Tim Allen just had to throw a "war on christmas" joke in there, didn't he? :rolling_eyes:

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"Saying 'Merry Christmas to all' has suddenly become problematic..."

When I was a cashier, people only ever got mad when I said "happy holidays"... lmao. Tim Allen needs to spend less time on twitter, and more time talking to actual human beings. This show will be fine enough to watch during the holidays, but I'm glad there are only 6 episodes planned. The third "Santa Clause" movie sucked ass, so I'm not surprised that this isn't that great.

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Much better than the sequels.

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I'm not sure what I think about this. I generally go in really negatively to these rehashes of classic movies and there were some really worrying sections of this first episode (the title card is TERRIBLE and Santa's colleague Noel is eye roll inducing bad) but it got better as it went along. Could turn out okay and may be an acceptable watch for the Christmas period.

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This episode was horrible. The effects are trash, the story is stupid and all the “meta” jokes feel forced and very on the nose. I don’t like this woke shit at all.

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None of the songs were necessary. Could be cute, but it's too desperately trying to be hip for the kids today--who are probably no impressed by this either. This really lost me between saying it's "problematic" to say Merry Christmas, the "we can't say naughty" anymore, and "brat shaming".

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