SERIOUSLY??? What's the point in saving him and wasting medical supplies on him if you're gonna throw him back to fend for himself against dozens of walkers??
And Rick.. oh Rick.. he really should have just left Shane behind. HE TRIED TO KILL YOU FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! Somebody please kill this arrogant fuckhead already..

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this show does such a great job at making you see both sides of every argument; no one is ever completely in the right. i definitely still hate shane but i can sympathize more with his character. i still love lori and will defend her on my life, but she’s definitely got a narrow minded perspective

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I think Andrea was right in this episode, Lori really is a highly entitled gal, and I still think that banging your husbands' best friend two seconds after he's dead is not so high and mighty, especially considering it wasn't a one-time slip, even with zombies all around. So, Shane's rage is somewhat understandable. And going "to look for him" alone without telling anyone - yes, stupid and irresponsible for both her children. Her character is really unlikable for me.
Andrea was also right when she said that Shane is making the right decisions but lacks communication skills, so Rick and Shane could have been really great leaders and have each other's backs if there wasn't for the situation with Lori (because Shane might have been less aggressive towards Rick if he hadn't thought about Lori as his woman).
And Shane could be pretty happy with Andrea. But where's the drama in that, haha. Great drama overall.

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I thought this was a great episode. The Rick/Shane alpha-male stand-off isn't exactly my favourite type of plot, but it was really intense here, and relateable on both sides! Shane is totally off the wagon, but I get where he's coming from. Rick struggling with how to handle him, and ultimately showing him compassion no matter what, is very interesting, and this season does a great job making the viewer question whether or not Rick's integrity and naivete are for the best. The plot back at the farm was super interesting, with Lori and Andrea both having flawed, but understandable perspectives. The argument between the two of them was painful to watch, but thrilling.

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