I almost bailed after the first episode - too much melodrama. You can start to see new story lines and conflict developing in this episode. The last scene is fantastic.

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Amazing episode. Complex and intelligent storylines and brilliant twist at the end.

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Behind The Scenes Television Drama... literally.

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hell yeah alex make cory mcfucking ellison your bitch

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Using Creep is a little heavy-handed, but the conflicts really started to develop and the dynamic between Alex and Bradley is very fun to watch.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

I watched the first episode a good while back and wasn't driven to watch the next. Finally did and even through a lot of this episode I wasn't sure the show was for me. That final moment though of Alex turning the manipulation attempts right on their head? I'm here for that! I enjoyed UnReal, which heavily dramatised behind the scenes of the bachelor style show. This seems very realistic so far an hoping it keeps my interest!

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