"... friend's cat was sick... and exploded... you know... like they do."

That was about the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.

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I don't know what I loved more: Eliot and Fen's two month old teenage daughter (and them getting all parental with her), or the Eliot/Margo conversation by the dock. I find great joy in every pop culture reference this show manages to weave into its dialogue, but what really made that scene stand out was the understated, but emotional 'bon voyage'. The cast is so great, and so far I've been enjoying every minute of this new season immensely. I hope it keeps up!!

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"what's the difference between a live hero and a dead moron? One dumb decision."

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An amazing episode. Great stories and plot development, smart and funny dialogue, great delivery of those lines, and the usual solid production values. This show is firing on all cylinders at the moment.

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