I'm waiting for this serie since I heard about it

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I’m not the biggest Lord of the Rings fan out there, but I like this show. History has shown that prequels are hard, but I really think that this is well done. I like everyone in it and the whole world is beautiful.

Some scenes are a bit too dark and the later episodes are too long in my opinion, but that didn’t stand in the way of me enjoying this.

Looking forward to season 2.

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While the pacing of the first episode was a bit choppy, I have been delighted overall. Really enjoying this!

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They pulled a Star Wars on Tolkien and took the most expensive dump on a well established universe and lore for the sake of equality and virtue signaling. Congratulations, Amazon. You've just closed off Tolkien estate from allowing future iterations of one of the most beautiful and rich universes ever created.

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I grew up with Tolkien's work, I loved the Lord of the rings trilogy and the hobbit was still very enjoyable. And to add, I am from the middle east. I don't really care about diversity, i just want likable characters.

This show..... I despise, the first half of the episode made me feel uncomfortable (Because it is not even close to the source materials.) and disappointed, I would have loved a series talking about the first and second age of middle earth but they aren't even close to telling the proper story.

I stopped watching because I was just THAT uninterested in it. That is a very hard feet to do as i generally watch through episodes before I make my opinion. In this case? It just made me unable to finish the episode and I doubt ill even finish the series.

I highly recommend anyone to actually read the books or just watch the 2 trilogies, as they are far better than the show both in story telling and visuals.

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So far it's excellent. I was hoping I wouldn't be disappointed and I wasn't. The first two episodes did an excellent job introducing the main characters and the upcoming adventures. It was filled with action and excitement. I can't wait to watch the next episode.

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I was wrong. I hated the trailers and promo images, but loved the first 2 episodes. It's absolutely fantastic and they nailed the look of Middle-Earth. The show is true to the spirit of PJ's movies so far. The cast is amazing. I didn't like short haired elves initially, but you don't even notice it after a few minutes into the show. Definitely recommended!

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LOTR shows it's still the titan of the fantasy genre. Another adaptation leads by example as to how to depict women & girls in high fantasy. I love Galadriel and the beauty of this series thus far (ep.1-2).

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I like it. Can’t wait to see next episodes.

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I was skeptical about this... a lot. After ten minutes of the first episode (with all these pathetic pseudo-philosophy phrases) I was about to stop watching the series. But I gave it a second chance and... now I even like it. It's a good fantasy series, with good graphics, costumes, music. The acting is OK. Some actors play pretty close to how I imagine characters of their races would behave. Also it tells what was before The Hobbit and LOTR. It is not a masterpiece, but for me it is pretty solid and good. Will definitely watch the first season till the end.

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There is something about this series— I have rewatched it (that’s a shocker) I don’t re-watch anything, except Rick and Morty. This series is quite good so far; the binge culture has ruined my appetite for waiting for weekly releases.

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I really liked the first chapter, impeccable scenery, costumes... I'll wait how the story unfolds in the next chapters... so far it's going very well :thinking::thumbsup_tone2:

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Watched them all. Will watch the next season becasue it's LOTR, but it's really not that great. The Harfoots are watered-down non-offensive Hobbits, The Southlanders are... well, I just don't care about them at all. We all know the Stranger is Gandolf. The Númenoreonsare a missed opportunity. Just so many typical tropes in this modern age of the woke and non-offensive.

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After such epic movies from P. Jackson I was affraid they could ruin the whole thing... So far that's the case... Landscapes and effects are beautifull but it's SOOOOO boring, no magic at all, nothing to keep us excited, bad actors for most of them... Nothing Epic like it should have been... Finger crossed that it will improve

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It's too early to tell but then again not really, Amazon fucked this one up good and no amount of money can save it. With Tolkien you need visionaries at the help and not ... well you know... this.... of course I could be wrong and it won't suck THAT bad! I would be pleasantly surprised!

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evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and destroy what is good

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Shout by Gotrek Felix
BlockedParent2022-08-14T08:10:23Z— updated 2023-03-10T08:59:53Z

As a big Tolkien and Lotr fan i absolutely hate how im not even excited about this.....

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  • Great CGI
  • Bad acting
  • Elves have short haircuts
  • Dialogues are worse than in Star Wars

This show is a pleasure for the eyes and a pain for the mind.

Elves act, talk and behave as if they are high, drunk and extremely stupid at the same time.

With their budget it is beyond me why they didn't hire a great writer and storyteller, and a person who can create characters that viewers care about after 1 dialogue. Hollywood has several people like that.

Instead of taking Tolkien material, leave it as is and think how to improve on top of that, AMZN decided to just take the character names, world map and create some random BS script to show off CGI. Well... It's a trend. Wheel of Time did the same thing. Now I pray to all gods that if Hollywood finally will make a TV Show based on Raymond Feist novels - they will ask someone who knows what they're doing...

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Blimey, I went in with already low expectations, but "The Rings of Power" falls short of even those & is a train wreck.

It will take an entire day to point out all of the flaws in this abomination. I'm done.

Bezos & Amazon squandered a billion dollars on this mess.

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This show is so bad, other sites like imdb where I normally do reviews, won’t let people review the Rings of Power!

The review I’ve submitted a bunch of times on imdb, and it seems to have disappeared into the ether:

There are some great looking shots in this. There is where 2 stars come from. But having some stunning visuals does not make a show great, or even good.

I would like to know how much they spent on writers. That was definitely a part they skipped out on the bill.

This is what 1 billion dollars gets you? Feels like old Bezos got fleeced.

I think if you convince yourself the show had a budget of 1 million per episode and you may enjoy it more.

As a studio you have Tolkien’s world, and works beloved by many 10’s of millions the world over. What level of incompetence and narcissism does it take to think you know better and you should start changing the fundamental character characteristics, and world lore in that world?

"Tolkien write, this he did not" -- Probably Yoda.

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Allf the complaints about diversity are so typical of today's hateful conservative rhetoric.

I found the first two episodes to be epic scenes, great special effects, and a compelling storyline. by the end of the second episode I was disappointed that I couldn't watch the next one. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. a great start to a beloved set of books from my youth.

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It’s absurd how people frame themselves as Tolkien Fans because they watched LOTR and now they claim that everything that came afterwards is „so bad“.

The team behind this put a lot of effort and created something incredible with respect to the Tolkien-World. Hope it won’t be ruined by some of us.

Normally would give this an 8/10 but will give it a 10/10 just out of spite of some idiots.

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A visual feast, with an excellent musical score... but the rest just falls flat. There's nothing to hold the viewer's interest.
Can't see myself following this season beyond the 2 episodes that premiered.

The characters and their dialogue are so poorly written, it feels like I'm watching robots. They don't make choices or drive the story forward, things just happen to them.
(Potential exception: Elrond and his emerging storyline. But we see so little of him it's not worth slogging through the rest)

AND, If you're going to spend insane amounts of money on a project like this - why not hire ONE director and ONE main writer to take care of the whole season, instead of employing these no-vision, direct/write-one-episode-and-I'm-out hacks?
Give me low-budget creations by a team of passionate people who actually have something to say over this soulless "content", any day.

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Shout by Jimmothy
BlockedParent2022-09-23T15:29:00Z— updated 2022-10-05T01:42:00Z

This show serves as yet another reflection of television and movies made in 2022 without feeling like middle earth at all. Years from now we will look back and laugh at how pathetic woke movies and television shows where when we noticed we always had great movies with characters of all backgrounds and gender identities without having to smother people with it. I'd even argue shows like these are going to be seen as pandering and destructive in the near future.

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It will take billion dollar failures like this for the tide to turn on wokeness.

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Proof that several rating systems have been compromised. Possibly even Trakt. There's no way this dumpster fire is being rated so high. Perhaps I'm in an area with a bad Internet connection, but my 1 Star Weak Sauce rating disappeared 3 times.

What a joke.

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Well nice start to the series. I loved it. It's not GoT or even comparable to the movies, but it still feels epic.

I'm in need series heaven with this shoe House of Dragon, Wheel of Time (that I hope Amazon doesn't forget about it).

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A FanFiction turned show, and that show isn't that good. Poor writing, childish dialogues, fair CGI. I have a feeling that this show soon enough will be a train wrecked.

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I am convinced the Galadriel star has taken acting lessons from the school of Greta Thunberg.

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Tolkien is turning in he’s grave!
This is trashy half baked soap opera stuff

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Wish i could unsee it... This is not how you honor the Tolkien legacy!
Sure it's quite good visuals, but story and acting is just bad.

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I really wanted to like this but it’s just so bad...
They completely destroyed the lore. Why make these series when you don’t even have the rights to the books???
Apart from that the acting and dialogues are poor. Elves are just people with pointy ears, you don’t get the sense that they are ‘something more than human’ like in the movies or the books.
Anyone could tell from the start who Sauron is and who the Stranger is.
The only good part was the last ten minutes of the last episode where they made the three rings. But it doesn’t justify watching a whole terrible season just to get there.

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Childish trash. The amount of money wasted on this, probably lining the pockets of childish holywood types, when it could have funded recovery from covid, space exploration, or cancer cures, is pretty obscene.

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By the words of great Michael Scott : " No God, please no!"

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Listen up kids. This show is not going to be for everyone. As a casual fan of Tolkiens work, I think it’s great. Just another ol’ adventure in Middle Earth. Watch it and judge for yourself, don’t let others give you a bad impression.

That’s my two cents now watch the show and have fun with it.

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If I had gone into this without reading any of the source material I might have enjoyed it, but I struggled to get through the first episode
so to me this is just a really expensive fanfic.

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Do yourself a favor, read the wonderful world Tolkien left behind instead. Many interesting stories and lore Tolkien left for us, only to be forgotten.

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All the billions in the stock market simply cannot buy a soul for show. A cinematography to rule them all, but that's sadly everything outstanding it can offer.

The biggest disappointment of the decade.

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Started "Meh, but salvagable" and ended "how the fuck did someone approved this to be filmed?" The last two episodes were the worst. Revealing Sauron like it's a big surprise and Mordor sign at the end of 7th episode were the icing on the cake. I cringed out just watching it.

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Way too fucking boring, the characters are scattered everywhere and the introduction of each potential main character just feels bland.
Very few characters have an interesting story but most are just disappointing.
The build-up is extremely slow although it is present.
At the end of each episode, instead of getting excited for the next one (with a cliff hanger for example), I just feel like I want to drop the series..

What they did to this franchise is fucked up.. it's just sad

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Literally a pile of garbage.

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This seems to go against the grain here on Trakt, but I really like this show. At least 4 episodes in, and I am feeling optimistic about the season.

Galadriel’s zealotry seems consistent with my mental image of the elves. Halbrand shows promise as a rogue. The dwarvish kingdom is richly presented both culturally and visually. The orcs are really well designed and costumed. There are some intriguing things going on with humans and our species constant division between good and evil. And all that without even mentioning the hobbits and the mysterious visitor!

I think this is going to be great!

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After watching 24 minutes I already get bored. Anyway I keep watching.

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This show is amazing. The cinematograohy is movie quality as is the music. It is a bit tough to get into as they introduce a bunch of characters without much exposition. Once the story starts in earnest though it grabs as you follow 4-5 stories similar ro the movies. I'm sure some people will drop off due to the high fantasy nature but I'm loving it and can't wait to see where it goes.

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As a middle earth adaptation it's great, everyone should really chill and take this for what it is, someone's depiction of Tolkien's work. As a kid I would have died for more high fantasy of this quality, everyone seems eager to kill shows like this and go back to the dark ages.

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incredible addition to the franchise. beautiful sets and costuming, compelling storylines, and complex lively characters.

a fabulous achievement in the face of insurmountable pressure. thrilling and fantastic, it stands up to the original without question.

this sets the standard to which all new TV shows will be compared.

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"The Rings of Power is like blowing up Michelangelo's statue of David to make ten thousand little marble butt plugs. Any enjoyment you might get from your butt plug would be immediately nullified when you realized what had been destroyed to create it." - Alex

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Watch this with open mind. Not talking about WOKE shit but like you never read the books or original movies. Then you have an amusing developing story with good cast, great battle scenes and a lot of characters that are introduced. I was entertainend and not disappointed. 9/10

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I don't normally write reviews but as a long time fan of the books even going so deep down the Tolkien rabbit hole I put hundreds or hours into the LOTRO MMO I must tell fans not to watch this garbage!! The biggest waste of money Hollywood has ever spent. The acting is horrible, there is the most confusing dialogue ever and the only thing even remotely good is all fake CGI biggest letdown of a TV show in forever.

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Nope, not for me. I will stick with The House Of The Dragon.

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It's the worst adaptation I've ever seen.

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Lord of the Rings turned into soap opera with bland, uncharismatic and woke casting, rubbish story and disrespect for the real work of Tolkien. Hollywood can no longer create, only destroy what others have created.

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I am new to LOTR. I watched the movies a couple of weeks ago and I loved every minute, deeply. All this to say that I'm not an expert on the lore or anything, I'm just vibing.

Though the show is visually stunning and the actors are mostly good, it lacked the soul and spirit I've quickly come to expect from LOTR. I didn't care about many of the characters and the writing was wonky, so I wasn't as interested in the story as I would've liked.

The main reason I watched this so quickly is because I find Halbrand very attractive, don't even get me started on Galadriel, so I wanted to see more of them. But the story? Didn't really care. Their arcs? Meh.

It wasn't a chore to watch this but it also wasn't truly enjoyable and engaging. I feel like I will forget most of this season in a few days, so I really want them to do better in the next one. Please, I want to like this show.

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Truly one of the most boring TV Show I ever watched. Some same-scene conversations can last almost 10 MINUTES! Unbearable.
Last but not least, it seems "acting experience & knowledge" was not a major requirement during the casting! Also unbearable.

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I got to the end, to say I watched it!
I will not be back for this woke pc crap

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Yeah this kinda sucks. I found myself pretty bored most of the time. Shame really as I was really looking forward to it

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Might be a hot take: but I think the show did pretty good work on the source material. I’m sure there are some differences and the timeline is likely askew. If anything, my largest complaint with the show is simply that it’s put in a show form. The first couple episodes were quite boring as they tried to set everything up, but after it got going, and I started to see the connections as each storyline got under way, the show did an excellent job weaving a complex narrative. The cutoffs for each episode were rather off at times, which unfortunately made it difficult to watch on a weekly basis as it felt designed more like it should have been a trilogy of lengthy ~3hr movies instead of a bunch of hour long episodes.

But all in all, I was contented by the series. The graphics were gorgeous of course given the shows massive budget.

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The show is fine. Definitely not for try hard Tolkien fans. It's not great though. The plot lacks depth and it's relies to heavily on know characters. Most plotlines end with most obvious and unsatisfactory ending. Overall, there's a lot to improve for season 2.

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The series goes from less to more, with the end of this season we can know the great evil of middle earth and with its pieces on the board, the next season can have a better journey.

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The day show releases is my birthday. I'm so honored :)

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The first two episodes were fantastic. It's silly to compare this to game of thrones or hotd considering how antithetical the source materials are to one another. The trailers and character posters looked like they had some spotty cgi and tacky costumes but it all looks stunning in this nearly billion dollar first season. It's already better than any of the hobbit movies and im wildly excited for whats to come after tempered expectations before watching.

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I don't get where all the hate is coming from. I'm a big Tolkien fan. First 2 episodes were a nice introduction. I wish the show every sucsess

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Not perfect by any means but the good heavily outweighs the bad. People acting like it's the worst thing ever just because it took some liberties and is not 100% faithful to the books are so cringe. Even I was super skeptical about it from the promos and posters, but I've completely turned around. This is a fairly enjoyable show and a great accomplishment for fantasy series in general.

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My rating after seeing the first 2 episodes. This falls somewhere between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

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foolish critical comments everywhere from foolish people. it's a very good series. not every movie or spin off must be like it's predecessors

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I'm giving this a 4 because that's as far as I could get into this abomination before deleting it from my server. The acting, presentation, writing and disregard for the lore and source material makes me hope they cancel this after Season 01. Go buy the original trilogy, buy the audiobooks but god please don't waste your time, viewership or money with this obvious cash grab. Tolkien would be ashamed.

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I think we should show some love to Ema Horvath.
Her character was boring and completely unnecessary.

But what she excelled in and did better than anyone else on the show, was having the biggest forehead.

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I was not much of a fan of the movies cause they were very slow and long.
But this series is a lot easier to digest. It's still not as action packed as most of comparable ones,but since it's only over one hour long, it's fine.
What I have to praise is it's simply one of the most visually stunning series I have ever seen.
I know it's mostly CGI, but even if you are not fan of this universe, but you like visual art, you have to see it.
It's just so outstanding,with everything looking so great, even the smallest details.

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man reviews are very polarized. I gave this show a 7 thus far, it could easily be a 6. The show is enjoyable, and for the most part everything (acting, costumes, cgi, storyline) is above par, spare a few things and characters here and there. Its too bad a few of those deficiencies tend to fall on some of the main characters. However, the show does have promise, it's leaps and bounds better than Wheel of Time which isn't saying much, and I'm truly interested in how the story progresses which means I will be tuning in every week. I'm happy to see Amazon turn out a decent show, I'd like to see this get to an 8 rating eventually as the show progresses, for now 6-7.

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i just found a trailer here: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi2836448025?ref_=vp_rv_ap_0 This is no spoiler, because there is not the slightest hint on the plot in this trailer... Even the listed actors in trakt reveals few: Tyra, Oren are new characters without reference to the books of J.R.R. Tolkien (not even in "Silmarillion"). But i think it is pretty clear, that this movie takes place earlier than "The lord of the rings"

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Season 2 coming this year!
been a minute.

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Shout by JR-Style

Looked forward to this a lot because of the giant budget and all. It looks very good but oh god is the plot a nonsensical, boring mess. Galadriel is a terrible character. Sauron and his identity as Halbrand was obvious, but still didn't make any sense. Celebrimbor was one of the best smiths ever who lived thousands of years, but didn't know what alloys were. The Southlands is just a village of 100 people but very important according to the plot. How Mordor was made was also laughable bad.

I can't see how they will solve this in a second season and beyond. Such a waste of the source material.

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Here’s another franchise killer for you. Couldn’t finish it.

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Looks fantastic but is otherwise exceedingly boring. Nothing seems to tie together the disparate storylines. Characters are one-note and don’t have developmental arcs. Dialogue tries too hard. Show takes itself way too seriously to the point of comedy. Sad because I absolutely love the original films and this could’ve (should’ve) been great.

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I love the idea that this show tells some history of the Lord of the Rings, it's ok but sometimes too slow and other time too epical. Left with a bit of disappointment... I hope the second season is better, otherwise I'll probably stop watching

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Breathtaking visuals...... overall a amazing series but Galadriel was expressionless throughout the series

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I enjoyed this I don’t see why it’s getting hate. Looking forward to the next season.

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1 billion dollars of absolute dogs poo!!
Well done Amazon, you fired the guy who made House of the dragon. Then hire x2 JJ idiots to make this crap!
Good story's is all we want, leave the stupid messages elsewhere. Example... Picard Season 3 ONLY!!!

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This was incredible. It was amazing to see how the world of LOTR started. Seeing the background on locations and the various races. Seeing a history filled in for all of it is just really interesting and was done very well.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Soulless, generic adaption of an amazing franchise.

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wow this is total garbage. will amazon pay Trakt to remove the negative comments and thumbs down like they did the other platforms ?

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This is a show that I think put loads of thought a d effort into the cinematography, casting, and costumes, that the actual storytelling was allowed to be a little bit dull. This wasn't a bad show by any means, but it was no where near amazing either.

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Part grand fantasy action and part HoD-style character drama, but some characters are missing the development needed for the viewer to identify and the result is a mixed bag with some pacing issues. The huge set pieces and elaborate action sequences help to pick things up a bit in the 2nd half and deliver a satisfying season arc and finale while setting up some plot devices that I'm looking forward to seeing explored in S2. Great cinematography, CGI and costume design. If you've been turned off by negative review bombing across the web, I'd encourage you to give it a try for yourself. So long as you aren't offended by the existence of black or brown people, I think you'll find that the showrunners were actually faithful to the source material in all the ways that matter and the cast was pretty good overall.

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Easily the best looking show of all time.

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34 minutes into it and I am already bored..
Couldn't understand what Galadriel was saying without subtitles.
Big fan of LOTR and Hobbit....

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I am speechless. So bad, bad, bad. What a waste of time :sob:

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more of a 6.5 than 6. the budget allowed for some very nice scenery but it just lacks a good scenario and the characters are just not that entertaining. I just can't connect with Galadriel at most of the characters like I could with the ones from LOTR.

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Really boring with really bad writing, i don't know how people even like it, on every episode nothing happens and they made most main characters very dumb especially galadriel. galadriel almost cheating on celebron with sauron ahaha

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i'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan. i'm finding it hard to get into this show. its lacking something don't know maybe its just me.

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The definition of style over substance.

You can definitely see the insane budget at work. This might be the most beautiful show I have ever seen.

Just a shame that the story is completely uninteresting and boring.

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[Prime Video] Among its weaknesses is not knowing how to capture the spirit of Tolkien's stories, which is why as a fantasy series it is solvent, although not particularly impressive, but as an adaptation it is inconsequential and makes wrong decisions. It simplifies the story to a kind of riddle about "who is Sauron?" and, surprisingly, it makes Galadriel the least attractive character.

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