I hate Carl so much, just die already

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"He needs blood. We gotta operate now." SAY WHAT???????? Getting scratched by a zombie infects you, but being freaking gutted by one doesn't???? Are you people stupid or what? This is just as stupid as that time when they found that gross zombie rotting in the well and they didn't shoot it right away because, according to them, the water might not actually be contaminated yet and shooting it would contaminate it????

I like this show but these people can be so stupid sometimes..

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R.I.P Dale one of fan favorites character of the show.

Loved that Darryl just revealed to Dale that he knows what Shane did to Otis, and thinks Rick even knows this detail.

And the most satisfying to see was Dale saying that the group is broken like what Darryl said earlier.

Dale ideals will live through Rick and he will do this again when he gave a chance to Negan.

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12 angry men as an episode of the walking dead.

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Well there goes the most sane and logical character they're done for now lol

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I can not stop crying.

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rip dale you would’ve loved Immanuel Kant’s ethical principles.

Every time I watch this I wish someone had told dale that they didn’t kill the kid before killing him!! he could’ve found a little bit of peace before dying

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someone commented here that this was a 12 angry men episode and i thought the same while watching! dale was a real one. the only sane man standing, and he got andrea on his side at the last minute! i feel like this is one of those moments that change the characters forever.

amazing ep. and im sorry but i can't stop myself from hating carl. idgaf that he's a kid

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pain, i feel only pain

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Shout by Evelyn

Just like in real life, the most incompetent ones are ruling for some reason. A family of most irresponsible, irrational, entitled, inconsistent of three.
And Rick saying "He followed us" - aren't a parent who isn't busy providing for the family supposed to keep an eye on the kid? Why does Carl runs around unattended, instead of being useful? And why is Lori never held responsible for anything? This starting to get on my nerves. And the last scene just shows that Daryl is the only strong character around. I hope we'll see more of him around.

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Fuck Dale and his stupid old ass. Spent the whole episode being stupid trying to save that kid's life, but at least he got fucked at the end. Won't be missed!

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Possibly my favourite in the season so far! The moral dilemma is super compelling, and Dale's continued struggle is really heartbreaking. I liked the part where Rick was finally able to stop himself when he saw what it was doing to his son. Sad ending, but I'm used to TV shows with sudden tragic deaths, and the "died before they could find out the one thing they wanted" trope sort of loses me as a result.

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Shout by KaKa

Carl!!!!!!!!! wtf!! Carl!!!!!!!!! why!!!!
If Carl hadn't done that in the first place.

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Shout by Deleted

I can't stop crying.

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