Awesome episode. Things getting interesting again. Was about to give up on this show, good thing they finally decided to enter the negan arc officially

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This episode was teeeeeense.... I was 100% sure for 42 minute & 39 seconds that they were walking into a trap. If I watched it again, I would still be 100% :-) The main reason I thought (still think) so is that Rick took all the best people with him, leaving their place to vulnerable and Jesus (I love that character though) is almost to good to be true (coming from an Atheist, hahaha )
Next episode is probably going to be EPIC :-)

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Who is this Negan bloke?

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Is Abraham having a midlife crisis? And damn that Gregory bitch deserved to get stabbed. But either way it would have been worth it, because Rick went full badass mode.
Was there even a child in that picture? It kinda looked like one of those ink pictures shrinks show to their patients. Overall a great engaging episode that promises some good shit in the future.

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I really like Jesus. I liked him in the comics, and I really like him here on the show. Please don't screw this up, please don't make him overly dramatic like every other character, please please please.

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Lucille is coming motherfucka! lol

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That's the calm before the storm i'm expecting great shit coming in the next episodes as this season is almost perfect so far!

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Pretty enjoyable, enough tense with this new Jesus character (though it's less the tense if you're familiar with the comics), introduction of new community, and the expected calm before the storm.

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Shout by Si_Crazy

I really like Jesus already, and it's great seeing Maggie stepping up and becoming a leader of the community. She has diplomacy as well as smarts to get a good deal for her people.
I gotta say the Abraham's possible love triangle already bores me. I love Abraham, and he definitely has the best lines in the show, his talk with Glenn made me laugh.
Glenn and Maggie and the whole baby talk, and everybody seeing the sonogram was adorable. It's like the baby gives them all hope for a better world.
I love that Rick and Michonne's relationship was done very organically. They're both adults, and in a way it's like everybody was already waiting for that to happen, so no fuss or drama.
The group is a bit too self confident, maybe because Dayl/Abraham/Sasha got rid of Negan's group so easily, but that makes me worry that Negan really will give them more trouble than they are expecting.

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Shout by Simon

One of those times when perhaps people are what they seem and aren't hiding a sinister plot.... or are they?

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this episode was for me basicly "blablablablaNEGANblablaNEGANblablablablaNEGAN!!!!!!" whyyyyy daryl????? who needa fucking food, you dont just volunteer to fight a crazy man. i am not ready. "it going coast us something" MAGGIE SAID THAT WHO WILL WE LOOSE I CANNOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT

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I guess you don't have to be a prophet to tell this will end very, very bad!

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So they need food that bad??! They willing to die for some food??!!

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it's going to cost them something, alright ;)

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Only thing I don't like is the way Jesus is being portrayed, he comes as a condescending douche on the show, but in the comics he's chill. Pretty unlikeable character portrayal so far.

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