Wow! Negan just pulled a mastermind move here! And we right back where we started! Saviors have the advantage! Poor Dwight walks to his end now. I can't see him getting out of this one for sure! Negan want blood just as Simon actually now... Too bad for Simon! Well... The end is gonna be something to see.

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It was a great episode I loved it !! Can't wait for the next episode !!! ;)

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What a triumph. To make a season penultimate episode so boring requires some kind of talent.

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So no more talk huh? I seriously doubt that. This TV show just loves talkie talks.

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Damn, that was something! A lot happened in this episode. I really like how Negan played it all out, patiently waiting for Simon to make a mistake and to take Dwight down right after. Poor Dwight, I think he will suffer a great deal.
Also, I think both Negan and Rick are right, it is too late for peace now, too much has happened on both ends. Maybe in a different era.

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Things keep happening because they are in the script. Not because they make any sense.

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Boring... Once again... Even Simon's death doesn't make this episode better.

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Eugene is just the worst.

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Stay in the Grave Carl.... Can we end this yet??

Although Simon as a walker is pretty damn funny and deserving.

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A superb dialogue-heavy episode with some great character development. Poor Simon... he was going to wreak havoc even with Negan dead, but still... I fear for Eugene and Dwight too!

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The best part of this episode is its beginning and its ending. Rick, reading Carl's letter, finally have a change of heart after being touched by his son's vision of society. Meanwhile, Negan, already fell too deep--not to mention just finding out betrayal from his two top right-hand men--remains unmoved by Carl's plea for peace. Someone said that Carl plays more important role exactly after his death, and I agree: he acts as the bridge between the two spectrum (Rick and Negan).

Rick, who believes in the capacity of people to build things together; and Negan, who believes he has to tie those knots all by himself, being the one bigger than anyone else. As @andrewbloom said in his review, Walking Dead has attempted to show that Rick, too, can be cruel and unforgiving; while Negan is not a cartoon evil, he too has good intention. But this episode shows the contrast between the two through Carl.

That is the best part of this episode. The other sequences... are done rather very clunkily, especially the part with Aaron and Eugene. @AndrewBloom laid out this better than I could do, so I suggest you read his review here:

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How many opportunity did they already had to kill Negan at point blank? Unbelievable... And the chitchat in front of the gate where everyone can here them, totally normal?

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Oooo my God! Another episode where I had to fast forward... I mean, i really dont care about many of the characters like Eugene (I would love if they kill Eugene in the next episode!), priest guy, Aaron... even Simon... This season is average at best, and maybe in the season finale they can do something good, but i highly doubt! 4/10

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Shout by ShoMok

I can’t believe I‘m still watching this. Every lame „twist“ was completely foreseeable. Just one more episode to endure and I really really hope all of these lazy a** characters get what they deserve: unemployment for the upcoming season. Negan, Eugene, Dwight, that dude I forget the name who‘s with the beach chicks, the beach chicks, Morgan, Ezekiel, the Priest..and and and..get rid of them, tabula rasa, focus on the chemistry between the original cast (or what’s left of them) and maybe I‘ll tune in next season.

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lmfao, when eugene made himself vomit on rosita... he really did That™

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Glad Dwight was trying to help but he still has a lot to do to earn redemption. However, I find Eugene just as bad even though he’s not a murderer. He is a coward and he’s obviously as bad as the other saviours. I also find everything out of his mouth, completely annoying. I can’t believe he gets so much screen time.

Boring episode for the most part.
Also, enough with Carl’s wishes/letters. Yes he was trying to be optimistic but he was a kid and they sometimes can be naive. Enough already.

I did like the scenes with Rosita and Daryl dragging Eugene around. However, Rosita talks like Eugene is a genius. Yes he’s intelligent but there are such things as books about ammunition-making and you know...libraries with books about lots of other things. Lol

They actually don’t need him once they figure out how to make bullets or see his process.

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This season is the worst. Time to change the scriptwriters...!

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I get it Carl died, but it was like ten episodes ago! Can someone kill Negan already? He's annoying!

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damn, rip simon. fuck eugene

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This Gregory. So weak. He doesn't deserve that name :D

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the whole episode was lame but seeing The walking dead and Fear the walking dead characters together in one show was every fans dream!

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Eugene is disgusting lol. Roseta was so pissed lol.

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Gimple has ruined this show with pure mediocrity. Save yourselves

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Good now kill them all so there won't be another season pls

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Shout by Deleted

OMG THEY DISCOVERED D and simon! I wasn't expecting the first. Damn.

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