OMG OMG OMG that was some of the best star wars since return of the jedi. PURE AMAZING. PERIOD.

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I've been thinking for 30 minutes how to review this without spoilers but I'm as giddy as a 10 year old right now. Simply shell shocked. This was pure pleasure for any Star Wars fan, just go watch it (again)

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A LOTTTTTT OF THOUGHTS, many will have to be kept to spoilers. Spoiler tags aren't working for me.

As an episode of pure Star Wars, this was once again incredible. Dave Filoni knows this universe so well and he continues to impress. We got more of the Boba Fett - Pyke Syndicate storyline that feels overlooked and wasted this season, including memorable returns.

But once again, despite how entertaining and enjoyable this episode was - it was for a good portion, the 2nd episode (or episode adjacent) of The Mandalorian Season 3.

When people think of The Book of Boba Fett, they will without a doubt remember last week and ESPECIALLY, this week. And while that's not an endorsement of this show, its an endorsement for how good Star Wars CAN be in the right hands, and what they could eventually set up

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I can't be the only viewer who rolls his eyes at all the fan service.
Enough of LS, fss! Move on. Do something fresh. Bring in new characters.

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Did the directors forget what show they were working on? What is all this crap about Luke and the Mandalorian? Stick to Boba Fett

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Classic "I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him scene" in the beginning. It's a Western after all.

Most of the time, this episode has nothing to do with the Fett story, but that's a good thing I presume. I don't really understand how all that Mandalorian and his foster child story could be related to the main story. But man, I could watch that little thing exercise all day. The Grogu part is just beautiful. As a stand alone episode it's actually wicked enjoyable.

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This episode of the Mandalorian is good and show a more in sync with the original Star Wars Luke Skywalker character not the travesty we saw on the sequels where the character got disfigured by the mediocre writing, this is the true essence of Luke a complete opposite of the guy that tried to kill Ben Swolo because he scares me.

And I see some people here complaining about fan service, well Star Wars is about the story of the real Skywalkers if you don't like that you are in the wrong franchise maybe go and seek your woke content someplace else like glee or something like that.


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So much fucking fan service in this show Jesus Christ

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These last 2 episodes are the best Star Wars I've seen in a looooong time!!! FAAAAAAAAK!!!!

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I think I get it now, and I tip my hat to The Mandalorian. There never was a Book of Boba Fett separate series. What we have been watching has been The Mandalorian season 3 from the start. It just began with an extended focus on Boba Fett, exploring his character and the characters and events around him, so that they can be folded into the larger The Mandalorian story. We’re at the fold now. Mando isn’t camoing in the Book of Boba Fett; Fett has been co-starring in The Mandalorian. What we’ll see going forward from here is a hybrid show that includes them both. There’s not going to be a The Mandalorian season three premiere in our future; it’s already six episodes in our past.

Also: the CGI in this episode was first-rate. I didn’t feel much uncanny valley this time around.

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I think my Disney+ app glitched out, I got some weird deepfake fan project instead of this weeks episode of “Book of Boba Fett”.

I didn't mind seeing Luke and R2 in the season finale of The Mandalorian last year, but this was too much.

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"Is that a... bench?" ROFL

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I'm conflicted about this episode. On the one hand it was incredible seeing everything that happened, particular shout-out to the western stand-off with Cobb Vanth and Cad Bane, but on the other hand I've really missed Boba Fett in his own show, and I might be in the minority but I was really enjoying the first episodes when it actually focused on Boba Fett. Overall I've enjoyed the last two episodes, but I don't think they fit in this show. I would rather have had less episodes in this show and had most of the things in these two show up in Mandalorian season 3 or something.

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I mean what can I say really!!

Amazing episode and I'm glad that we got to see the Child and Luke once again

It broke my heart that Mando and the Child didn't get to reunite but oh well it's all for the better I guess

super excited for the last episode next week

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I had a feeling Olyphant was screwed when who was approaching him was who I thought it was. All the complainers just can’t say this show is disappointing now.
Though I would say that the only bad is that the show feels more like the Mandalorian is back in season 3 now. Than it feels like a Boba-Fett show.

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Damn. Goddamn. This is the best episode so far. Pure delight and joy, and some of the best Star Wars canon to date.

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This episode once again underlines that the Jedi are a scary cult with the whole detachment/breaking all ties with the ones you love thing going on (as we already learned in the prequels). Ahsoka going out of her way to keep loved ones away from Grogu through manipulation and Luke forcing Grogu to make a choice like that is just wrong on so many levels.
Just think about it: if it were the Sith doing these things would you think it was healthy behaviour with the best intentions?

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So Boba has had something like 30 seconds of total screen time in the past two episodes of his own show. But I'm okay with that since the past two episodes of his show have been the best BY FAR. For me, the only question is whether this was the plan all along or if the brain trust realized early in production that Boba, despite his long-term mystique, could not carry a show once that mystique was removed to any great extent.

Whatever the reason(s), though, I couldn't be happier with what I saw in this one. Dave Filoni continues to be my Star Wars hero. With almost anyone else, this episode could be seen as shameless and almost pandering fan service, but I know that Dave's love for George Lucas's world is as genuine and pure as it gets, so this is NOT just some cynical attempt on his part to suck up to the fans.

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Look I love fan service and much as the next person I do, but two episodes in a row of a show with a title name character that doesn’t feature said character is a bit much. This feels out of place and absurd.

Am I excited by the prospects of course I am. But I would like Bobba Fett back now

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the return of fan favorite characters and its full of fan service, its directed by dave filoni so makes sense :)

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I needed to sleep on this episode before adding my thoughts (without spoilers), and I promise I won't just try, DO.
This was an amazing episode! Brilliant.
I'm in 'tech world' myself but I was still blown away by how well they did segments of this episode - stunned is probably a better word for it.
A number of surprise faces were welcomed back, and yes, we do get to see Boba and the larger arc coming to view.
The take away from this episode from me to you, if you liked Star Wars, what it stood for, the original epic, the true Lucas experience, and you haven't ventured into the world of The Mandalorian or The Book of Boba Fett, 'Don't Try, Do' watch these! My rating for this ep 9.5/10

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Best Star Wars Content we have had easily since ROJ. what an experience. 10/10 episode, if not 1000/10

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Enjoying the series, but I feel this isn’t really a book of Boba Fett. It’s seems like we’re seeing hints of what to expect next season. Hopefully the last episode will tie it all together.

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I‘m kind of speechless after watching this episodes. Basically it was another Mando episode but the storylines are slowly coming together. There were so many iconic characters in this episode it‘s almost unbelievable. Luke (with absolute brilliant CGI), Ahsoka, Grogu and of course the introduction of Cad Bane to live-action Star Wars. I‘m so looking forward to the final episode.

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Grogu is a kid. He behaves and acts like a kid, has all the innocence etc and apparatently had a terrible life so far up until he met Mando. It was really upsetting seeing Luke placing him in a situation of choosing between continuing his training and sticking to his best and only friend. I hope he decides to leave Luke in his miserable stone house. On a side note I hope the yellow Twi'lek chick is not dead ... fcking terrorists.

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another good episode of the mandalorian :thumbsup:

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f*ck yes. I am loving this so much. what are the people complaining about. gimme more of mando, luke and grogu, ahsoka. saying all that,

pick papa mando grogu. come on!

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For everyone wondering why all these other characters and storylines are intersecting with each other, it's because they are creating a Star Wars MCU, or "SWU" if you will.

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'Justified' Sequel Series | Timothy Olyphant is Back as Raylan Givens!
Just the news I needed to off-set Raylan-In-Space getting martyr 'd to rally town's People against the local drug cartel.
(For YouTube I suggest Firefox browser with these plugins: uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, Cookie Autodelete, and have container tabs enabled)

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Buddhist, Nudists and Zootists : My codewords for this episode. :)

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It’s like the writers and producers knew this series was going to be a dud and planned to pull a Marvel and do some canon interweaving. This was a great episode, by far the best of the series. I might actually keep watching because it’s good instead of just because it’s Star Wars.

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHEHSHEBTNFJ give Dave and Jon the keys to the entire kingdom if the Kennedy lady is still there

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Great episode! I loved it!

But again it’s a „Mando Special“ or something similar (maybe Jedi School 1). Why don’t do what’s on the title and bring some specials out for us fans …

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Great episode! I loved it!

But again it’s a „Mando Special“ or something similar (maybe Jedi School 1). Why don’t do what’s on the title and bring some specials out for us fans …

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Great episode! I loved it!

But again it’s a „Mando Special“ or something similar (maybe Jedi School 1). Why don’t do what’s on the title and bring some specials out for us fans …

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As much of a treat as these characters generally are this episode didn’t really accomplish much outside of opening a present. I expect the remainder of this show to continue shoehorning in Clone Wars characters until they run out of them.

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I feel spoiled and I love it.

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I could get used to these episodes without Boba.
It felt like a recent Star Wars movie but it's actually good

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Sorry, this was not the way

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amazing episode, but it feels out of place, and boba at this point has been completely side lined

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The first 20 minutes had taken the path of an episode that was too.. grogesque, but fortunately the western soul has regained the upper hand. What will his choice be?

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Again, I like the episodes with Boba Fett barely in it (this is again just "The Mandalorian" Season 3).

  1. Ahsoka calling Luke Skywalker by his first name while Mando calls him Skywalker (because Anakin is "Skywalker" to her).
  2. Ahsoka strongly against attachment perhaps because of Anakin's fall to the dark side (IDK understand Luke's, though. TESB makes it feel weird).


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Finally a decent episode, oh I thought I was watching the new series of the Mandalorian :flushed:

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Shout by FinFan

Are you fracking kidding me ?!?!?! I mean, how much more can you put into one episode and how are you going to top this next week ?

This was so emotional that I was between laughing and crying most of the time but when Ahsoka told Luke he's like his father was I lost it. And than making Grogu choose between the armour and Yoda's lightsaber ? Yoda's lightsaber !!!! Seriously, this is everything and more I'd hoped Mando S3 would be but it comes as an early gift. And I gladly accept it. By now I don't care what the title of the show is.

It is Star Wars. Everything.

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Shout by ShoMok

This is all so hollow. Lukes face looks way better but that isn’t enough to portray the real Master Luke. Let. It. Go. Disney. You cannot Star Wars.

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For sure the last two episodes is saving this series. Pure joy to see them all come together :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Fan service unbridled. Boba was sidelined.

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does anybody know if this is supposed to have one more episode or two?

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They kinda master the technology to display Luke in such a young age compared to the final episode of Mandalorian S02. They improved it in my opinion.

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Shout by Miradwyn

My poor family has no idea why I'm pausing the episode to yell, "It's CAD BANE!"

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Linking the heroes of Star Wars (movies and TV series) was a redeeming choice. It was slowly going down hill, wasting resources and actors, until it found a solid story arc in episode 5. This is the equivalent of a brand new series.

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Not a bad episode but it still felt like mostly fillers instead of advancing the main story.

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