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The Twilight Zone 2019

Disappointment. I'm dropping it after 6 episodes. I love TTZ, have seen almost every episode from the original series. Was hoping this was going to be great. Sat through 6 hours of nonsense & can't bring myself to watch episode 7 & 8. This new series is just outright terrible.

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Shout by sp1ti
BlockedParent2019-05-05T19:42:35Z— updated 2019-05-27T00:40:51Z

I have never seen the old "Twilight Zone" but heard a lot about it so my expectations of a "modern" adaptation were quite high... and apparently way off. None of the episodes had a particularly interesting gimmick or explored that in any meaningful way. Instead the episodes end up being quite boring, sometimes goofy and just not very good... this also partly because in 2019 you have to include an important message in each episode, regardless of cost.

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Shout by abetancort
BlockedParent2019-08-21T23:40:44Z— updated 2019-09-27T00:02:26Z

Well, just plain and simple entertainment. It can’t be compared the original (1959) in B&W, which was and still is a true TV masterpiece. But unfortunately this run clearly don’t measure up.

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Shout by Bryan
BlockedParent2019-04-14T17:36:32Z— updated 2019-05-05T02:17:15Z

Just got done with the pilot episode (The Comedian) of the new Twilight Zone and .... wow .... all I can say is that it'd better step up it's game . The first episode was was not lacking in acting talent , the story on the other hand was absolutely boring and unoriginal . It was a rip-off of several well known ideas . The first thing that came to my mind was "Death Note" mixed with a backwards "It's A Wonderful Life". The story was predictable and had zero surprises . Strangely enough , in 1957 , a pre-Twilight Zone Rod Serling adapted a novel for an episode of a TV show called Playhouse 90 . That episode was also called "The Comedian" , it shared NOTHING other than name in common with the new Twilight Zone episode . It's a crime to attach Serling's name to this episode , it was very difficult to sit through the whole thing .

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The underlying thought that this modern reboot of Twilight Zone left with me is that it was nothing but a missed opportunity. The criteria to return to the series is twofold; you need to have a bunch of unique tales to make it stand out from Serling's original to make it worthwhile, which they don't, and secondly do that one thing more directly (in an era that almost demands it) that Serling couldn't, in to approach the themes and societal issues more directly than the creator couldn't back in the 50s. Rod Serling once said "I think it's criminal that we're not permitted to make dramatic note of controversial themes that are inherit in our society" so it's disappointing that only two episodes in it's run, s1e03 Replay and s2e09 Try, Try, really hits the target. Black Mirror remains the anthology series that I genuinely think that Rod would approve of.

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Being an anthology show, some episodes are clearly better than the rest. I also think that the second season of this show was much more consistent than the first season. While it will definitely not be for everyone, and did not work as well as the original Twilight Zone, it was interesting to see Jordan Peele's take on the classic show. It is quite a shame there will not be any more of this show (at least anytime soon) because this style will always have the opportunity to blow you away, even if previous seasons did not. Anyways, I do recommend at least giving this chance a whirl if you are a fan of anthology shows.

Average Season Review: 7.5/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Anthology Fans)

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Shout by Deleted

CANCELLED?! NO! Why do they cancel all the best shows and keep the crap for years? I'm sorry to hear this.

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This series is, like the classic, hit and miss. Regardless of anyone's opinion, you will love some episodes, find some only mildly interesting, and likely be disinterested in others. That being said, if you want to see casting in underrepresented groups done right, this is a great series to watch. It excels at just casting decent people into roles without trying to draw attention to it - something quite loud and refreshing in an era of shunting people into roles just to seem inclusive.

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If CBS follows a similar schedule and shooting begins in Fall 2020, we can expect 'The Twilight Zone' season 3 to premiere sometime in Spring 2021

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Loved the old series, but this new version is pretty bad. Not clever, thought provoking, or edgy. It's a bland, PC version without any substance.

The acting is fine, but the stories are so watered down.

Really hope season 2 is vastly better, otherwise they need to cancel it before to taints the legacy.

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Shout by Deleted

they really outdone it in season 2. the improvement is great!

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had hopes up for the revival. big disappointment. only watched the pilot episode and realised they're trying to pull off a "Breaking Bad" atmosphere but forgot to add in the story. plot was bland and predictable, you could have told the whole story in 10 minutes but decided to stretch out to a whole hour.

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Yikes, the other comments aren’t favourable.

But, I liked it. I used to watch the Original Series many many many years ago and loved it.

I can’t honestly say I remember the old one well enough to compare. Only that the stories were always weird and didn’t always have a clear message. And the new series is the same; weird and wonderful.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the first episode, which could be off putting to many, but overall I enjoyed them.

I kind of enjoy the weirdness of it all.

I think I remember the original narrator being more scary, or it could have been because I was young. That added to the creepy factor, which this one hasn’t captured.

Overall, really happy to see it back on the screen with twisted tales.

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The new 'The Twilight Zone' is unmitigated preachy, political garbage. Interesting premises and often great acting is completely ruined by absolutely over-the-top political messaging. In most episodes, an interesting and developing plot serves simply as a delivery mechanism for these politics. It's not sci-fi. It's not Twlight Zone. It's a disappointment.

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Dear White People or the PC Zone is more like it.

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What a colossal disappointment. Booooo

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Stopped watching at episode 6. What a bunch of sjw bull crap.
A real shame and insult to the original.

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Shout by Deleted

I'll drop it now after 8 episodes. should have done that sooner. what a waste of time.

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Uggg, how awful is this garbage.

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I just smoked some Twilight zone

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