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The Blacklist: Season 9

9x03 The SPK

I am very pleased Red got to see Agnes.

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This show is finished!why not end it last season especially with Liz dying!!

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Shout by zarischka

So are we back on the judgmental. holier than thou and/or addict Ressler train?! I hate that train. I wish that train would crash and burn in the corner of YouSleptWithAMurderousFugitive Street and YouFedLizInformationThatGotPeopleKilled Avenue. He is just so annoying!!
This was a fun episode though, I am always a fan of con man-crooks (and Stacy Keach is always a treat) who uses brains instead of weapons. Too bad there were some hickups in both the plan and the show’s script.
Aram, however, is just… the best character. Ever. And I love Dembe. “I am not auditioning f or your approval”. (Even tho I still don’t understand how he is an FBI agent all of a sudden. But then again, I don’t claim to be J Edgar Hoover.)

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Aram will forever be my favorite on the team. The way he brings a light to the darkness.

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Shout by JasperKazai

The moment where Dembe moved the collection basket away from someone trying to put money in it because of the camera positioning was pretty funny.

Why is Agnes 15 now? Lmao. They have really missed the mark with her casting multiple times.
The "that was the day before my mom died" line was groan-worthy.

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Okay, this show is usually pretty realistic in terms of strategy, but what just happened here? In the scene where Raymond took down the church bombers, the writers could've had Raymond do his standard, sensible thing of having a team of people storm the place, but instead they decided to make this new invulnerable, dual-wielding pistol Laura Croft bodyguard? That was ridiculous

The first 3 episodes of this season seem mediocre at best right now, like there doesn't seem to be any over-arching story, just random episodes, but I'll be interested when that starts changing, and to see what happens next with

  • The vaccuum created by Keen's death

  • Raymond's 30-year lifelong project and "Shadow Broker" network (from Mass Effect) designed around protecting her

  • Agnes and the real Katarina

  • How Raymond can use his position as leader of the infamous Skinners

  • And more

We'll see

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