Much better than last season already.

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what is the name of the bottles of rum he brings?

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i must admit - Liz was so hard to love. she's certainly proved time and time again that she wasn't the Strong, Independent Woman whose side i can always be on, someone who i, in any circumstance, would root for, someone who i feel didn't have the level of self-respect she should've always had, in every way... and yet, i find myself missing her.

that may be the nostalgia of the 8 seasons she's around... something just lingers.

whatever it is, i must also admit though, that these past two episodes only proved, once again, how great The Blacklist is. i'm over the moon thinking about the rest of the show. even without Liz.

honestly, i haven't felt quite like this over a show in a long time... that bittersweet feeling. so this comment section is my choice of platform to vent a little bit. (and if you're reading this then i'm sorry this literally makes no sense to anyone else but me lol i hope you enjoyed/are enjoying the show just as much as i am)

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Car races..... Looks slow and fast and the same time. Yikes.

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