Shout by Jim222001

Someone will die in the previous episode it sounds. Morgan or Eugene might meet Negan's bat. I come to that conclusion since it gave away that Eugene is taken.
I also said Morgan since he might try to talk sense to Negan to not be violent and bam!
As long as it's not Carol who Morgan broke...

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Shout by Deleted

I can't believe they've shot Rick, and as for Carl having to finish him off before he could get stuck in to Judith. Oh my fucking God.

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Negannnnnn...! Yeah, I'm not that excited. I have no idea who the fuck he is and why everyone is crying to see him.

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okay but where was Jesus

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why do they write "Last day on Earth" as the episode tittle? I think the correct one is "something to fear". Which is the right one? I'm not sure!!!

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STOP WRITING LONG COMMMENTS! It was better before you did that in here!!

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Shout by Deleted

can't wait to see how this season ends.bmbecaue the whole Neagun this is a bit boring ..waiting for twists and turns

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Meanwhile Morgan: We can talk to them, we don't have to kill them lol

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Shout by Jacob P


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This was the very last good episode of TWD :(

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Negan: This is Lucille and she is awesome.
Mick Foley: Hahahaha that's cute
The end.

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This Negan dude probably was some guy who liked to sit home and just watch WWE all day. It's clear that he loves Mick Foley so much that he got a bat just like his lmao.
boiiii I wonder if he chases other dudes with a sock on his hand and smothers people with it lmfao

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The finale si just....................... awesome, horrible.

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This was the sickest finale ever!! So horrible :(

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Shout by Deleted

Si todo sale como en el cómic debería morir Glenn

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Shout by Deleted

i hope TWD never end lol! that what i can say!

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Nope that wasn't intense at all, cant believe Daryl got so pathetic to fall for guys like that

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Shout by zrbrg

I think it's definitely not Glenn, Carl, Rick, or any of the female characters. If I'm wrong.... but maybe it is Glenn, after all, they followed the comics on Carl's eye too... not sure though... maybe nobody has died, just got beaten up

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All the savers need to die!

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Who.. Who??? WHO?!?!
I can't take this, aaahhhh!!!!!!

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Finally psyched myself up to watch this ep and i cannot deal with my feelings about this ep. Horrid ending though.

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Getting a bit tired of Rick's Frodo complex

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think its glen i think its abraham.

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think it's glen i think it's abraham.

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think its glen i think its abraham.

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think its glen i think its abraham.

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think its glen i think its abraham.

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think it's glen i think it's abraham.

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think it's glen i think it's abraham.

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Shout by Deleted

I dont think it's glen i think it's abraham.

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Shout by mg_grey

it's glen who died in the end. it's probably the same on the comic books.

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I used to love The Walking Dead, but now am starting to hate it.
It's the never ending story ! You are dragging it way too far.
This is how you ruin something good.
When I feel like I am starting wasting my time, it's time to move along and trash the Series.

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why make all this cliffhanger and give us a shitty unknown ending??

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Shout by manu1361

Why the fuck would they do that ? I was already hyped for next season before the end of the episode but after that cliffhanger I think I'll stop watching this show. What a shitty episode. They couldn't even make Negan as bad ass as in the comics.

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I can not believe I'm reading people complaining about the cliffhanger ... lol
Seriously, when you all started watching TV series?!?!? Just now with Netflix ??!
This is not the comic book and never will be ( lot of reasons for that ) .
I loved the last scene. It made ​​me nervous , distressed ... I think when this happens is a sign that it's working, right? Otherwise I would feel bored and sleepy.

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This episode was so boring, and one of the worst episodes of the walking dead yet. I usually have a lot of patience for shows, especially zombies ones, but wow I could barely keep watching this episode.
The only good thing to come out of this episode was Negan, and no not his dialogue (I feel bad that the actor actually had to say some of those lines "pee pee pants" really??) but Jeffrey Dean Morgan did a good job of portraying Negan.
Also that cliffhanger was shit. It's going to be like 7 months until season 7 and by then the emotional impact (what little there was) will have worn off.

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THAT is what i call a CLIFFHANGER!!!
Fantastic!!! Don't know why so many people are so frustrated.
It's a TV Show based at the comics and not a TV Show of the comics.
I like the way they changed the plot of the comics!

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I honestly don't understand some of the hate this is getting.
First of all, if you don't like cliffhangers, you shouldn't watch serialized TV shows as they air. Wait for Netflix and binge. Cliffhangers have been a part of TV for a long time and they're not going anywhere. If you thought the season will wrap up nicely, despite everybody already knowing for a fact the show was renewed, you're a moron. Almost every show on Earth ends a season with a cliffhanger if they know they are getting renewed.
I also don't get the hate for Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I found the 10 minutes of Neagan to be some of the most tense, and also entertaining, 10 minutes this show had to offer in many years. I have no knowledge of the comics, so I can't comment on that, but I, for one, can't wait to see more of him.
What stopped me from rating this 10/10 was the terrible subplot with Emo Carol. Luckily that didn't take up too much time.

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This episode is not satisfying but no one can argue about the fact that this episode was good.
But for god's sake! I barely could wait for a week to watch an episode,and now how the hell am I supposed to wait to October just to know which one of the group is dead?
That cliffhanger was the worst one I've ever witnessed.
And at the end,now as this season is completed I can say that it's the best season in the history of TWD and now I'll be waiting for the next season and waiting for it and hoping that it doesn't end up as a failure.

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Shout by Haibara

I pretty much disliked this whole season. But I have to admit that this episode wasn't as shitty as it I thought it would be. It was still not good, though. Basically nothing happened (Morgan ran after Carol, Carol escaped and Morgan's looking for her again; Rick and his group drove around in circles; and Enid got locked in a closet). I did like the ending scene, but Negan's monologue was a bit too long which wouldn't have been that bad if something had actually happened. But nope, nothing happened here, either.

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Okay so the episode was kind of dragging on with Rick's group being played around with Negan's group, but I guess it's purposeful to make the viewers the feeling of being toyed with and to give more screen time for the characters for the emotional build up.

However, the ending... with that kind of build up, the episode ends with a goddamn cliffhanger! What the hell is the purpose of 45 minutes long build up? The scene with Negan screams terror, the moment he started to swing his barbed wire lashes out fear, but the episode ends without revealing anyone. It's a shame. Should have shown the victim's face, or at least hair, or anything from his/her back, so at least the viewers can speculate.

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Shout by Deleted

The last scene was amazing, but rest of the episode bored me to death, and this terrible cliffhanger. This moment when Negan looks straight into camera give me a lot of emotion.

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WoW not great episode, bad ending of this season.

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Nog great episode. Not happy

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Shout by Deleted

Horrible!!!! I cant believe i have to wait so long to see what happends next

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Blue balls in TV form.

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Shout by Deleted

I am really not please with that ending.... Please I read the comics.

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Shout by sc00bz

Great and bad episode.

The great - Rick and crew finally get into a propa confrontation with the Saviours and we finally meet Negan. The scene with Negan is nothing short of epic, brilliantly played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

The bad - the cliffhanger ending is one of the most frustrating ever. I can't believe they've ended it like that. We now gotta wait months before we find out who met 'Lucille' up close and personal.

So harsh!

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I think the writers haven't decided who dies, they're just waiting to see the fan reactions and then BOOOOOOOOOOOOM
I hope it's a big character...

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Shout by erak

I think Negan did not kill Lee as in the comics. I hang He has rather kill Daryl. One thing is certain, as in the comics, a big character is mort.Lucille thirsty.

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Shout by erak

I think it is not Lee like in the comics. It's probably Daryl.
Like in the comics it's a big character, for sure.

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Shout by Deleted

This is getting even worse than I ever though it could. Stupid lame ass retarded bullshit. Period.
Violence for the sake of it, that's all. No story, no nothing. Just free violence.
The writers (and everyone concerned for that matters) should get a psych eval, its really needed.
I have seen a lot of violent shit (just finished Daredevil for example...) but it is never that free, never that stupid.
There is always some reasonable story to it, something you can relate to.
This is not the case, free violence for deranged mean peoples. Maybe this is why this shit show is so popular, our society has been so decadent lately, it makes sense.
I wished they would have the decency to end the show at this season but by the look of it, it doesn't seems like it's gonna happen. Too bad.

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This. Did. Not. Happen.
F*cking joke.

How are we supposed to be looking forward for next season after this cliffhanger?

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It's not Maggie, not Glenn, not Rick and not Carl. That's all we know for sure.

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Now I'm looking forward to months of people trying to tell who was killed by analyzing the row of people and the rhyme.

But honestly, I liked the episode. I have a love-hate thing with the cliffhanger because cliffhangers are always uncomfortable, but it makes me eager for season 7.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-04-04T22:34:16Z— updated 2017-01-25T00:44:18Z

What a bad finale season...

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This has to be the worst season finale. And not even just taking into consideration TWD. Shitty cliffhanger!!

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Shout by Marth

Fuck you AMC for that cliffhanger.

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I'm just excited to watch JDM in any way I can. don't really care anymore about any of the plot anymore. they all die eventually. and they keep killing off ppl all the time. i am just no longer as invested in the characters as I used to be. this week spot they are in is new and not like the group. it really doesn't seem like they have any out.

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Shout by Simon

Mixed emotions... this was either a really bad episode, or, it sets up for an interesting season 7. I guess I've got used to the gang emerging on top

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Hahaha can't believe so many crying over this.

What a fantastic episode.

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Shout by mario romano

C'mon Negan! Kill'em all!

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Bad decision producers!!! Terrible final

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Shout by davidsn

I feel cheated, this was not cool at all. Ruined one of the best seasons for some cheap useless cliffhanger. RAGE QUIT!

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Shout by Sarah

"Oh, baby...we pissing our pants yet? Oh, boy - do I have a feeling we're getting close. It's going to be pee pee pants city here real soon. Which one of you pricks is the leader?"

The only reason I'm still watching has arrived.

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Fuck Yeah! Fantastic final season.

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Okay, so when I saw the "Walker Barrier" I knew instantly it is a trap, and still they continued the route and did the same mistake of finding the group again and again. I guess the one chosen by Negan is Sgt. Abraham cause he is the only one who can take that hit. See you next year to find out.

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Shout by accosk8

fucking AMC, you and your fucking cliffhangers.

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Seriously? A cliffhanger? What the actual fuck. Worst finale ever.

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Yeah, bullshit !!! These showed military training, it's unreal. There is no way these losers to do so. It was a military tactic. Scenario is written by complete idiots !!! This episode is full of shit! ) !

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Waste of time, worst finale I've ever seen!

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Shout by Kimberly

JDM did an amazing job as Neegan! I was worried he (and the writers) couldn't pull it off but they did. As much as I like Glen I really hope they follow the comics and he's the one who dies.

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TWD has done it. They ruined the concept of cliffhangers for me. So someone died and I don't even fucking care any more who it is.

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I just miss those days when Rick used to eyefuck the camera... #MakeCarolGreatAgain

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Shout by tiagoaph

I can't believe they ended it like that... Really good introduction to Negan, but the end simply ruined it a little.

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Shout by Deleted

the worst episode ending ever

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you can breathe, you can blink, you can cry.

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Shout by VanZan

Rubbish finale. Negan was a disappointment. I thought he was going to talk them to death. Really poorly and cheaply done. Is Negan supposed to be scary? He looked like a really emaciated biker.

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I'm so tired of this trash show pulling shit like this boi I oughta

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Shout by Tee

If they follow the comic book, it's poor Glenn getting beat to nothing. :-(

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Shout by Pocho

A cheap cliffhanger, the ending killed the momentum of the story, it's not about who was killed, it's about the deep trauma that was left after the brutal incident and the decisions that took place after. It really was a missed opportunity.

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan was awesome. The cliffhanger was horrible, disrespectful and cheap. They could erase this whole episode and we would be almost in the same spot that in s06e15. That's HOW BAD this season finale was. Extending those ratings to the max! Maybe it's time to look for other shows. This one, apparently, is now using a formula.

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Shout by Deleted

Negan is supposed to be more boisterous, the show's Negan was so dry, hopefully that changes though. Personally I could have did with more Morgan/Carol and just let the cliffhanger be Negan stepping out the trailer saying who he is. Also the poorly done fake blood on the camera thing is lame.

Watch it be one of the characters that nobody cares about.

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Unbelievable! The pacing for most episodes this season has already been pretty slow and they pull that stunt for the finale.

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Shout by Jim222001

Waited for a whole week to see who would die to have to now wait until October to find out who Negan killed. At least you got some chilling work by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Shitty cliffhanger nevertheless.
I am leaning towards Maggie, Michonne, Eugene or Abraham the one killed.

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Waste of time. I can't believe they did that. Seriously????

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Glenn will die according to comic book

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