sooner this ends the better. it's clear the writers and actors have given up on it

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Is this being shot on video from now? I hope not, I'd miss the grimy, gritty texture of 16mm.

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unlike the previous filler episodes, this one was really good on its own

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i really have never cared for either aaron or gabriel as characters before but this was a great episode.

that russian roulette scene reminded me a lot of the deer hunter

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no, not one more. please not one more. please. just stop. no more.

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Couldn't've made it this boring even if I tried really hard

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this is probably my favorite ""filler"" episode in the whole show (unless there's something better in the last 26 episodes, which I doubt)

edit: I said this and then the negan episode happened so.................idk ? may be a tie.

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Now that Prodigal Son was canceled. I wish they could just bring back Jesus (Tom Payne). He was more interesting than Aaron.

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This is the most boring piece of shit I have ever seen

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Toilet paper.

Gabriel was so brutal...

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Excellent writing and performance by otherwise side characters.
Well done story, that really shows an introspective side of TWD we have not seen in a very long time.

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You can tell this was shot during Covid based on the socially distanced zombies before the opening credits :-)

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What was the point of this episode? Waste of time. You can skip it, you’ll learn nothing new.

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Not gonna lie, this wasn't half bad...

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As a stand alone story it was good…

On the other hand… “the speech” is like making me believe in the series again and the end just reminds you where at you at this whole series which lasted like 7 seasons longer that it should have

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This show has become one giant POS.

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Wow a Walking Dead episode that I actually liked. Started out slow but finished pretty good.

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Well... the problem with doing couple episodes focusing on different characters is when you don't have enough interesting characters... x.x

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I didn't think I'd enjoy an episode of following around Aaron and Gabriel. Never been a big fan of Gabriel but this episode (like the previous two) was intense mixed with some nice fun moments. An unlikely duo that worked really well. It also proved once again that the walkers aren't the real threat out there but humanity itself is its own worst enemy.

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Boring first half, tense second half, but plot armour prevails. I'd expect in a final season we might start to see some bodies, but no risk of that.

I'm glad they still do this kind of minimalist episode - just wish they'd remember to make them good.

I did love the way that even the zombies looked exhausted. Even they're sick of it all by now...

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better than the previous episode, but still needless filler that added nothing to the ongoing storyline

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A fairly uninteresting and wheel-spinning first half was rescued by the appearance of Robert Patrick in the second half. That said, considering this is the finale stretch of the final season of this show, this episode didn't feel like it moved the story forward at all, which feels marginally unforgivable at this stage.

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It was better than the last two. That being said this went from being an edge of your seat show to being a show where you don't even pause if you need to take a piss. It's time for the swan song, and somewhat nauseating realizing it'll still continue in some form even after it "ends". All good stories have endings, and this show's lack of one turned it from great to mediocre.

Gabriel does a whole speech making you care about him, finally, then by the end of the episode reminds you he's still a piece of shit. Time to die in the water tower and wrap this up!

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That was actually pretty good...

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That was actually pretty good...

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great episode, albeit continuity bluff with the gag! hah

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