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The Rookie: Season 2

2x20 The Hunt (2)

Well we all know what the final outcome will be. If Nolan is accused & arrested he will eventually be cleared. I'm thinking maybe Rosaland will help Nolan get out of this or Armstrong will confess maybe. Whatever happens & however it happens we all know that Nolan will be ok because he's the star of this show.

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That's the last episode of the season?! Are you fucking kidding?! I have to wait another year to get the third part in this part of the storyline. Ridiculous.

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What is with the writing this season? I know Nolan isn't Castle, but he shouldn't be this dumb, or rather, the story shouldn't be. "Don't let him know we're onto him" leading to "Oh, I'm gonna be super obvious with my questions and comments while we drive". He goes back to Armstrong's house to possibly arrest him, gets a full confession which he doesn't record, and then basically does what the bad guy says. What the hell is that? Speaking of the bad guy - how much more cliché can you get? "My wife was sick". Really? Also being a dirty cop for five years seems a little excessive, to the point it feels pasted on for effect. It's still fine and I'm not saying every show has to be a narrative masterpiece, but stuff like this moves The Rookie from an "interesting watch" to an "easy watch" for me.

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Saw this coming a mile away. It's a nice twist but they really need to stop making them so obvious.

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this is lazy writing.. it's stupid , he went alone to him with no camera no nothing and he went back to a trap again . stupid

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Oh John. Whatcha gonna do now?

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I really love this show. Too bad cuz of the pandemic the next seasob will most likely be soooo far away sigh. Keep up the good work rookies! :-)

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Waste of a very good new character.

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Nolan was into the idea of Armstrong being a dirty cop pretty quickly and not based on much. As a viewer it makes sense to me. But from a character perspective I am surprised by how little faith he has on people he supposedely friend with.

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Season finale. Explaining 2x19. As in season 1, cliffhanger

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Did you get a look at Nicks car reg number: 9999957, is that weird?

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