Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-06-14T16:33:51Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:23:37Z

"After everything we've done for you."

And what exactly is it that you've done for her, Serena? Taken away her basic rights? Reduced her to breeding stock? Raped her in a fucked-up monthly ritual? Because you've certainly done all of that, but not much in terms of treating her like a human being.

Watching this show was hard and some scenes gave me major anxiety, but the story was very good and I really bonded with some of the characters. I'm glad that Moira reunited with Luke and I'm kind of curious to see what Rita will do with the letters. And, of course, I want to know what will happen to June. I'm looking forward to season 2.

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My feelings about Serena are so drastically contradictory. On the one hand, I love her. She's a strong, smart, confident woman and I cheer when she stands up for herself. On the other hand, she's helping promote these horrible ideals and standards that belittle women and keep them oppressed (herself included) Girl, what are you doing?

Also, people do such horrible, monstrous things in the name of God and religion. And not only in fiction, but in reality too. Such savages. And such hypocrites. Making up any sort of excuses to justify all their wrongdoings and suit their own needs and interests.

But I loved that Canada is depicted as the place where people are rational and kind, in opposition to the crazies that have control of the US. I wonder if the writers did that on purpose or if it's like that in the book . Maybe the author of the book had some kind of premonition LOL

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i am so glad that margaret atwood is getting all of this. her work, and not only this, is genius! and honestly how relevant this show is these days is super crazy. the moral of the story kids, is that if you live in america and you feel like the system is against you (aka all the time these days), canada will welcome you. we have margaret atwood so what could go wrong?

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Shout by Mark Linton

I felt so sorry for Janine. She just didn't understand what was going to happen. Or worse... She did.

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Shout by Sisi2
BlockedParent2018-07-25T06:16:21Z— updated 2018-08-08T02:23:40Z

The scene where they were deciding the fate/punishment for Warren reminded me so much of Communism. The Communists had created "ideal" world and everybody had to live by their rules or else be punished, while they feasted and did everything they wanted without fear of punishment. They were above the law after all!

I've read the book and I like how much the added scenes added to the depth of the story.

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Nobody can play a cruel bitch as likeable as Yvonne Strahovski. She’s by far the best actress on this show. She’s so evil and heartless but at the same time seems so vulnerable.

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This is the end of the book.
The rest is kinda invented so I hope June can escape.

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"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

Serena was really scary there. And I liked how they flaunted Putnam's predicament as a counterpoint. I even considered for a moment that Nick could have been the target of the "Salvaging" rather than Janine.

And the Resistance grows. I really hope they keep up the pace instead of trying to make it a 10-season-show because it could derail really fast. Now, does June really trust Rita or was that a leap of faith? Perhaps there was a letter written by RIta in there?

Moira's reunion with Luke was heartwarming. I'd also feared it was all a cunning trap before he showed up.

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Why in the world are pregnancy tests banned in a society that revolves around impregnating women???

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In all of this darkness, there is still hope... and love.

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So fantastic I need more!!

The parts with Moira in Canada were so lovely. I love how interesting the world is and how we see a bit more of it compared to the book. And Serena Joy is an awful person but such a great charachter. I hate her but she's one of my favourite characters.

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please don't get me wrong (I love the book) but I loved so much how the story has been extended, since in the book we see almost everything from Offred's perspective, it made the show richer with more contrasts. I can't wait for season 2!

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OMG!! What a perfect season finale. Great episode from the start to end. The big question now is what's going on from here.
only one inconvenience, it's seems to easy for Moira to get the border!! I'd like to see the whole process...

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luke marking moira as his family. . . this kills the man
i dont know much about rita to trust her with the letters
i dont know much of anything now really because this is exactly the end of the book from here on out its all a shot in the dark

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Shout by Silrog

While there are plenty of monsters, like Serena or aunt Lydia, June is the woman I dislike most.
She very rarely acts smart for her own good. But her ignorance always might cost others too.
Like when she opened the package and registered what was inside. She didn't actually protect it as the treasure it is, she spread the letters all over the floor and even slept among them.

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So cruel. I don’t see Mrs Waterford as evil, but deranged in a way, yes. I get it though. She’s doing whatever she can to keep that fantasy of a family life intact, the fantasy of maybe being able to fix it all. But it’s an illusion. They’re not a family now… bringing a child into their world won’t change that. A desperate woman looking for desperate means. I just can’t quite get behind how naive she was, making rules and then expecting to still somehow be part of a system that sees her kind as less than.

Knew what the stoning was for before it happened. Now, her surviving had me think it’s not going to be a good ending for her. Hoped she’d had died in the fall but it really wasn’t that high up. People jump from higher up and make it work.

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Such a powerful end to the first series, I can't wait to see what series 2 brings!

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I loved the ending. This episode was so great that I almost cried. I felt moved, encouraged, thrilled and worried. I want to know what is next.

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A different kind of a mic drop.

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Shout by ray.hallucinogen
BlockedParent2019-12-13T16:48:32Z— updated 2019-12-23T21:22:42Z

It's shallow to build the characters on the audience's sympathy every single time. There is no plot, except for those creepy sex scenes on a squeaky bed. And bad girls were not those who spent their 20s in a bar getting hammered.

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This show makes me cry like a waterfall and it's beautiful. That rocks scene.. Wow! Elizabeth Moss is a queen! Her acting is so powerful it makes us suffer with her and feel her pain. I can't put in enough words how powerful this show is. Its a gold time for TV kids. Epic.

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