They really should not have shown that aerial shot of the incoming herd. Because that made it go from a slow reveal of the walkers to a "how the hell did you not notice them before now?" situation. There's simply no way they wouldn't have.

T-Dog got his arm sliced to fucking hell, but they don't even mention it again?? What happened? He just got magically better?

I like how Darryl has seemingly forgotten about his brother, and also is not quite such a bitter and racist asshole anymore. I wonder if that was already due to fan response of liking the character.

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never trusting another cute moment ever

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the guy taking a shot my god

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Coral was such a cute little boy.

Loved the fact that in this episode we see the first tandem mission between Rick and Darryl. I also like the fact that Darryl seem to forgot his brother Merle after this few episodes since we last saw his brother at season 1.

John Bernthal is such a perfect casting for Punisher his attitude and mannerism screaming to be the future Punisher since his early TWD days.

Even how Carol is upset of Rick rn she will be one of Rick's closest friend/ally in his inner circle, in the future season.

Loved that the groups is still figuring out their roles and still getting some new allies can't wait for Maggie's family to join the inner's circle of Rick.

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such a strong premiere lots of action and suspense some good character building foreshadowing really sets the tone for the season and set up the building blocks

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Hilarious episode I've seen so far XD

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