So now Liz is friends with the FBI again. Talk about the FBI not having a backbone.
Liz, and Ressler stupid enough to communicate on Ressler's FBI issued phone. It's been 8 years, and you're still so stupid to not use a burner? Cool.

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The foreign travel in this programme completely defies physical possibilities!
Unless they all travelled in a TARDIS that is! Unbelievable!

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Did I miss something? Why the hell is the FBI sharing any information with Liz? And yeah Harold's all like "we're not going to tell you everything," but come on, that's bullshit. You shouldn't be giving her the time of day. The fact that they don't hate her outright by now continues to be logic-defyingly stupid.

We made the joke about Liz stealing Aram's croissant being the worst thing she's done before the show did. Still confused about all of this - are we supposed to think it's cute, the way she's acting? Because it's annoying as hell and continues to make her more and more unlikable.

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I legit don't understand why it is so hard to just kill Townsend. So Reddington goes through all this trouble to get Priya in a room with Townsend and she was with him for a decent amount of time in which she attempted to poison him with poison from her ring when a couple of episodes back Reddington managed to kill Rakitin with a super lethal poison. Surely killing Townsend isn't that difficult...

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Of course Liz is back with the FBI. There’s a deleted scene of Aram humping her leg. She’s also a wannabe Red now. She’s also as arrogant and happy as ever after Red’s gf dying because of her.
Speaking of Red, he seems over that already.

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Good episode. I didn't mind seeing Liz either. How did Aram get back from France so quickly!

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I love how he's one step ahead of everyone else!:blush:

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  • "Rocco? Rocco? Really?"
  • "I hope there's a croissant in there."


  • "I did not come all this way just to eat your croissant"
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