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The Flash: Season 4

4x22 Think Fast

this episode was great. good plot movement.
harry and iris make a good team. I think I can get used to dumb harry

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If the entire season of boring bus metas was building up to that single opening scene of DeVoe storming the black ops site, IT WAS 100% WORTH IT. That was so badass and so well done. Not to mention David as DeVoe was hella accurate. Damn. That was such a good episode. About time we got some Original Team Flash scenes.

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They could’ve gotten to this point about 12 episodes back. I would be pissed if DeVo gets away in the next episode.

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Cecile and Harry cracked me up! It’s been a while since I actually laughed watching this show.

I’m so glad the writers still remember Caitlin is around. Although the timing doesn’t feel right, since her plot seems a bit rushed as we get closer to the finale, I’m happy to see that they are still digging on her character. I’m intrigued indeed.

Seeing Diggle in Star Labs even just for a while, makes me wonder how easily it would have been for Barry to get Ricardo Diaz instantly and save Oliver from all that trouble...

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Why Iris is such a bitch with Dumb Harry?
I mean, he's dumb, he tends to forget about what people has done to other people.

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Flash is worth watching again. Loved it when DeVoe use all his power to fight Argus. It's good to see flash outside of star labs especially in the night.This one is the coolest episode. Loved little bit of Joe and ceicile to. Hope next episode is worth watching to.The only down side of this episode was Iris is not dead yet. :/ Although it's good to see her teamed up with dumb harry.

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Shit episode just as expected

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Opening was well done and good acting in the scene with Barry and Cisco, other than that kinda weak considering how close we are to the end. There aren’t the same stakes as the previous seasons.

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Diggle could have helped, just saying.

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Barry: Imma go get John Diggle and ask him.
Cisco: Quick, grab a bucket.

See? Someone's paying attention.

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