I finished hating twd passed season 5 and didn't finish watching it, have no interest in doing so. all the spin-offs we're garbage so my expectations weren't high for this one. turns out I really love it, episodes and story is engaging and yes, there are bad guys but they don't follow ted garbage routine of oh no another vilain, omg they're not going to make it, they made it it's a miracle! watch this, it's worth your time!

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Huge potential with France and potentially country around France.
France have lot of place to be safe in case of apocalypse, like religious place for example.
I hope we will see a modern France and not France like we imagine in US

If it's realistic we can totally imagine to see people from army (like legion), see isolated community in countryside.
I wait a lot about Paris, because this city have lesser chance than other cities to survive in apocalypse like twd.

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I like the first episode, i was not expecting it. So far so good and i notice similarities with "The Last of Us" which is a good thing i think. :fire::fire::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Too much French. He could've ended up in the UK, not in some random country. You have to constantly read subtitles, because 90% of the dialogues are in French. Very weird and bad choice.

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I lost interest in TWD a season after Rick Grimes died. This spin isn't a breath of fresh air, but I did enjoy it for what it is and wouldn't mind watching it. I think they should keep it as a mini-series with 6 episodes.

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I was intrigued at first, but I lost interest as it went on. An unpopular opinion, but I've never much cared for Daryl, and I don't really care about any of these new characters either. I suppose it was better than some of the later seasons of The Walking Dead though. If there's a season 2, I doubt I'll watch it.

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Another great companion piece to The Walking Dead saga. It was interesting to see Daryl in a completely different setting and yet somehow familiar. It was great to see Carol at the very end as well - makes me REALLY want to see a Daryl & Carol series. It doesn't hurt that I've got a little crush on the Carol character :) .

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I really loved this one especially near the end.. much better than Negan.. let's see what Rick brings!

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I kinda like it, presumably just because Dixon is a cool character.
The boy Laurent is really annoying...

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I'm just watching now, this is going to be interesting! :nerd:

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Shout by Slava Petrov
BlockedParent2023-09-11T19:39:00Z— updated 2023-09-20T19:10:55Z

A good character to make a movie about, and a plot that could be interesting. Unfortunately, this one goes the same wrong road as the other series in the franchise - a naive storytelling full of cliches and platitudes. EDIT: OK, the second episode is much better than the first one. Will give it another try...

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I love Daryl so Im gonna watch it (even tho I need him to have a happy ending with Connie) but I already hate the premise of this show

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As a French, I would prefer this version of Paris than the socialist one we currently have .... it is cleaner ... :)

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This serie is soooooooooooo dull ..

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i think IT doesnt feel Like the walking dead world, even If Daryl ist still him. expanding the Story to other countrys doesnt make IT interesting. Just Focus in the characters and on the zombies in us where IT all started

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Although it may seem like a fresher incursion by moving the character to Europe, it ends up being a repetition of common places that have been seen in the saga in recent years. It seems unable to come up with new ideas that don't sound like what we've seen before, while Daryl Dixon, who is more talkative when he is in a foreign country than when he was in the United States, doesn't seem to evolve much from a stagnant character. long time. In line with the formulaic narrative line that Angela Kang has brought to the series, this is once again an unnecessary and mediocre spin-off.

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Hey you know what this didn't suck (like dead city)! I was pleasantly suprised, I would say this is the best spinoff of the original series.
I didn't even hate the kid & the France angle. I like that they showed a bit more focus on new zombie science & some beginning of the end scenes honestly need more of that.

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you would think that a spin off featuring Daryl would be really good, it's not. i expected to see Daryl traveling the country getting into all kinds of adventures while he searches for Rick and Michonne. what we get instead is daryl stranded in France and saddled with an annoying nun and a boy with a destiny. it's slow and boring and not even remotely interesting

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It's getting better and better!

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I resent the subtitles making it so I have to pay closer attention than the show needs.

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That's what TWD needed, subtitles

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Daryle Dixon goes Joel Miller.

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Watching Season 1 so far has sadly felt like a bit of a chore. It's been so fun to see Daryl back in action and I've been trying so hard to get back into the swing of watching the show - but so far it's just been so slowly paced and little to no action at all that nothing has been truly gripping me. Perhaps it was my expectations going into it, expecting something like the main walking dead with action packed episodes left right and centre. I've been putting off finishing it because I've just been bored in the episodes I've watched so far. Hopefully once I finish the series, my review will change. For now though? Sadly disappointed.

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This franchise needs to die die die die die die die die die die

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Yeah... Ehm NOOOOO! No point, no reason, no plot, no talent nothing. TWD died when they reached Alexandria! That's it. Norman doesn't have the talent to carry the original francise or this thing whetever it is. You're just r@ping a dead corpse here! Let the francise rot in peace. RATE 2/10

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if this deals with the source of the virus I'm good... but it sounds like it's going to be a bit unbelievable. Fingers crossed it's good.

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Another one ????? five words check

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And they keep milking it, but it's very dry.

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Leaving a comment cuz I want to watch this after watching everything in order. I bet it will take me until 2033.

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@AlienProber: mmhhhh, ain‘t that shitshow dead already??!!?!d la Last time I checked I was pretty sure it would not survive another summer (aka season renewal). But they cheated death himself by killing (or euthanizing) the main show publicly before everyone’s eyes and quietly gave the horrible shitshow aka „the original spin-off“ yet another season to slowly rot away. AND (those fucking geniuses) sneaked through another spin-off through the cat flap;-) At least there is fan favorite and tough-guy Darryl „hold my beer“ Dixon as the lead character for this new lore experiment (orwhatever). I am just waiting for the day someone stumbles across the OG himself (Rick „Overkill“ Grimes) !!!! So let’s wait and see and test the newest „ideas“ they put
in DD‘s own experiment.

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no i like dead city much more bye daryl

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