I'm nearly done with season 9, but decided to go back and watch one of my favorite episodes. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that this is my favorite episode of "The Walking Dead". It's so contained, not convoluted or messy in any way. I was thinking to myself while watching this - someone who has never watched The Walking Dead before in their life could watch this episode and not really scratch their head once (with exception to a few throwbacks to the pilot episode, but its laid out pretty well).

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One of the best season 3 episodes really wish Morgan was more of a regular character his chemistry with Rick is great sadly didn’t get enough time with him.

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Shout by Darth

—-big spoiler for this episode—— I remember how excited I was to see Morgan come back, I use to google so many fan theories about where he was and when he might come back

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The only time where I hated Rick decision was not helping that poor guy on the road.

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that poor guy on the road though

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morgan :( i feel so bad for him. what a tragic life. idk how he's still standing... this show knows how to do drama.

great to see michonne and carl become besties

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"I see things." Ok mr grimes :smirk:

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