This episode reminded me the good days of TBBT. I was laughing so hard I couldn't even stop. I have to say, I am Spanish and just watching Sheldon dancing I just freaked out. I couldn't stop laughing. It was just hilarious

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First time I got tears from laughing!

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For a Spanish like me... Watch him dancing "Flamenco" like that, was...., well..., hilarious!

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OMG LOL, that was so funny. best one yet!

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Was that an actual good TBBT episode? didnt expect much but it was really funny and I laughed really hard

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Sheldon <3

Great episode I loved it!

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Who would have thought it was gonna be TBBT to make me laugh the most this week? Very good surprise! And a lovely guest appearance by Maria Canals-Barrera! I love that woman so much since Wizards of Waverly Place.

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omg! that was so good! lol I finally see sheldon coming out of his shell!

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An episode that reminds me the good old days of The Big Bang Theory are unfortunately over...

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Well, that was the last straw, I just can't keep watching it. I suppose that all of my friends have already stopped watching tbbt. I was the last one and it was so embracing to admit that I was still watching. However, after this episode, I finally can give up on tbbt. I believe that this show should've finished seasons ago when it was still at least a bit funny. Thanks for all these years, now I'm moving on.

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I´d say that was the best one of the season so far.

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Funniest episode in a long while.

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Sheldon has been off character frequently for a while, now, but this episode really took the cake in that department. It was like the writers completely forgot who he is. Like they so often do... These days they just enjoy turning the character into a clown. Oh, well, sigh. Fun episode, regardless.

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