Shouts about...

The Walking Dead 2010

Ends on cliff hanger. Starts new ep. 5 minutes in its good. next 40 minutes its quite disappointing. Ends on cliff hanger. Repeat.

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This is bad. A bad, slow, poor adaptation from the comics. And, hell, I watched it through 4 1/2 seasons... I mean, c'mon, 1st season is great! 2nd is ok. 3rd is meh. But 4th? 4th is "what the hell are the producers doing to this show?" horrible. And now they announce that the 6th (FU*&%ING 6TH!!!) season will have... ZOMBIES?? Isn't this SUPPOSED to be a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE SHOW? And they announce zombies as if it was a great turn of events in the show... Really? o.O

No, don't bother telling me what happened to the show after the first half of 4th season. I'm pretty sure I can sum that up in only three syllables: "bla bla bla"...

I give it 2 hearts. And that is because 1st and 2nd seasons really entertained me, despite what they did to some characters (like... what? 19 episodes to kill Shane? Seriously? Why? And why is Lori so annoying? Someone please kill her!! \o/ YESSS! Thank you Carl! That's my boy!! Now I can stop watching this crap! Oh no, wait! The Governor appears! YESS!! ............. Aaaaand, he's boring. -_-' ).

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who doesn't like zombies. fascists.. that's who!

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After the 3rd or 4th season it gets really hard to watch. I will use the word 'boring' because I cannot stay focus in any episode by any means, after those first four seasons. I only force myself to watch it because I've already seen the 7 seasons, but it is really painful.

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S01E01: Woah, this is going to be an awesome show!

S10E04: ARRGH Make it stop!

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There was a time, maybe, when this show was watchable. Now is just a ridiculous succession of idiotic episodes, one after the other. Writers wander in the dark with no ideas where they are going worse than our beloved Infected.
Is just not worth it.

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People get zombified, communities form amongst those that don't -- many get killed or turned into zombies and new uninfected characters arrive to replace them. Repeat this plot outline over and over again and you've got the basic idea of the series. First season was OK, but the repetitive nature of "The Walking Dead" had me bored shortly into season 2.

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Too repetitive, should have ended in three seasons.

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Save yourself the torture. This show has gone down hill. Don’t bother wasting your time watching like I did.

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This show has nothing going for it anymore. It's predictable, repetitive and boring. The story is just going in circles, and beating the same old dead horse.

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Should've stopped watching after Season 2, because from there on out it doesn't get any better anymore. I stopped watching after 6x03.
My guide: Watch S01, skip S02, watch S03 (not sure about S04). S05, no idea anymore what happened and S06 is very tiresome and should be avoided (unless it gets better after x03, but I highly doubt it).
It seems like the show just has completely lost his pace, if it ever had any.

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This once was the best show on TV but now it’s the worst show ever. Anyone starting this show, I would recommend watching the first 4-5 seasons, after that you can say you’ve seen the walking dead.

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Walking Dead has really gone down hill for me. Not as good as what it used to be.

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Yes, the show get bad and they streched it hard. But, TWD is like being in a toxic relationship. She is bad for you and you know it, but you can't let her go, you're too attached at this point. And the numeros spin-offs are like her kids from another dude.

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It started great and ended badly. Same as game of thrones.
Watch till Rick Grimms Ride the hilicopter.
Season 8,9,10,11 is dead to me

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I watched the series until season 5 and I couldn't watch anymore because it got repetitive.

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And its finished! The first ever show I fell in love with. Its had its major ups and downs but overall it was a solid show filled with emotion, intense scenes and loveable characters.

The earlier seasons were definitely The Walking Dead's "prime" but the show never failed to somewhat deliver. I'll hold this show very fondly and very closely in my heart and remember it as the TV masterpiece it was.

If you've never watched The Walking Dead and you're reading this, give it a chance and join the TWD Family, it'll be rough at times but boy it'll be worth every second.

Thank you, The Walking Dead 2010 - 2022

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Garbage, garbage, garbage. This really should’ve been a 3 season (at most) show. The nonsense in the later seasons has ruined the show. The continued storyline makes sense from a graphic novel perspective but really doesn’t work when translating the same story to the screen for past 10 years. Because the story line is the same at every arc; a new set of assholes are introduced, the main characters flex their muscles first, then they get their arrogant bitch asses handed to them, they become humbled, regroup, a big flight sequence happens, they win & become arrogant bitches again, and the whole thing starts all over again. Watch the first 3 seasons & skip the rest.

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Shout by Deleted

I think you have to be a bit retarded or undergo a lobotomy to enjoy this show from Season 2 onward. Only then you can relate to erratic and senseless behaviour of most of the main characters and absurd logical errors in the script... I just cannot. I think the screenplay is written by a random brainless monkey just as a stylised background for a mediocre splatter show.

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Uhh...what exactly is The Walking Monger?

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Just the 1ª season was a little good, it seems like the are always doing the same thing.

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let me tell you something

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Shout by thoroc

This show should be renamed the Talking Beds. It is that boring. The characters could learn from time to time. But no instead they will repeatedly make the same stupid mistake again and again, and cry about it. A lot. In fact most of the show is them crying about what they have done so far. And if I were any of them I would do the same, because they haven't done a lot in 8 seasons; Rick is still a shitty leader that should have been killed by his own people for the good of the rest of them.

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Worst episode ever. Stupid dialogues, no story content or further development. Waste of time!
(How can the average rating in this app be 4???)

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Shout by Deleted



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I watch this show because I hate it and I'm hoping the idiocy of the characters will finally bite them in the ass and kill them. None of them are fit to rebuild civilization. Honestly, this show has the most incompetent batch of writers ever assembled.

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I really wanted to like this series, but it just doesn't make sense imho.
One day Zombies are smelling humans, the other day they are able to hide in plain sight. One day there are no zombies at all while they do shooting practice, the next day they get overrun because of one gunshot (a little kid doing a headshot with shaky hands right past his dad) while they have to conserve ammo. Not mentioning Zombies breaking through cars but other zombies not able to trespass a simple fence or headshots with a shotgun out of a driving car. The first episode was so promising :|

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First few seasons are fresh and fun to watch...after that it feels like a real chore to keep up soooooooooooooo bye bye

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They had the same loop of storyline repeated in every season: They run, they find shelter, they go out for food, someone gets bitten, they get overrun, and they have to find somewhere new. Rinse and repeat for like 10 seasons.

It’s basically a soap opera with zombies.

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perfect untill season 5... then it got washed down and stuck on a rinse/repeat cycle. lost interest after season 6, continued "watching" untill end of season 8 wishing for the show to get good again... I gave up sorry.

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Lemme tell you how this series is:

The starting episodes and the ending episodes are goddamn epic no doubt about it, but why do you feel it that way?
That's because the rest of the episodes are complete big pile of dried up horseshit that has been dragging along a concrete road, so when you see something satisfying even if it's by a small degree, it feels epic. And that is the successful formula of this show.
It's gonna keep dragging and continue like that because it's nowhere near the ending

And that's what it is.

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terrible story line, was very disapointing maybe the writers improve or change for next season

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Last season was crap. This one started awful so no more walking dead for me

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Just bumped my original "10" rating down to a 7, seems like they have lost the essence that made this show great. still gonna ride this till the end and enjoy the excellent action along the way.
Any one in to zombies should watch, you'll love the first couple of seasons

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incredible how they managed to milk 11 seasons and 177 episodes out of a 12 episode story

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Absolute chore to watch beyond S1. My recommendation for anyone who still hasnt seen this: watch S1, treat it as a miniseries and run away as fast as you can. I got too deep and the completionist in me demands I hate-watch it. It's hot Georgia garbage from S2 on you'll only grow to hate all the characters and just want everyone to die...except Daryl probably. I'm team horde and extinction now, look at what they did to me!

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Just end already. For god's sake.

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Used to watch Walking dead couple of years ago, left it after it kinda got bored of it. Now trying to rewatch it with my wifey, she wanted to try watch series with zombies (she usually hate zombies) that why i was kinda surprised about it. Now i'v seen only first season completly and just started second season, and slowly but surely trying to get back in the series. Lets try to rewatch this i quess.

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30% of episodes seem to be in the dark so there was nothing to see, might save energy but not entertaining.

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Fuck this show. Go watch Black Summer. They have lower budget & do a better job then this has been show.

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I do not know why I'm still watching this, but this is so bad I'm ashamed to say anything to stay decent

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The Walking Dead has become a dead show walking.

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I have officially decided to stop watching this TV show. It has been dragged on for too long. This first season I was so hyped about, it seemed like such a crazy idea 'What if you wake up like that one day?'. But after 9 seasons it has become very boring. The episodes are predictable and boring. Every episode ends with a cliffhanger and the next episode is exciting for a few minutes and then gets boring really fast. I wish they would've quit when it was still a hype so people would be bummed out it ended, in stead of being bored to death by a story line that has been dragged out for too long.

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I'm only watching TWD on obligation and because I crossed a line with no turning back, dammit I had the chance to give up on season 4. I should feel bad for saying it, but FUCK NO, every season finale I hope to be the last bloody episode I have to watch
Please ... does the investment on this show still worth for AMC, FOX, or whatever company holds the rights of exibition? cmooooooooon, stop being profitable, I'm tired

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This show really disappointed me. I used to be a fan of TWD, but the emptyness of the episode and the numerous cliffhanger changed my opinion on it. I stopped at the start of season 6 and feel like nothing has happened to make the show go on, the story stays the same but in a different location. When will it end ..?

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This show is painful to watch. Just skip forward.

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shame there is such lousy conversations for such a good series... last nights took a twist which i liked, going back in time to give us a insight into some people are are like what they are.

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Surely the later seasons are not very "apocaliptic" and they lost the apocaliptic vibe, but the show kept its "character development" part very well written throughout all episodes. If you started watching this show for zombies then you might get a little disappointed. The show gets a lot of hate for killing certain characters which is something interesting given that the show's antagonists are zombies and bad people.

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crap show , takes to long. lots of blabla. trying to extend it as long as possible. waste of time

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I’m allowed to be a little sad.

So it has come to an end. The Walking Dead started strong, went downhill after S6 but picked up again towards the end of S10. Despite its ups and downs, TWD will forever be a show that I cherish — for its compelling writing and the great many characters that I have come to love. Genuinely contented with the ending, thought they did a great job wrapping up the story and building up for the spin-off.

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3 years for one season,they should stop producing it I think

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after 3 seasons and a half, it's painful to watch.

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This used to be such an incredible show, so sad to see it go downhill like it has. Thankfully it is finally ending, I wish they would have gone out on top quite a few seasons ago like Breaking Bad did.

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Exposition upon exposition upon exposition upon exposition upon exposition. I used to care about a main character being killed but now I just wish they'd all die. Gone from The Walking Dead to Dead Show Walking.

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I really enjoyed the first season and stuck with it through the second, despite it feeling repetitive. I gave up in the third because it was too samey and the interpersonal dynamics I enjoyed in the first season were lost. I would recommend first season and maybe second but no more.

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Used to be my favorite show, then it kept going, and going, and going, but unlike the energizer bunny this has run out of batteries and needs to set an end destination before it walks itself dead without any viewers left.

Would have been best if it had ended when they showed up at Alexandria and Rick heard the kids playing, ya know, before they all got murdered too.

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I HAVE SEEN EVERY SINGLE EPISODE SO FAR. THIS IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIME. I just wish that Darryl and Caroll would get together already.

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Didn't like all the dead people

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OK season 9 episode 8 made this new season worth it. I hope when it comes back the writers don’t keep putting in nonsense talking parts that lead to nowhere except waste time. Can’t wait to see the new villains when this show returns.

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damn so much talking talking and talking in this show pffff

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Shout by Anais Ordóñez
BlockedParent2018-04-19T01:10:21Z— updated 2018-05-30T23:26:55Z

This is the most overrated show ever. And for what? Like 3 minutes of "intense" action and 40 minutes of the slowest fucking plot alongside useless conversations between really boring, bland, sad and angry characters. This is a bad, bad show. It is fucking awful. The show is supposed to be based on the WALKING DEAD! ZOMBIES! Yet, characters get so used to turning into "badass" zombie assassins that they are able to murder zombies within 2 minutes of the episodes. The show spends a shit ton of time on conversational scenes that are so irrelevant. Not to mention the replacement of zombies for protagonists to attack the "bad side" of human people. Not the dead! So irrelevant.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best and Amazing show I love this show !!

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I'm going to stop watching after the 7th season. it's too dragging now. the first few seasons were great, but lately it feels like it's all going downhill. the plot is getting cyclical. I'll only watch once they start finding out how this zombification started, until then, ciao.

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of the best tv shows iv ever watched.

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Shout by Deleted

Problem with this show is too many episodes they cant keep the peace aftter one or two good episodes there is few bad.There will be a lot of action in Negan story.If they dont split this story for 2 seasons, 7 season should be amazing.

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Is it just me that hates Rick Grimes and his stupid family? The series would be much better without them.

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Great show. I didn`t like the zombie theme in movies or tv shows, but this is amazing...

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I'm not the biggest fan of zombies. But after watching 5 seasons certainly I'm a fan of this tv show. Why? I think it's the atmosphere and the development of the characters. In my opinion the actors do a great job. I don't know the comics, so I'm curious how it goes on.

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If all the other series would had the same incoherent plot and would been badly acted, like happens in this show, we would have drown in a shit of apathetic tv series.

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As much as I enjoy this show but my common sense just refuse to let me fall for the whole zombies constantly eating people business. Dead people walk but can't run. Alive people can run. So run. It's that simple to stay alive. You don't even need to fight them and kill them.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

i dropped this show. i stuck with it for 3 full seasons. i kept watching it cos i really wanted it to be a good show. i knew deep down that it wasnt though. i always believed that it was just on the verge of what i wanted it to be. i havent read the comics and so am not saying that i was comparing it to anything, but man, this just isnt a good show. i think honest trailers best puts together all the things that work against it. i watched the first ep of s04 and just couldnt take it any more. i deleted all 3 seasons in one swift click of the mouse.

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Season 3 was AWFUL. Dropped.

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Finally back, can't wait till I have time to sit down and watch it!

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awesome show, but I have only watched season 1 so far. But I am really excited for the rest :)

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Way to end the season!!! YAY!

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last episodes are back in the same amazingness from s01

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So the first season was a great surprise. However, terrible acting, budget cuts, (very) weak plot, and shameless product placement have taken this show out of my collection. I'm really not sure I can even give it a second chance.

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Shout by Deleted

I must say the first season was great and this one.... Ach well dropping it Boring as F....

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boooring as f*ck

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I'm a big zombie fan and a lot of people I admire are involved in this show. A Breaking Bad director and a Lost director each directed one episode.

That being said, the characters and the writing for this show are pretty poor. They're doing a good job with making the zombies seem realistic, but the characters seem fake and shallow. A lot of the plot devices are equally predictable.

I'm hoping they can do more with the second season. I'll still be watching, but it's been a disappointment so far.

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Shout by Deleted

Such a Epic Show. So sad Season 2 doesn't start til October 2011

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Agreed, this show is awesome. AMC in general has awesome shows.

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As much as I loved The Walking Dead, it sadly got less interesting near the end. I think I lost big interest after the Whisperers ended. Despite that it’s a show I’ve always loved and will no doubt watch again! So glad I got to grow up watching this show when it was released season after season!

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As of writing this, I am 29% in. The first season was good, the second meh, but now it's gone on so long it's just gotten repetitive. I find I hit skip a few times each episode, and it makes no difference at all. I may watch more in the future, but for now, I think I've seen enough.

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Started out alright but by season four I was done. Can’t believe it lasted as long as it did.

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I can't believe I've forced myself to watch all of it. Seasons up to 8 were good, but from 8 onwards it's meh. Season 7 was peak, I fucking love Negan. Season 9 and 10 are so boring. I agree with others, it gets repetitive a lot. At least they wrapped the series up alright. Not very important, but my favourites were everyone from the Grimes' family, Negan, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie and some others.

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Used to be good during its initial phase but now it has purely gone to shit. Nothing more than a zombie soap opera, don't watch it, you'll be disappointed!

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Seasons 1&2: 9/10
Season 3: 8/10
Season 4: 7/10
Season 5: 6/10
Season 6: 5/10
Season 7: 4/10…

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To be specific 9.7

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Walking Dead’:

  1. It is a TRAVESTY that I have to rate this series a 7, because it’s had so many level-10 moments throughout its long run. It was a global sensation for a reason. But some seasons were stronger than others, and later storytelling didn’t seem to come as naturally, and effectively, as it once did. Still, nobody can deny this show’s epic impact on pop culture.

  2. The best part of this show? THE CAST. The barrage of faces that’ve come and gone have been immense, and never lacked quality. Every single one of these actors nailed it, even when the writing failed them. They are the heart and soul of this story. And I’ve gotta throw Greg Nicotero in there too. So. Much. Talent.

  3. Yeah, it should’ve ended earlier. I feel like that’s a general consensus amongst everyone. Story and proper closure were seemingly sacrificed for cash. But it IS worth the ride. Even tho it can occasionally be a challenging one.

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After season 6 the events becomes more snd more like a puzzle, you need to solve it to be able to understand the context, time-line is messed up, you can get frustrated easily from this show.

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tv show was the walking dead, ya bit

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That certainly was the walking dead. ya bit

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Shit show has finally ended.

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Finally over! A good show overall with its ups and downs.
Can't wait to see Daryl visiting Paris tho /s

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The first five or six seasons were amazing! Some of the most engaging, awe-inducing TV I've seen. If they had the sense to quit while they were ahead, this would've gone down as a truly phenomenal show. But, as it all too often happens with shows of this caliber, they didn't, and unsurprisingly the quality of the show dropped precipitously. Seasons 7 and 8 were poor, 9 was decent enough, and 10 was genuinely awful. The covid-era "bonus episodes" were truly the icing on the cake, as all but one of them were absolute garbage (chasing a mouse for 40 minutes?!?! GTFO.) and really underscored the destitution in the writer's room at this point. But the show runners don't even have the decency to hobble across the finish line with dignity. Instead they announce the introduction of multiple spin-offs for multiple characters after the show supposedly ends. They ALREADY have Fear and the World Beyond, so this makes how many spin-offs? 6? 7? 8? I've actually lost count. Just do TWDverse and its audience a huge favor and put us both out of our misery...please...

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This show should have ended after S5 or even before that - it would’ve been a 9/10 at least. The rest is just not worth it tbh. Shame really…

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this is one of my top favourite tv shows of all time! gotta love those zombies :D

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