• 1.8k
  • 19.2k
  • 63.6k
  • 7
  • 1991-09-14T04:00:00Z on ABC
  • 25m
  • 4h 32m (11 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Animation, Comedy, Family, Children
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a charming animated series that will capture both kids and their parents alike, with all-new outings featuring Pooh and the whole gang in the 100 Acre Wood. The world-famous bear, created by British author, A.A. Milne, is joined by his young master Christopher Robin, the ever-bouncy Tigger, the glum donkey Eeyore, the incurable know-it-all Rabbit, the always-confused Owl, squeaky Piglet, and the mother and son team of Kanga and Roo. Featuring quality animation along with original songs and scores, this series has the touching emotional qualities and "not just for kids" humor of the original Winnie the Pooh books.

11 episodes

Season Premiere


4x01 Sorry, Wrong Slusher

Season Premiere

4x01 Sorry, Wrong Slusher

  • 1991-09-14T04:00:00Z25m

Christopher Robin's mum's telling him to go to bed... He pretends to sleep... and prowls into the lounge room, tied to the pillow and is greeted by Pooh and Piglet. Pooh's over to look for something sweet and Piglet's come to keep him company and they're going to watch TV. Tigger's come to join the fun too... However the gang fall asleep, and wake up to a Slusher film, much to Piglet's distress. During a commercial break, C. R rings to order a pizza. Pooh wants a hunny one, Piglet a small one with no tomato, no cheese and no crust and Tigger wants one with the lot! However the gang are talking so loud, Christopher Robin accidentally gives them the address next door, but when he rings back, he rings a wrong number and wakes up the recipient who is not impressed. Tigger's angry at being spoken to and rings him back and accidentally gives the address to the guy. The gang flee into Chris' bedroom and barrel up the door - but what if the Slusher's already in the house? Piglet's trying not t


4x02 Grown, But Not Forgotten

The gang's playing ball... with a twist of lemonade... The gang go to find Christopher Robin. They go to find Christopher Robin to find where he is. They don't recognize him... He's dressed up for a party - a grown up girl's party! He doesn't want to go, but his Mum said he has to... And he pretends to be sick. Tigger paints spots on him... But his Mum says watercolor spots aren't contagious... Rabbit painstakingly tries to instruct Christopher on social graces. Tigger tries to help Christopher learn to dance, but first he jumps into a muddy puddle to get his feet prepared! He thanks them for all their help and says he won't feel so shy around girls. He says he can't take the gang with him. The others are upset that they may never see him again because he's going to have fun with his new friends. They are afraid that if Christopher meets a girl... he'll become an adult! This is what happens - he'll move into a big house, he'll ignore his old fiends, dressed in a suit and ask how was yo


4x03 Pooh Day Afternoon

4x03 Pooh Day Afternoon

  • 1991-09-16T04:00:00Z25m

An adventure away from the 100 Aker Woods, this time... Christopher Robin's house... Pooh and Piglet are watching Tigger's magic tricks... Making things disappear with into the land of enchantment... which looks like the Gopher's vacuum cleaner... Piglet disappears into the land of the enchantment... When he gets blown out with the handkerchief... and he gets liked by a white monster dog... Gopher takes back his land of enchantment, telling Tigger he's not responsible, but Tigger argues he's responsibibble - for them having fun. Christopher Robin comes back and says he's responsible for looking after the shaggy Sheep Dog Skippy, though Piglet is nervous. Skippy has an extensive appetite, loves walks and jumping on people. Christopher is finding Skippy a bit more than he can handle. Pooh finds a horn which makes Skippy obedient. He fetches the horn when Christopher throes it, but when he throws it over the fence, Skippy jumps over the fence, into the pond, and comes back all muddy. Chri

Yipp-yi-oh bother! The gang and Christopher Robin are playing with his train set... but the thing had no rudder or propeller... Chris doesn't want them to touch the train until he gets back from lunch. But Piglet suggests a sleeping game. Piglet and Rabbit go off to sleep. Tigger says he's not touching the train, just the controls! Tigger puts more tracks down... but the train runs off. Piglet and Rabbit come back from sleeping and discover that Pooh and Tigger have taken the train. Train robbers... Dressed in bad guy like black threads, running away with the train... Gopher gets chased by the train, running through the mountain tracks... Rabbit runs off to find Sheriff Piglet. Tigger asks Pooh to feed the train's furnace until he figures out how to stop the train. Rabbit tells Piglet he has to catch the desperados. He makes Rabbit and Eeyore his deputies. The train runs through the cactus covered land and through the western town, of which Piglet demands they stop, as Sheriff of this


4x05 Home is Where the Home is

Christopher Robin's Mum won't let him go out to play until after he's cleaned up the living room. She tells him she's going shopping for an hour, plenty of time for him to tidy up and to be extra, extra careful around Great Grandfather Youstas, a head and statue of him on a pillar. It's a kid's right to go out and play... Oh bother... there's no sadder sight than the bottom of an empty hunny pot, Pooh says. The gang were expecting Christopher Robin to go and help them catch a blue faced yellow bellied house flies. Time's fun when you're havin' flies... Chris tells them he has the clean up. What's the use of havin' a mess if you've gotta clean it up? Tigger asks. The gang offer to help Christopher. He tells them to be careful around his Great Grandfather. Tigger gets the toys to march to tidy places, however it seems that they want to play... and the mess is slightly messier than it was before. You've got to make cleaning fun... so it'll be fun... Kick soldiers in the place, train the t

A large box had arrived... Gopher's package. You have to unwrap them just so, careful... rip, rip, rip! Lucille! He's about to propose to her. She's an electronic shovel... Piglet suggests he digs with her. Gopher excitedly makes Rabbit a carrot cellar - a hole in the middle of his house. He's going to build Pooh an olympic sized swimming hole... Of course you have to fill it first... He's off to renovate Tigger's house... Tigger comes to them, bandaged up. Piglet wants to talk to Gopher - he's only trying to help... He's only doing what he's supposed to do with a shovel... Piglet's house disappears beneath the earth... Maybe this has gone too far. Gopher is sleeping and dreaming about Lucille when Piglet sneaks in and takes the shovel - but an alarm sounds as he makes off with her to Gopher's horror. Piglet decides to bury her then explain to Gopher, but Lucille digs a really big hole... Gopher gets the gang to help him. Tigger thinks it's the tracks of a yellow bellied shovel and Pig


4x07 The Wise Have It

4x07 The Wise Have It

  • 1991-09-23T04:00:00Z25m

Piglet is worried that he's forgotten Pooh's birthday. Rabbit is upset about his tomatoes looking more like olives when he's jumped by Tigger. Piglet goes to them and they decide to throw him a party, with games and a birthday cake, and balloons and a birthday cake - a birthday without a cake is positively unbirthdaical. Rabbit and the others all have spare candles and put them all on the cake... They think that The Bear of very little brain must be very old and smart with all these candles... Pooh didn't know he was so old or so smart. Rabbit is both sceptical and cross. Rabbit asks where he should plant his tomatoes. Pooh says it depends on how the tomatoes feel... Tigger asks him how to cover more ground with his bounce... Pooh tells him to spend less time on the ground. Piglet asks him how long he would take with his spring cleaning. Pooh tells him a very long time because there's an awful lot of it out there... They all go about Pooh's advice. Pooh's now a bear with a very large b


4x08 Cloud, Cloud Go Away

4x08 Cloud, Cloud Go Away

  • 1991-09-30T04:00:00Z25m

Tigger is bouncing, bouncing and bouncing... He could do it blindfolded with his ears in his mouth. he's trying to teach Pooh Boy to bounce. You don't become a skilled bouncer overnight. It takes at least twelve hours, you know. He is about to bounce a large tree - and it's just the right light. He gets ready to bounce, when a little cloud appears, casting a gigantical shadow. Shoo, go away! Amscray! Don't show your fluffy face around here again, Tigger says. However the cloud gets angry and turns grey with rage. He tried to bounce the tree and bounces into the cloud. The cloud starts to rain on Tigger, or is it crying? It starts following Tigger around, raining only on him. Tigger goes to Rabbit clad in yellow rain gear. Maybe the cloud wants to be a storm when he grows up. Rabbit wants Tigger to stay in his Garden, watering his garden. Tigger is disguised as an apple to hide the cloud and he apologizes to Pooh for not being a cleverly disguised bee hive... The cloud finds Tigger him

Rabbit is watering his prize Rutabaga Potato. He puts an umbrella up fir him to protect him from the sun, he fans him, gives him something to read... The most wonderful plant he's grown... Gopher's tunnelling under the garden... and popping up all the carrots... Rabbit is frantic about his Prize Rutabaga Potato and stops Gopher just in time - with a shovel. Gopher is angry at the doozy of a roadblock at first, but excitedly tells Rabbit he's got a letter from his Grandpappy, the Gopher to end all Gophers... Rabbit is fretting about his fragile plant, while Gopher is rambling about his Grandpappy, who's going to build an above ground/underground city and win the pewter pickaxe award this year... Rabbit is fretting about having two Gophers about. He warns the others. Pooh suggests giving Gopher's Grandfather a party, but Rabbit wants him kept busy so as not to run roughshod all over the 100 Aker Wood. Pooh Bear's in charge of keeping Grandpa happy by doing nothing. Tigger hugs Pooh sayi


4x10 Piglet's Poohetry

4x10 Piglet's Poohetry

  • 1991-10-07T04:00:00Z25m

Piglet comes to Pooh and Tigger at Pooh's house to read his poetry, much to Tigger's dismay. Piglet starts to read his poem, but Tigger finds it too sissy and begins to rewrite it, having Piglet fall down holes, chased by bumblybees and off cliffs... Now the poem i done, thank old Tigger for all the fun. Piglet runs off when Pooh asks him to read another. Later Piglet reads a poem about being small to Rabbit, Pooh and Eeyore. Piglet's blocked the house and locked himself in a cage to take precautions against Tigger who saws himself in through the roof, breaking Piglet's cage and he invades Piglet's poem again, but makes himself small instead... is chased by bugs and falls into the raging sea... Suddenly he's grabbed by a big bird beak... High in the sky he does soar... and falls onto an Eeyore ... And falls into Pooh's hunny... Tigger grows smaller... But Piglet says for him to grow tall and Tigger promises never to mess in Poohetry again... And now Tigger, you can go far, far away...

Season Finale


4x11 Owl's Well That Ends Well

Season Finale

4x11 Owl's Well That Ends Well

  • 1991-11-02T05:00:00Z25m

It is a peaceful morning in the 100 Aker Wood, blue birds happily chirping, as we are take to Rabbit's fresh garden. He loves the birds of the dawn chorus... What could possibly be more beautiful Crooo...eee...ooo!! What the?! Piglet and Pooh and Tigger are also spooked by the noise. Crooo...eee...oooreeoeoeoe!!!!! Rabbit finds it's Owl screeching, while the crows sneak into Rabbit's garden. Rabbit is cross when the crows make off with his vegetables, Rabbit wants Own out of his garden, effective immediately, if not sooner! Owl leaves, indignant. Piglet tried to help Owl sing... Tigger sets up some traps to catch the crows, but they end up helping the crows and hindering Rabbit. Pooh tries to help Owl by giving him hunny to make his voice sweeter... Tigger is making a super stupendious trap, with the secret ingrediment... Swill... Absopasitivelylutely guaranteed to work. But just to be safe, Rabbit wants Tigger to guard his garden tonight. But the crows are on the prowl. Pooh asked the
