Well... It seemed like the episodes were getting slightly better, and then we got this. A modest attempt to make us care about 'Princess' however it's really late in the game to make us try to care about a new character. It's also REALLY obvious where the episode is going, so it's really just spinning the wheels. Then when the episode is about to end you think you're gonna get some substance but nope, that's too much to ask for. One of the most unnecessary episodes of any show I've ever seen, which says a lot given how many unnecessary episodes this show has already produced.

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I'm surprised the writers of this show aren't unemployed by now. I wouldn't employ them to clean my shoes. Compete nonsense. It's probably time it was cancelled.

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Just skip the first 40 minutes and you're fine

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Well, that was an hour of my life I won't ever get back.

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does everyone who watches this show and comments just have nothing to say except bitch about how bad it is? shut up and let people enjoy the show, stop watching if you don't like it. it's that simple.

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Actually, I appreciated the minimalism of this episode.

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I actually really enjoyed this episode, one of my favourites of the season. I don't really see why people didn't like it. Princess is one of the most likable new characters in years

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What the hell was this???? Did the writers have a bad day or something? 40 minutes lost of my life

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I saw the twist coming. But it was still a little creepy when it happened.

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What an absolute load of garbage that was. When the episode finished my wife kept asking me how I can watch such rubbish? Unfortunately I had no response as I was still a little comatose.:head_bandage:

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An episode you can just skip, nothing happens. It's like a bad, low-budget, short movie shot in the same location for 35 minutes (because it does not even last 40 minutes).

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One of the worst episodes of TV I've ever seen. Does anyone seriously give a shit about Princess?

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This show is dying. Now they bring in storm troopers lol

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Talk about a boring ass episode. The whole thing was in a dam train trailer....

This new chick is obnoxious.

This episode is so bad it was hard to watch.

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i actually liked this episode. just sick of that hallucination shit that they’re trying to pull.

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Skip the first 15 minutes after the intro for your own good

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Shout by daunte

they've way overdone the hallucination shit and although princess has potential we didn't need another episode like this right after the last one, especially when that one was significantly better and you know, all the events in it actually occurred?

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I have come to a conclusion that this extended part of the season didn't need to happen.
I do not mind side stories or developing characters more, but these episodes should have been saved for THE WALKING DEAD: ORIGINS, which seems like a much better platform to tell these stories. I think they would have been better received if they presented these last few episodes that way, and not part of the main storyline, because these don't really advance it at all. They're just side quests

I enjoyed the last 2 episodes but I'm growing tired of this type of filler at this point. Like I said I would have appreciated this more as special episodes....

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The second half of this season is so dogsh*t

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What is this crap? The show used to feel real even if you weren't a fan of the Negan seasons (I was) but the concept of skin masks tanked the show and now we're actually dedicating a full episode to the wacky Princess character? I don't care what happened in the comics; if this was it they should have deviated and written something exclusively for the show.

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That into with princess… she tells a story and in the end she forgets what’s the point she was trying to make? Yeah that represents “The walking dead”

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This show has splintered my head.

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Who else thinks Ezekiel looks like the Predator?

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Didn't think I'd enjoy this episode as much as I did. It was the weaker one of these six additional episodes but it was quite nice to learn more about Princess. She's a pretty cool character. The episode itself felt too much like filler though.

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One of the better episodes of the last few seasons.
the crazy princess

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Remember when Rick saw Lori all the time when she died? Yeah they do that every season now. Stop with the hallucinations bs.

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Luke, I am your farther ...

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Very very bad! But I didn't expected any different at this point. Ms Kang should be looking for a different job.

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So bad! The history is slowdown

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So bad, the history is slowly.

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So bad, the history is slowly.

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One of the most boring episodes I can recall... Nothing really happens... My time was wasted

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Such captivating storytelling. Princess gets a splinter, OMG. Such drama, so much tension....

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Was on 9gag while I watched it.

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That was very short and I wanted to see more happen. I wouldn't be disappointed if they had another episode to go along with this one so we could get more of the story. But I will say that "Princess" (Paola Lázaro) did a pretty damn good job with the acting that she had to do.

Now as usual, I'm going to watch the after show (Talking Dead) and get a little more insight. Not that Trakt.tv can keep up with what is actually available.

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Shout by kazhuveri

Does she whine like a bitch throughout the episode ?

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