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The Office 2005

I'd watch a spin-off about Jim's company.

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Shout by lilian_io
BlockedParent2022-01-29T22:20:39Z— updated 2022-03-09T10:59:10Z

I don't remember how many times I wanted to watch this show but got irritated by Michael so I stopped watching it. His character was so cringey and unbearable at first that I couldn't get to 3rd episode. I really couldn't for a while. But almost a month ago I decided to binge watch so I could get into the mindset of The Office and that's when I accepted Michael for who he is. I've bonded with that character the most. He was caring and uniqe in ways that I could empathize. It was really such a shame that he left the series. Every member of the cast and their chemistry was perfect but Michael was the glue that hold them all together. I will miss them.

.M.S.: If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, bin-Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice..

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it doesn't reflect on my profile yet since i only recently joined, but this is the default show for me. whenever i'm too lazy to pick out something to watch, i rewatch this for the hundredth time.

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Shout by bricksquad

I only liked the seasons with Michael.

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I always wondered why I never finished this show. I tried multiple times, and each time I quit after a few seasons. And in the end, I found out why. I hate every single character in this show. They all suck and are just horrible people. I just can't force myself to care about them An the show trying to make Jim and Pam look like the "good" ones, pisses me even more. They are the fakiest, most horrible ones of all of them. Probably the only decent one is Toby, but of course, he is sh*t on the whole time.

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Michael or kevin? Which is more retarded? Hard to say...

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I do not like the style of this show.

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This is the one show that I watch regularly even though I've already watched it multiple times

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Comfort show, this series is one of the best

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this show is my whole personality right now. actually, my whole life has became this show. loving it. even tho makes me cry in some episodes.

P.s: Ik know I’m not gonna have a boss like MS one day, but I might be a fun boss like him one day.
P.s.s: or maybe not. not that alone. and not that unloved.
P.s.s: but if I find a Holly and get a hug from Pam it worth it.
P.s.s.s: I need to stop. seriously —(Erin vibes)

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It’s fun, especially in its heyday during which it’s a standout example of a network sitcom. But compared to the original it feels so synthetic, manufactured, saccharine – especially Jim and Pam’s relationship. And it feels like it exists for the sake of it rather than trying to really say something.

Having said all that, Dwight in particular is an excellent character, and Rainn Wilson never fails to fully commit.

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Absolute must watch. Listen to your friends that keep telling you to watch it. Jim&Pam evolution is top notch, Michael is unbelievably annoying in a good way and he gradually grows on you (...thats what she said), 'Dwigt' is just the best. Takes a while to get used to because it's like nothing else around, but gives back a million times eventually. The Office humour couldn't be done today. A pearl.

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[Up to beginning of Season 3 at time of writing]

I mean I kind of like Jim and Pam in a way but the thing is that it’s just so manufactured and strung-out. And they’re both so pretty but made frumpy.

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best show of all time <8

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Shout by SBC2000

After Michael leaves just skip to the last three episodes of season 9. You're welcome.

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Funniest show I've ever watched

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This show’s been talked about so much to the point where I feel like everyone’s collectively sick of it, but I mean … it’s real good.

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Not as good as the original office, but still good

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At first glance, you may find it bland.
In the way, merrily you'll stay.
But in the end, tears might descend.

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it has aged so well. i can watch reruns of this forever and still find it hilarious. once michael leaves it takes a hit but there are still some great moments and the first couple of seasons are some of the funniest tv ever created

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I started watching this serie in the pandemic !! and I can say that I discover a JEWEL ! and a GENIUS Actor and comedian, very talented people !!! Actually I can't stop watching it !

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Lol they are so goofy :joy:

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I love this show.. Ita become mone and my hubby show.

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Watching this for the first time in Oct 2022. Never bothered with it during its initial run - looked stupid. Nothing was on, but thanks to Netflix this was available, so what the hell we'll watch it.

And I love it!

Completely cringeworthy and uncomfortable to watch, its hilarious. Everyone plays their part perfectly and the writing (season 1 & 2 so far) has been terrific.

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first time you watch it you have to watch in order, afterwards you physically cannot. i can't explain it

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I have pretty much been watching the office on repeat for a couple of years now. This show is just too good.
It starts off amazingly well, and kind of loses its stride towards the end. The turning point for me is always when michael leaves, though its still decent for a while after that point, but gets gradually “worse” as it goes on. Still good enough to watch till the end every time. The only episode i tend to skip is the second part of the second episode of the wedding double episode.

Before the office, community was my go to show to watch on repeat, but I’ve come to like the variety of favorite cast members in the office, compared to community where I pretty much mostly watched for Pierce.

If you have not seen this show yet, what on earth are you waiting for??

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watched it 2 times

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Dwight is Gareth and Jim is Tim and they’ve copied the rest of the characters exactly from the original. Steve Carell can’t possibly copy Ricky Gervais’ comedic & cringe masterpiece character, but he does his own unique take which makes this a totally different show from the original. 9/10.

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I only learned recently that they’d done this remake of the U.K. show. I found it absolutely hilarious although sadly lacking the famous cringe factor of the original. Now this isn’t a bad thing because whilst the original show was famous for its cringe ness which made it so funny, the US version is more of an out and out comedy rather than a mockumentory. The lead character couldn’t create the same cringe as Ricky Gervais but he was still hilarious in his own way meaning this is by far my favourite US comedy.

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I’ve binged this show over 15 times since 2015

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Just finished it, and wow. What a ride it was. I really cant say anything bad about this show. Cant wait to re-watch it

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I stumbled across this show or better to say the franchise after hearing that the german show "Stromberg" was actually part of a "The Office franchise". I've to say that I really enjoyed this show. Yes, there are stronger and weaker seasons but after all they did a good job with this show. I was rather surprised that even after Steve Carell left the show it remained interesting and a season later I nearly forgot that he was even part of the show. It is very interesting to note that especially in the last season some of the supporting character actors have some excellent shots and I was wondering why they didn't get the chance to show their talent earlier.

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That's What She Said

So, I finished watching "The Office" today, and what an amazing journey it has been. It has been one of the few shows that I didn't want it to end. Everyone, literally every character in this Mockumentary, did their job pretty well. I really haven't realized how Steve Carell (Mr. Scott) carried the whole "Mockumentary" alone for so many seasons. I took away a star from the show, just cos I think there was a big gap in the show after he left. Everyone else was just so good. Also, would it be crazy to see a Mockumentary of Athlead (Jim's new company) ?

This one has easily slid in my list of all-time favourite shows now, and I'll be re-watching it from beginning to end again in the future.
Dang it, what the heck hadn't I seen this earlier.

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Classic. Steve Carell is awesome.

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Steve Carell really carried the show for 7 seasons and you can see that once he left :(

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I love this show. I watched it on Netflix last year and about flipped out when it came out on Blu-ray last year after my Netflix binge. Shared it with my husband, and he dismissed it as fast as you can get to the second show of the second season. Continues to blast me for watching this stupid show. He doesn't know the characters and how progression works makes it worth getting to the end of Season 2 at least. It hits as the best most uncomfortable humour show ever! It's really great! With a big bunch of intertwined stories. Some people are too sensitive.

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Just finished my 6th watch of the show since joining Trakt and damn I might start again tomorrow since it is finally added to Netflix over here!

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Season eight gets lost a little bit, but the rest are perfect! Worth seeing and reviewing.

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The Office will always be one of my all time fav shows. It has made me laugh like no other. I just wish Michael hadn’t left bc it got pretty boring after that for me.

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This is kind of show i want to go on Neverending... Beautiful show.

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Probably not worthy of its fame, but it's definitely a decent show to watch when you just want to put something on and chill. The mockumentary format is perfect for the show and generates the biggest paradox of television: this is supposed to be a documentary that follows a common American workplace, but there is no way people like this could exist in real life. The jokes are fun but wear thin quickly. The writing is rather consistent but mediocre, always relying on the same caricatural exaggerations of the weird characters' personalities. Michael in particular started to get incredibly annoying after the first couple of seasons, with the same gags rehashed over and over again. After he departed at the end of Season 7, there might have been times the writers lost their way, but at least could give room to the other characters and actually go back talking about "the office" rather than "Michael Scott's mental issues" (until Andy starts to become the new Michael as we approach season 8, only 100 times more annoying).

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This is one of my favourite shows by far! Watched it numerous times and now watch it as background noise and still get a kick out of it! Much better than the UK version.

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(it's my opinion)
Season 1 : 7.0
Season 2 : 9.5
Season 3 : 10.0
Season 4 : 9.0
Season 5 : 8.5
Season 6 : 8.0
Season 7 : 7.75
Season 8 : 7.0
Season 9 : 7.5
General : ~ 8.3
But in my heart, it's 10.0

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My favorite serie of all time. Incredible actors and a bery good scenario. There's beautiful moments, spoil
Pam and jim's wedding, the moment when Michael leave Scranton etc..
A Masterpiece.

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Having watched a 9 year 'documentary' in several months really puts a perspective on life and just how short it is. Watching the last episode and seeing everyone's reaction to seeing each other again really hit home, and how you should appreciate the time you have because it goes by so fast. You could even see how the characters aged slightly over the years. In the end, I'm glad I took the time to watch the series in its entirety between the bouncing relationships and clever pranks. It was all very enjoyable.

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I have seen a bunch of episodes of The Office over the last decade and a half, yet somehow I don't understand how it took me this long to get around to watching it in its entirety from start to finish. This is magic. Yes, Season 1 in cringe. Yes, something is missing for the final two seasons without Steve Carell. It's still magic. All of the unique mannerisms and quirks shine through, shine some more, and then still manage to shine brightest after that. And despite all the nonsense, Michael Scott wears his heart on his sleeve and you can't help but love him. He is the biggest lovable idiot in the history of television and I don't think it is even close. I will watch this show again and I think everyone should watch this show. Push through the first six episodes. It is worth it.

Average Season Review: 8.61/10

Recommendation: Must See (For NBC Sitcom Fans)

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Finally got around to watching this in 2020 -> you know working from home while watching office, it was a nice distraction. + Now I know where all the memes come from.

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the best comedy show I have ever watched
the actors carried their characters in the best way possible

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The Office isn't just a TV show, it is like a family. It makes you laugh hard! Cry! But it has that one element that bonds everything, Love! Enjoyed every bit of it. For me The Office is the best TV show ever written, ever made! Loved it! Gonna watch it forever I guess :sweat_smile::joy::heart:

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Shout by Jomicorreia
BlockedParent2020-05-06T23:53:08Z— updated 2020-05-09T02:43:33Z



2.6 points -> Acting and Characters (0-3)
1.9 points -> Plot development (0-2)
1.7 points -> Cinematography (0-2)
0.9 points -> originality (0-1)
0.9 points -> Based on Genre / Theme (0-1)

1.0 -> Overall Quality (0-1)

Aka. 9.1 points + 0.9 points 'cause i love it = 10!!!

[One thing about Originality, the original version is the British one, but when giving 0.85 it rounds to 0.9 (ratting value of the uk version)]

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the last episode is so so so painful

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Shout by Dan

One of the best shows of all time.

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season 3 has 25 episodes the first 2 you have put on the 4th season should be on season 3.

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The greatest comedy show of all time. You're not a real human if you don't get emotional at the last few episodes of the last series. Such a beautiful ending. Incredible show. Loved it all. An incredible journey for the past 1.5 months and I'm very sad that it's not coming to an end after feeling like I know each character personally. Watching them grow throughout the course of the show and get older was lovely. What a great show.

I will now have an empty void. This was my go-to show at any time.

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the best show in the world

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such a good show its amazing

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I'd rate it 10 if Steve Carell was still one of the main characters for Seasons 8 & 9. Nevertheless, The Office is definitely one of the best shows ever created.

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I loved the series. But there were definitely storylines that could've been condensed (Roy/Pam's long, 4-year long relationship), and characterizations that made no sense (Andy abandoning Erin for a 3 month-long boat trip, after having just gotten back with her (after she previously quit)) Like what the heck? These perfect characters end up breaking up AGAIN because Andy did the stupidest thing ever. Characters I abhor: Packer, Jan, Ryan, Kelly, and especially Gabe. I felt some storylines were stupid (Jan having artificial insemination, Jan having sex with one of the Dundler new guys).

But that said, there were so many great and awesome episodes, that it did fairly well ever after Michael's departure (though it made no sense Holly didn't return for the finale).

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I just love this show so much

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Shout by Deleted

The Best comdey Tv show ever!

Micheal you are in my heart...

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One of the best tv shows ever. And the way it ended was so satisfying, it has been a real pleasure to watch from start to finish 10/10.

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started watching this show because of how funny the YouTube channel CLIPS are. I'm really glad I watched this show since it was hilarious. This show was a really fun watch with a great plot. Loved how insane all the characters were and enjoyed seeing their life at dunder mifflin. Finished the last episode at 11:40PM

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This is the most amazing tv show in my life lol. i have watched all seasons 50+ times at least.

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This is literally the best show ever!

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This is literally the best show ever!

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This show is in my top ten, and I love it, but at the same time people need to calm down about this one

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This is literally the only comedy show that I liked.

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I don't know why I keep looking it, I guess hope for getting better some time.

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When I say that US The Office is in my best 3 foreign ( I am from Serbia ) comedy tv series of all times, it's because of the comedy aspect of course...but, the main thing in this show is Steve Carell (Michael Scott)! So, the show had to stop when he left! It would be great, a little sad, but great end... This is not the only show that did this (wentworth, bron/broen, two and a half man.....), but that was the path without return. If you really need to kill your main protagonist, do that like in Breaking Bad! BTW, Andy was a great character, but HE IS NOT MICHAEL! :D

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Shout by Deleted

Greatest comedy show to exist on this planet.

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I watched it when it first came out and just binge watched the whole thing again... Could be the best tv show ever 10/10

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I have watched all 9 seasons at least 9 times. The show starts to get a little odd after season 7 when Steve Carell leaves the show. Dwight and Jim are my favorite characters, their banter back in forth is part of what makes this show so entertaining! I heard that NBC is more then likely going to bring the show back in the Fall of 2018, hope so!!!

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definitely a must watch !! Michael Scott is an annoying piece of shit but you'll get used to him.

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Contrary to most opinions I have read, I regard the US version much superior to the UK version.
I'll not copy/paste here those reasons which I already enumerate in one comment that I wrote under the UK version.

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This is an funny tv show they dragged it out with doing it for 9 seasons but it never got boring. The last episode was an good episode because they shows some of the good moments from the 9 seasons.

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Shout by Lars Sieval
BlockedParent2017-09-16T19:32:00Z— updated 2018-11-27T10:12:52Z

Can't wait rewatching this one and wondering what the hell was that dead piece of hair on top of Steve's head was!

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Absolutely terrible series that has tarnished the original series. Shouldn't of been allowed to make it.

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Shout by Deleted

Whenever I've watched this show I fell like I'm going to die hard from laughing..

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This is one of my favourites shows and most favourite comedy show by far. The cast is superb, they carried out the roles flawlessly and without any doubt they were a perfect match. My favourite character was Dwight. Without him the show would be less entertaining. I will miss this show especially because there isn't any comedy snow out there of this caliber.

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I have to say, this was a really beautiful, hilarious, heartwarming and bittersweet series. I loved every last bit of it from the jokes, the love, and the friendships. The Office isn't just a show, it's more like a family. Having finished all of the episodes, I realized that I may be leaving The Office, but The Office will never leave me. Thank you Scranton for all of these wonderful memories I will forever cherish.

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I really like Steve Carell and his character, but after he left the show went from good to bad. The main story was a quite weird. Don't like the andy character.

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Shout by Deleted

My favorite moment was when Angela said that Philip actually was Dwight's son. Second favorite was when Michael came for Dwight's wedding.

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I went into this show with Steve Carell as my favorite actor. I don't think thats ever going to change now.

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BlockedParent2016-02-16T07:22:46Z— updated 2016-09-11T13:43:43Z

While The Office cannot quite reach the brilliance of Friends, Scrubs or Big Bang Theory IMHO, none-the-less it is definitively one of my all-time favorite sitcoms.

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Shout by Deleted

I loved The Office. I thought Parks and Recreation was just a little bit better, though, as awesome as he was, Ron Swanson wasn't quite Dwight Schrute. Still, it wasn't the same after Michael Scott left (spoiler).

If you're looking for something to fill the void, look up Silicon Valley. It's nowhere near as good, but it kind of scratches the same itch. It's about a bunch of awkward geniuses trying to launch a software program amidst competition from a fictional, (more) evil Google.

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Just finished watching. Enjoyable show. BTW love Dwight. Hate Pam.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best comedy show of all time, absolutely love it!

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Shout by Deleted

I love it

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imma go on the record wif this one: FUCK Pam

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Shout by Deleted

Fondest farewell. Great memories. God bless them all.

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Shout by Deleted

best show ever, will watch it again. I was gonna cry last two episodes

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Shout by Deleted

bey love u so much

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Shout by Deleted

'Michael Scott' please just stop trying to be funny

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I guess I have generally preferred the more realistic and thus cringe-worthy British version, but the US version has definitely expanded upon and created new paths for itself. However, the last few seasons weren't as funny as the first, and the final season dragged on. Sometimes US shows just don't know when to stop....

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Shout by Deleted

I'll miss this show Pam & Jim give me hope in love

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