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The Twilight Zone

Season 3

CBS resurrects its cancelled Twilight Zone revival for a limited 30-episode Season 3 just to get the series to syndication length. And as one would expect, it comes off as the half-asses, uninspired production that it was. Robin Ward takes over narrating duties, but doesn’t bring the same sense of foreboding and mystery. The episodes too are pretty lackluster, coming off as rather generic and tame compared to the previous seasons; case in point, the remake of the original series episode “A Game of Pool,” which has no passion or edginess. However, there are some highlights, such as Rod Serling’s “Our Selena is Dying,” “Memories,” and “Special Service.” Also, the guest cast is able to garner several notable stars; such as Marc Singer, Louise Fletcher, Dean Stockwell, and Janet Leigh. Yet Season 3 of The Twilight Zone has no aspirations, and delivers the most bland and forgettable season of the ‘80s revival.

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