Duration of first viewing before boredom reached a crescendo: 27 minutes.

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It's a horror version of Succession!

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A very intriguing and interesting first episode. Looking good.

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Did anyone else pick up on slightly Succession(ish) notes in the dinner scene? The Prospero kid is so obviously doing a Kendall Roy impression. Similarly Kate Siegel is going for a Shiv Roy character. Succession, Haunting and Dopesick combined.

I need a character name cheat sheet to refer for this. I was lost with the scenes of the siblings one by one all talking about each other and their spouses before we even met them.

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I was afraid i would be dissapointed. But this first episode was really good

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First thought: Oooh, Flanagan and this cast and crew, and Edgar Allan Poe, and disgusting twin things and monstrous family drama in the Intrepid multiverse! This is going to be gooood!

Second thought: Wait, which one is Juno?!

Third and prevailing thought for the remainder of the episode: (after Camille let's slip the age canyon) Noooo, HER?! "THAT'S JUNO?!?! I thought she was one of his daughters! What the fuck was Roderick (and casting) thinking?!!" lololol chokes to death wink

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Didn't expect Mike to start the series with a pitch-perfect emulation of Succession, but here we are! :sweat_smile:
Can't wait to dive in to this series tonight!

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I'm surprised no one here is calling it "woke" over a couple of gay characters, lol.

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'Mike Flanagans final
Project for Netflix
before he crosses
Over to
Amazon Prime'

Good but not
Blown away but very
interested to see more
on where this is heading.
Love the hole
Verna* (anagram)
Raven* thing going on.
Seems like a classic
Flanagan show with his
Wife and all his usual cast
from all previous,
I just hope it's about
less greedy fcuks and
more Horror,
one thing is for sure
it can't be as piss-poor
as The Midnight Club,
that bore fest got it's
ass cancelled after just
one season.
I'm hoping bigger and
much better from
this latest project
set in
"The Flanaverse"

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Good acting and directing, but the story promises so much but drags on for such a long time. Only the first episode, so obviously no reveals yet for satisfaction.

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Great to see Flanagan return to the family dramas.

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A great start. First thing is the overall production quality. The scenes, the colors, the cast, it looks amazing. And you know nobody puts that much attention to all that to produce a piece of shit. Well, maybe Snyder ? But definitely different register here.

It's mostly introduction and narration and yet it's still captivating. The gravitas brought by Bruce Greenwald and Carl Lumbly is off the charts. Not seen much of her yet, but Carla Gugino is usually fantastic and it looks like she'll have a very interesting role.

A bit too many children (and spouses) to really appreciate the characters yet though. GoT like intro with each only receiving a few minutes. But wow, so many stupid names...

It seems it's not an adaptation of the original story but rather a combination (and modernization) of several different ones, which is a great idea.

Anyway it seems very promising.

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It has started well, I will keep watching

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I was looking forward to this but it is not what I was expecting at all. I love Poe's stories but this ain't it. It's modernized beyond necessity and to make it more sellable I guess they have thrown in unnecessary amounts of x-rated content that add nothing to the story. It feels misplaced when almost all the characters talk about it when it has nothing to do with the story. Everyone seems to be sleeping around or having some sort of a kink AND the need to talk about it with everyone they know. I kept waiting for the actual story and ended up fast forwarding through this added stuff. I'm not beyond liking some added sex if it has anything to do with the story but come on. This just feels silly.

Oh and the Usher story beneath it all? I guess it's there somewhere...

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Okay so I wasn't going to watch this year's Flanagan show after the last two disappointed me so damn much. But here I am, lured purely by the fact it has Mary McDonnell and Kate looking incredible. Hoping the weak ass teen actors have minimal screen time coz the rest are looking solid.
Fingers crossed its not weakly strung together writing again full of clichés.
Also nice to see more than one queer character. Reflecting real life a bit more!

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