This episode was unusually funny with some clever jokes.

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So apparently, in the BBT Universe, you're either an egghead or a bimbo.

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Sheldon to Leonard and Penny: "You two have nothing in common. Maybe you should break up."

Finally someone says it!

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I feel really bad for Sheldon, people are just jerks with him for no reason. Like the first part where he interview Leonard and Penny, they were rude for no apparent reason. Then there's Amy treating him like a kid. Weak sauce.

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Sheldon was such a jerk in this episode.

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I just can't watch it. I used to like it, but it's not that nerdy and geeky anymore. Also the laughing from fake audience is so annoying, especially when there's nothing funny. I feel like producers try to tell us "Now! It's time to laugh! It's funny! Ha ha" although it isn't. Sorry guys, I'm out.

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