Boring episode with an amazing ending, so of course people are rating it only according to the latter.

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It felt like a sense 8 episode with the ending it deserved

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Well that is certainly one way of getting Closer to “god”

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This episode (and series so far) can be summed up in one word: Brilliant

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This episode was so filled with sexual stuff, that it felt extremely weird and forced. This episode barely could survive more than 5 minutes without a sexual scene.

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Waste of time nonsense. Don't bother.

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Glad they killed off one of the annoying teen cast early. Shame the tiktok 'actor' wife is around for the duration.

I don't think I've picked up the name of Kate Siegal's character but I'm here for her everything.

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"An algorithm could write movies and TV shows!"
"Not well though...."

Well played, writing team, well played. :laughing:

The death scene was wild. So well done. I didn't expect the first death to be so crazy. Now, I'm extremely curious to see how the rest of them will be killed.

Likely in the minority here but I wish there was less sexual stuff and weirdness. It doesn't add anything really to the plot. The orgy music was on point though.

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That last scene was brutal, pretty invested now at this point!

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This show has a deeper meaning I can't wait to find out about, and the end was shocking for only episode 2.

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This episode was a little slow paced, but what an amazing ending to the episode, rather gruesome to say the least.

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ok, the ending was really good. it was good after carla gugino came for the rescue. but before? god, i don't feel like i'm watching a mike flanagan show. the text is weak and the acting sometimes too. i feel like prospero was written to have another posture, like there's a miscommunication between who wrote the character and its actor. but after this ending i'm hooked. i also can't wait to rewatch hill and bly.

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Now that was an
Epic payoff that
left me very satisfied.
even though this was a
slow episode that final
act in the third act
made it all worthwhile.
(hope theirs more
where that came from).

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Those strobelights at the end was really annoying. And I wonder, did she leave

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That was an excellent episode. I'm not sure why people say it was boring; it's the start of the show, and the chat between the father and the US investigator is meant to be detail oriented.

If people don't like this, then they probably don't like Quentin Tarantino movies with heavy dialogue as well.

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That final scene was the only good thing about this show so far.

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