"It's the logo for the Wu Tang Band."
"I think you mean Wu Tang Clan."
"Yeah, big fan."

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THANK GOD Lily didn't die! I don't think I could of handled that. Still devastating to Nora that her biological mother wanted her back but at she is alive. Nora is ready to explode, is she going to Australia to talk to her kids or blow up their scheme? How do the four women in Australia know of police chief Kevin? The TV said it was before October 15 (different date because of time zones, I never thought of that) but if it was from Kevin Garvey Sr. shouldn't they know he wasn't in Australia. Great episode that answers some questions but raises more. Looking forward to the rest of the season. Again the music on this show is crazy good. Loved that the intro included a perfect strangers song.

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What an emotional rollercoaster. I quite put my finger on what made me connect so well with this episode, but it had me from laughing out loud ("She's gone.", "It's all up in the cloud.", "Let's have a baby.") to absolutely devastated. So my big question now is, how far in the future was that Nora from last episode? Could that be her after her "radiation treatment"?

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I thought Kevin was gonna give Nora shit for printing the photo and visiting Lily but after walking in to kevin doing that... yeah Nora gets a free pass for almost everything.
And I find it a little unrealistic storywise that Christine would get Lily back, I think any court in america is racially biased, so I think they would favor the white woman especially considering she was a victim of the departure and everyone pities her and that she’s in a committed relationship with another white man, has a steady job and financial security, so I don’t think that would happen, but also I think it’s unfair they took Lily away, cause Christine abandoned her, you can’t come back that, like she didn’t even leave her w Tommy, she left her in a fcking bathroom so my heart breaks for Nora, she lost a kid for the third time.

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So, Nora is about to break again. At least she and Kevin enjoyed some time together but I hope they can still be healed, otherwise it'll be incredibly sad.

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Hot damn as a local it's hard not to be distracted by all the familiar Australian faces and places.

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It would have been so perfect, but you can't convince me the last 5 minutes wouldn't have been better as a cold open in the next episode

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