Never really cared for Frank one way or another.

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I'm starting to think that Kido isn't a nice person.

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Well, Frank's definitely dead now.

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Frank’s death was done very well, although I thought it was less impactful than it could have been due to his near death last season. I already thought he had died, so it wasn’t a big deal to see him die again.

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I want to see one Frank from a parallel universe go to meet Kido again like "surprise motherfucker".

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did not care specifically about frank in that scene but i'm hormonal so i cried about the direction and composition instead that was fun

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The entire scene revolving around Frank's death was an absolute highlight of the season

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Why did joe have files about something nothing to do with him lol? He was a hitmen who’s only job was to find and kill people… why would he have detailed blue prints and plans and locations for the crazy classified multi dimensional teleportation machine deep in the mountains…

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Well, his death was coming and, unlike the first one, this was the Frank's death we (and him) deserved

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