Great episode and the conflicts between Elizabeth and Philip are completely comprehensable. This new situation is not easy for either of them.

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"What kind of family is this, you've taken my home, my name..." awww boo-hoo, are you getting emasculated? Awwww poor little man, marrying the FUCKING QUEEN omg this crybaby and airhead is such an annoyance. They're really painting him in a quite terrible, belittling light haha.

This episode was a bit more bearable than the first two. It's great acting, but I'm just not entirely sold on the entirety of it yet. And it's not exactly that thrilling to watch.

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Well it's been 2 years since I started watching this show and it's fallen by the way side of my watch list... I'm sure you can guess from the date of this comment why I've picked it up again.
People think being a monarch is easy but it's a hell of a burden to carry and a lot of work. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Queen Elizabeth II's journey :hearts:

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weird how they never mention the Edward hanging out w/ fascists thing. that and the abdication are like the only things I know about him

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For all the wealth, power and privileges that comes with royalty I wouldn't for the life of me want to trade places with them.

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Can't believe how good this show is! Can TV get any better?

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I have just watched the second episode and it's the best bit of television that I've seen in many a long year. Superb acting and production values perfectly evoke the mores of the times. Terrific stuff!

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I still like it, but the script is turning soapy here.

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Oh Philip, do shut up, you hypocrite

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