Let the beast beat the beasts!

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"what a man gotta do to get eaten 'round here?!"
"little pig, little pig... Come out, come out wherever you are"
JDM shines every time he's on screen. It's like that part was written for him.
I could totally handle Negan only episode.
Maybe something like "The New Adventures Negan and Lucille" or even better - " Negan - Apocalypse Nut Smacker"

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This season is really impressing me so far, easily the best season since 6, hopefully it stays that way.

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Finally! The Negan is BACK in the game! Negan has grown as a character. I really enjoyed seeing him interact with the kid and I am so glad they followed the comics and let him kill Brandon because he annoyed me the minute he opened his mouth. It's clear that Negan isn't the same Negan as before but also that Negan isn't a true villain, he has morals and code. and SHIT! I can't wait for his one on one with Beta!!!!!

Curious if Gamma is going to stick with her side it seems like she is having a hard time with Alpha's actions and maybe Aaron could be the key to winning her over and breaking up the entire party. Even though Alpha clearly wants Aaron to be the one who got played. Putting Gamma and Aaron together might work in her disadvantage in the long run.

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I loved rick... i end up hating rick.. i loved carl... i end up hating carl... i hated Nigan... mmm

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If Trakt allowed half ratings, this episode would have been a 7.5 - easily. BUT... the inclusion of Negan's explanation of nut taps brought this episode up to an 8/10. It felt like dialogue out of a Kevin Smith movie (who I'm a massive fan of).

That's really where The Walking Dead shines, in my eyes. I don't need to see endless zombie killing (though the barbed wire kill in this episode was BAD ASS). I prefer interesting dialogue, especially when it's about the pre-apocalypse. It feels relatable. I really like what they're doing with this season, and I wish that people who jumped off after season 7 or 8 would give the show another shot. IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME.

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Oh my god I love Daryl:sob:

Also omgomgomg Negan

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The final Negan scene was simply ICONIC

But... they gave the King cancer...? Really? Does Khary want to leave the show or something?

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Finally better episode. I still doesn’t understand how def people survived this long. It’s not possible.

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F*cking love Negan!
F*cking ship Connie and Daryl!
F*cking hated Brandon.
F*cking heartbreak about Ezequiel.
F*ck Magna.

Fucking A+ this season of TWD.

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F*cking love Negan!
F*cking ship Connie and Daryl!
F*cking hated Brandon.
F*cking heartbreak about Ezequiel.
F*ck Magna.

Fucking A+ this season of TWD.

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I think they dragged out the Negan character too long for anybody still being really interested in a Negan redemption arc.

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daryl been so sweet recently. negan back in action, let’s goooo. the chat w/ that boy was pretty cool.

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Alright... right?
Negan is so giving the story a gigantic boost.

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Shout by Deleted

I feel like for some reason, the writers feel compelled to add at least one stupid plot line for every decent plot line they have. The Negan one this episode was great (although I do feel like the Brandon kid did just suddenly come out of absolutely nowhere chanting “I’m Negan” that was quite convenient) and I am very interested to see where his storyline goes. I wonder if we’re being led to believe he’s changed or we’re being fooled, because Negan before still never would’ve harmed that woman and kid. The Kelly plot line was, however, just silly and needless, and I don’t really care for the Ezekiel story. Overall though, once again, I’m here for Negan. 7.5/10

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Shout by sisdog

Can we get to the point with this kid, and have Negan kill him? "Nut tapping" what the hell!?

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Just watched Season 10 episode 5..one word Brutal.. .

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