Building up to total chaos and escalation. I love it!

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I think it was a missed opportunity to make Serena a handmaid after her baby is born. Instead of making her a spokesperson for giliad, they should have turned her to a handmaid for her husband's treachery. She can bear children so that would have been a great story twist and so satisfying.

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June Osbourne learned new skill: teleport & GPS coordinates of Serena

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Better than the first two episodes, but the stuff outside of Gilead is not good - the writing is poor, and I don't think it works - so I'm glad there wasn't as much of it in this episode. Also, can't believe Commander Lawrence actually used the term 'toxic masculinity'. At times, it feels like this show is turning into a parody of itself. The quality of the show at this point is far far far removed from the stellar first two seasons. June's character especially has dropped quite a lot in terms of depth and quality. Elisabeth's Moss' performance as June in early seasons was magical and utterly captivating, but these last two seasons I've found her to be falling extremely flat and almost cringe-inducing at times - no fault of Elisabeth Moss' I'm sure, I think that's just the product of subpar writing for a show that should not have continued this long.

I think I'm being extremely generous when rating this a 7.

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"That's it?!"
-Me watching June after the encounter at the end

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Bro, I can't stand any more close-ups of Elisabeth Moss's ugly face

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I would have laughed in her face, when June told Moira that she had no right to decide. Oh the irony.

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