this episode makes me sob so damn much

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Judith is a little ass kicker

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Really enjoying the season so far. Even in an episode like this where relatively small things happen, you can feel the tension and a clear build up for what's to come.
Personally, I hope Lydia gets to find her place in the community, I kind of like her.

I think they should stop painting Negan as a villain amongst the characters. He clearly redeemed himself and it's what Aaron said in an earlier episode that in someone else's story you could be the villain. It reminded me of when the Rick and the gang first came to Alexandria and everyone was scared of them.

So glad the kiss between Michonne and Ezekiel (as seen in the trailer for this season and in this episode) was nothing serious. I like both characters but they are not a good match romantically. I do hope (after seeing this episode) that they bond as stronger friends.

The balance in characters feels good too now. I'm really glad we have characters like Luke and Eugene around to give this show some light in an overall dark story.

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Thank God for Negan. Please bring back Rick and quit with these philosophical episodes. This show got boring.

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Shout by BMW92

It was cool to see Negan as the hero for the second (second?) time while living in Alexandria, I dig that side of him a lot. I understand he knocked the brains out of TWO of my favorite characters, but he's slowly redeeming himself. He doesn't respect people who abuse/assault women, either violently or sexually - and that's something I can get behind.

AND if they follow the comics (spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't read them, and possibly spoilers for future episodes), Negan left Alexandria to make his way into the Whisperer's camp. He's going to slice Alpha's head off and bring it back to either Michonne, Aaron, or Carol (he brought it back to Rick and Andrea in the books, but clearly those characters aren't on the show anymore).

I like the way that this season is going (with exception to episode 2, but they can't all be bangers).

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Shout by Deleted

One thing I’ve noticed about TWD in terms of plot is that many of the events that happen, especially in more recent seasons, are so very forced just to further the plot, and this episode is no different. Events are either random, very convenient, or both. That being said, this episode had several nice human moments (as well as some silly conflict) and the Negan storyline remains by far the most interesting one as he looks to finally be set free. Nice music choices too. 7.5/10

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one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three

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Bro we actually Stan Negan for that ngl

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Shout by KD6-3.7
BlockedParent2019-10-27T10:31:36Z— updated 2022-09-30T09:27:17Z


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Filler... why not only do 8 or 6 episodes with good quality and good character development... so basically these are just fillers till we get to the mid season... too bad the 15 episode last season and the first one this season looked like new direction but now they are just trying to fill this with w/e stuff.. as usual.

Must of us are still watching because we are in season 10, and thats the reason. Remember Henry? Carlo/King son's and how it end up from him? do we need character development from the new ones... just let them hang around till you need to kill them... there are 1 or 2 that are actually regulars, focus on them... pfff

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i dont know whats going on

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It's just fillers after fillers getting tired of this crap, little to no progression, only negan had some character progression other then that just boring a pure waste of 45m

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That was bad, even for TWD. No plot progression, no character progression, no insights, just retreading old, old ground.

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Jeepers! What has happened to this show! Soft rock music plays, tree falls over, king panics, king goes to jump of cliff, Daryl cleans door, more soft rock music plays, the end. Crock of.

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It just seems that the more bad opinions about an ep there is the more I like it and vice versa. I liked this one. Most of the characters felt more real and true to themselves... more than in any other ep from Rick's death pretty much. Yes, one of the pluses is that there were no Whisperers.
Oh and the 10th season feels so fresh without Maggie. I can finally breathe without the anger when she comes of on my screen. But it seems Carol is steping in her shoes... hope she will come to her senses but I semi understand that the lost of her son can fog her reason for a bit.

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This epsiode was actually pretty cool, love this new (hero)negan.

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Yeah.....the opening was weird....and I'm liking Negan now too

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That was a Walking Dead episode right.

- "There are only fours beds in the infirmary!" whelp, guess we can't take care of all our wounded
- "ok yall, cut off the roof of these cars cause it'll be more western-like"... "but what if it rains?" "but what if them zambies come a knockin' won't they be able to... "STFU we doin this"
- guess the kid never had blood on their face even though he's been in a zombie apocalypse for the past 5 or more years
- PTSD guy is having a PTSD moment is getting annoying
- Maybe if you don't stand there being cool 'n shit you would have noticed the 2 zombies flanking you
- What happens when a tree falls and one guys hears it... a whole lot for nothing
- "They're a pack"... "where theres one there sure to be others"... no shit Einstein.

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