without doing that and then Logain follows later, somehow). I didn't think they were bothering with Falme (I could see from a TV standpoint how they could skip it), have the hunt lead to Tear instead, but with that ending, it seems they are. Suspect we may get books 2+3 done in the next season, though.

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[requoting my reply to another comment] I'm enjoying some of the more interesting diversions from what I remember from the novel(s) but sometimes the sheer hokeyness is amusing enough to distract.

They're clearly going to go their own way with the story from this point onward, but the intro of the Seanchan just seemed over the top silly.

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ishamael's vision for rand: ah, i see you have chosen Bebé

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One of the worst ways of just skipping the entire ending of the book and trying to make your own story. Flat out failed. Horrible.

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Shout by viperflo

Not so sure, what to think about this episode.
After the last episode I was again satisfied that everything is slowly coming together, even though there were so many deviations from the books.
Everything feels so rushed without giving time to develop and understand. I am happy that I have read the books, so I understand the connections. Do others do?
Deviate from the original story there are always scenes, which make no sence:
Nynaeve was already dead and Egwene brought here back to life? That was so unnecessary!
Why is Mat again in Shadar Logoth?
The fight Rand against the dark Lord was super unspectacular! Just on Flash of light and that's it? Where is the dragon flag?
The outlook with the Seanchan give cause to fear the worst for the further development of the story.

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The worst episode so far ...

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I'm not sure what's the worst part of this episode... The weird and unnecessary story alterations (such as the Aes Sedai saving Tarwin's Gap, or the fact that there was no "Eye" of the World, no pool of purified Saidin), or the garbage VFX in the titular battle.

Here's to hoping they fired their whole staff before starting work on Season 2.

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