just want to know what's the song when the GR had a fight with then town, after the song"Sweet Love for Planet Earth"

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Pilot (2014)

Kevin Garvey: You're wrong.Nobody's ready to feel better. They're ready to fucking explode.

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Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-10-21T00:27:19Z— updated 2022-10-25T01:37:36Z

Just finished DARK and read that this is along the same lines of weird sci-fi drama complexity, so I dove right in. First episode, it's an intro so wasn't expecting much, but so far, so good.

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Hmm…very interesting. Interesting indeed.

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hmm yes I have several questions….

this has potential. it’s different.

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I am utterly confused as to why the "choke" result on the weird spin-the-bottle-but-it's-a-phone-app means they had to strip down to their underwear, because they instantly both knew it meant erotic asphyxiation. Neither of them questioned it. The "burn" wasn't made to be sexual, so why was choke? I know it's not important... but that whole party sequence seemed completely unnecessary.

Anyways, I was somewhat intrigued by what the episode had, and I've heard decent things about the show over the years. But someone in my group vetoed it, so not going to be watching more. shrug At least not for awhile, because I have other solo shows that I've been slacking on.

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it was a kinda boring episode, but as a first episode it's great. the mystery of what's really going on and the great actors and script are enough to keep me going.

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Interesting start. Has the potential to be good, but also has the potential to be pretty bad. We'll see.

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Of course they started cults. What could be a better time than this to exploit people? Wonder how many people murdered others or disappeared from public by taking advantage of the situation..

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Shout by Deleted

Great episode. You don't know to much about why anything is happening lol it makes you feel like you are missing everything and aren't paying attention but I'm sure they'll give the answers throughout the show. It is just episode 1 after all. Most tv shows the first episode is very interesting yet confusing. But becomes iconic.

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Shout by Felix Schröter
BlockedParent2017-11-20T19:37:15Z— updated 2022-05-17T12:49:43Z

While this episode in itself wasn't the most breathtaking, it has done some exceptional world building.
It also gave us the introduction of many interesting people which were all acted extraordinarily.
And last but not least we've got plenty of mind-bending mysteries to be answered.

I'm really looking forward to this show.

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Haha, a lot has changed since I watched this in 2014. I still think they could have done this better (i.e., less sporadic shifting between characters). This show requires you to focus on characters as the driving force and reason for each scene, so it'll be a tough road to get to the payoff--but when you do, you'll know it was worth it! (believe me)

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I Didn't understand anything. Haha!

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Shout by ezee

It is a good start.

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