Maggie found a Glenn look alike lol.

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For some reason, when Rick showed up on that horse, I laughed my ass off. His massive soft spot for the saviors will screw the entire community. The old Rick would have killed them and figured out a plan to build the bridge on their own.

I like Gabriel, but he does some stupid shit. Like, confronting Jadis in the middle of the night without any backup. Almost everyone knows to never tell a psycho bitch, no. you are suppose to nod your head, hug them, and agree with everything that's being said, even throw in an "everything's going to be alright." Then, when you are around the people you trust, you tell them. This is survival 101.

My working theory is that Negan will kill Rick. I don't know how, but that's my feeling.

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Shout by Deleted

The Saviours continue to cause trouble.

I preferred this to last week's episode, but the season premiere remains the best episode of the three. This episode continued the theme of building a brand new future, a utopia...but mainly focused on the tensions between the Saviours and the rest of he community. This was handled much better than the one stereotypical troublemaker of last episode, but a lot of this episode was actually about that very same troublemaker, and swam through the mystery of who killed him. This mystery was handled much better than I expected actually, and when the person is revealed towards the end, we get a superb scene where Maggie and Daryl let the people of Oceanside kill a saviour because of her violent past with them. This shows Maggie and Daryl are not into the whole "every life matters" thing that Rick seems to be obsessing over, and that's made even more clear in that very good ending.

"It's time to see Negan."

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I've binged through the second half of season 8 last week (I had given up after what happened in the midseason finale). Decided to return to TWD as it had been a long time and was curious to see some of the changes I knew were happening. Anyway, my point is: watching these episodes straight after season 8 feels extremely weird, almost like a different show in many ways. Obviously there are the storyline changes and a certain exit coming soon... but just the dialogue itself improved so much.

That scene where they mentioned the "no exceptions" and Maggie and Daryl walked away was so damn effective. The moment I heard it I could understand the feelings of both those characters and even Oceanside... this is just one example, but there are lots of great things happening. Wherever the show is going next, I think at the very least the writers are mindful of how much the ball was dropped with Season 8 (and even 7 to a certain extent).

Just to be able to like Daryl again is something I'm thankful for.

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Rick has become the weak link... no only on the community but the series in general... i miss Carl

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First episode I've enjoyed this season.

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Another boring episode full of nonsense talking & not enough action. Though this was much better then episode 1 & 2. Let’s see how episode 4 ends up being.

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Series is almost as boring as the reviews here.

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Rick goes around Alexandria to see how his new society is functioning. Rick tells Michonne they should have a baby implying they are essentially preparing for the future. Tensions grow between Rick's people and the Saviors after one of Negan's men was found as a walker. In an attempt to figure out where these missing men have gone, another Savior goes missing and Rick and company go out searching. Ultimately we learn the Oceanside ladies were behind Justin's death and Maggie tells Daryl that she's done with Rick's way and wants to go see Negan.

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