For those who have seen the rest of the show O_o could you imagine how crazy different the show would’ve been if Andrea would’ve killed the governor in his sleep

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Very disappointed by Andrea, to be honest. Girl, you can't have it both ways. It's ok to choose the guy, but don't act like you're a friend to the people you're betraying. The series is so good now, can't stop binging.

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this is so infuriating to watch bc IF ANDREA HAD JUST KILLED HIM NOW…. whatever. she has not changed since the shit with shane. she is doomed to be attracted to powerful manipulative men. i love beth’s song at the end because it almost gives a glimpse at what their life can be like if they survive this. it reminds us what they’re fighting for.

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when i thought the writers had already done andrea dirty enough, they made it worse...

loved her scenes with michonne tho. their drama delivers every time

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