A season final by the numbers. You could see the twists coming from a mile away but I enjoyed every minute of it. Maybe we have become a little spoiled, this was a pretty decent episode but it's very hard to beat the previous two episodes.The duel between Boba and Bane felt a bit underwhelming, maybe it got hyped to much but I can't help but feel there was more in that scene. Ah well . WEEEEeeeeee to next season

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Apart from the two excellent Mandalorian episodes, I could have done without this show. Hopefully the next few Star Wars shows feel a bit more organic.

There is a post-credit scene.

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Honestly I thought I would enjoy this episode more than what I did

it was just alright, nothing special and in many ways underwhelming

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This is a good show if your 14 years old. It’s a shame all my life I wanted the Star Wars world to open up and here it is and it’s just too childish. As a kid the original 3 had more going for it then this does to any new generation. It misses the mark. I guess it’s Disney.

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round the mill finale --- Cad Bane deserves much better... was happy to see him back in last episode, but bummed how the treatment ended.

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Okay, the "Blast Off"-Scene of two armoured mandalorians fighting side by side was pretty sweet. The rest was incredibly bland and/or predictable.
What is just stupid and annoying is fucking Grogu being brought back by R2. That is just lazy circumvention of the Kylo Ren problem. But even more annoying to me because I was so happy The Mandalorian finally got rid of its McGuffin. Can't they accept that not everything in this galaxy must have a force wielder?

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lol skad did nothing with that eye, so useless. Why not give him the rifle and send him to the roof. That cyberpunk gang had no business being in this show.

Also cad bane can’t be dead right? Only two episodes? Come on man.

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Grogu force hugging Mando… heart breaking. Someone was definitely cutting onions nearby

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That was not a good finale.
There were so many bad decisions made in a span of 10 minutes by the characters.

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I thought it was pretty solid overall, just didn't realize it was the season finale till, well, after it was over and didn't see anything upcoming (I was a few weeks behind). Also, what's up with the aim on those battle bots or whatever they were? They couldn't aim for s__t. As much as I was rooting for the good guys, that part was extremely unrealistic, the aiming is obviously computer controlled and would have made quick work of the entire set. Classic case of imbalanced "oh this thing is so strong," if they were that strong they would have wiped everything out including the rancor. Like, instantly.

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Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-02-10T20:36:30Z— updated 2022-02-20T23:06:04Z

Really underwhelming end to an underwhelming show. If Mando and Grogu weren't in it I wouldn't have made it through.

Bad writing, pace and choices. Those teen 'mods' stick out like a sore thumb once again and cheapen an already terrible foundation. Even Fennec was underused. Terrible

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Any episode with Boba Fett is certain to be lame. None of the characters behave as a person of normal intelligence would. The entire finale was idiotic and implausible.

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This is so bad I don’t even know where to start. So I won’t. Because it’s not worth thinking or writing about. Just let it go Disney, you know nothing about Star Wars.

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What a disappointing finale. If it hadn't been for Cad Bane, I'd have given this a 4 or a 5. It was basically one long shootout, and it wasn't very good. Really disappointed that they killed him off so soon too.

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I’m guessing BDH or Filoni didn’t direct this one. It’s no shocker the two (by far) best episodes were directed by them. Outside of having a cool costume, I never really understood why people go gaga over Boba Fett, other than the scenes with the Tuskens, he looked and moved around like my 80 year old dad.

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Robert Rodriguez strikes again! This was nonsensical on every level, but to make things even worse there's no excitement whatsoever. You are left wondering how can so many talented people make something so incompetently. They even came close to ruining Mando.

Boba and Mando use the distraction that Majordomo provides by flying out... and landing right in the clear area without any cover where everyone can shoot at them as they please. Then they waste bunch of their best munition (flamethrower and a rocket) on obviously shielded drones. Then they just stand there, next to the scorpio drone, just discussing their options while scorpio drone gives them a moment to think about it. And rancor? Loved how rancor just f*cks off after defeating one droid because it would be too obvious for him to destroy both of them. Then everybody for some reason starts shooting at the rancor that just saved them, their bosses rancor for no good reason. Where's Boba to stop them? Also loved Fennek is explaining the plan to Boba as he has no say in it, or as if they didn't plan it out beforehand.

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Season ends with a good episode. The last ones were good but had nothing to do with Boa Fett. This shows his allies help him fight for dominance of Tatooine in an honourable person, wanting the best for the people. What a change from the known Boba. As usual, Mando steals the show. Although Fett stil manages to kill Cab Bane in. 20 second fight.
The droids follow the stormtroopers creed "can't hit sh*t" even when the targets are all clustered and together.
The 8 given reflects the good parts and Mando's and the kid appearance with an entertaining plot but with lack of execution.
Found it better than the ones with Boba Fett and generally entertaining.

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good fight, but the characters of Boba Fett pale before those of the Mandalorian

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Keep mando around, he's what i want to see going forward

p.s. think of this. what if it wasn't Boba Fet that crawled out of the scarlet pit .. but rather, that storm trooper we saw in there with him (who used bobas suit to get out) ... ooooooooh. TWIST!

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Can't believe they killed off my boy Cad Bane!!

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Overall a good Season 2.5 of The Mandalorian, as a "standalone" series there was too much Mando in it and too little character development for the sidestorys. There should have been 1-2 more episodes highlighting how Boba trains the rancor. Also there should be more between "ok, we'll help you" to "we'll die for you" (the kids, Black Krrsantan, ...).

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This show was so much better than mandalorian. Hope we get a season 2.

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Force Hugs are the best hugs.

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As one of the few viewers that prefers plot over action, this was an OK finale. The five families Godfather-esque storyline was the least interesting part of the show. So I'm glad that was resolved. I wonder what a second season would be about.

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Apparently I am not the target demographic for this anymore. But when my 14 yo son keeps highlighting that they keep mindlessly shooting the fucking battle droid when the shield is on and when it is finally off they stop shooting then you just must realize that this technically brilliant show was created by morons and for morons. I expected a lot more than SW eye candy.

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Wow that was boring and uneventful.

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A couple nice moments and a lot of confusing ones. Boba may need a timeout.

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They had no right to kill off Cad in such a poorly scripted action sequence.

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Tactically very little of the battle makes sense. But overall it's entertaining and satisfying.

Cad Bane hopefully not dead? Though seemed pretty final. They didn't really make the most of him, he was pretty stiff and static throughout.

Riding the rancor and the fight versus the droid was pretty great.

The overall storyline is a bit unimpressive but compared to most sci-fi shows I've watched over the past year or so this is much better. Foundation for example, or that god-awful Star Trek Discovery.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-02-09T19:55:58Z— updated 2022-08-19T09:02:21Z

All those little service robots? Adorable! The Kid? In a space ship? Awesome! The kid eating? Cute! The kid using the force in battle? Great! The Mandalorian (the shiny one)? Cool! The little green alien man without a name? Intimidating! The other aliens? Astonishingly creative costumes and make up! Nice too look at!

The 80s Gothic Vespa/Cyberpunk gang? Stupid. Fennec? Boring! Boba? Couldn't care less!

How did they get that wrong? Constantly? I'm attached to every little service robot a lot more than to Boba...

Plus, it's a weak finale. All that alliance building, diplomacy, politics, befriending local townsmen, Boba in the back story shown as a man who became wiser and more experienced, all that parcours training was totally inconsequential. In the end, it was raw firepower of two guys in an armour and ä donated (!) beast. Yeah, I know it's stupid Star Wars and they love their lasers, but it feels pointless. Plus, the HAL killing robot's aim is extremely poor.

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Shout by FinFan

Compared to the previous two episodes this was more than a little underwhelming. But it was the expected finale with the equally expected twists. The whole Pyke storyline felt put-on from the start. Overall still a good addition to the SW universe.
I was surprised that Grogu came back. Makes little sense other that Disney wants the character to be a regular in Mando season three. He is crowd puller and sure sells merchandise. Would have been better for him to become a full Jedi.
Boba riding the Rancor was a cool sequence. I'd hoped for that. I don't know if there is another season planned and quite honestly I didn't know where to go from here. I still hope that Fett and Shand will make appearances in other shows again.

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Lacking any nuance, it was a somewhat disappointing conclusion.

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Shout by itachi

Boba Fett : "They're gonna destroy my city"

Also Boba Fett : brings a rancor into the city

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Shout by alex

i literally only watched this for the mandalorian.

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A nice season finale :) Quite a lot of action!

The twist with the Pykes being responsible for killing the Tuskens and blaming the speedbikers was very unexpected.

I had to laugh hard when Grogu arrived with R2D2 in the X-Wing and had Mando's shirt/armor on xDDD
I just wish I could've seen Luke's face...
I didn't expect that Grogu would actually choose Mando.

Fennec: "Manners, I like it, you're welcome."

Mando: "We got real problems."
Indeed... :o The Pykes should've lead with those droids... :D
I was kinda hoping for R2D2 providing air support with the X-Wing but I guess that would've been to easy.

Boba vs. Bane was interesting and I din't expect Bane to die after just being introduced.

Fennec is really a master assassin.

I'm glad that most of Boba's loyal crew is still fine.
His two bodyguards weren't particularly powerful or interesting but very loyal and I already miss them a bit for it. RIP.

And what a cliffhanger at the end (again!). It looks like there's still some hope for Mando's friend though.
PS: Of course the people of Freetown would show. Bane gave them a real cause to fight for.

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Honesty, the thing that interested me wasn't on screen... instead we got 1 hour of fighting...

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Shout by J_345

All that shooting at the shields like idiots the. When the shield is actually down lets stand up and watch the creature get fucked :man_facepalming_tone3: and making the pike run away too

Boba fett and the creature destroyed the city more than the pike :joy:

Really a little fire blast and he runs away lol

Really like the way the alien guy talks. Really good villain.

For all the talks about how good Mandalorian’s are they sure do get beat up a lot lol

Where did Boba Fett get another rocket?

Where tf is Boba to control his pet

The boys are back!!! Roadtrip!!

Man i missed Ming-Na Wen from Agents of Shield. Cant believe she’s 58

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There is one cringe moment in this episode where it involves one of Boba's biker gang you know it when you see it. XD

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binged it. too long obviously. good comes with the bad right.

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