That teeth pulling scene was unsettling... probably the most disturbing thing next to Annalise's bones being broken to fit in a suitcase.

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You can live without wants, but you can't live without needs.

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Open house, free loot - well almost. But it does sum up nicely to see these people getting so close to being caught only to have their work pay off and stumble upon a motherload for the taking. Sometimes the sacrificies are worth it when there is a team, a partner to help out. The teeth pulling scene and the one before, all without dialogue, is one of the series best. It's amazing they are starting to hit the level where they can communicate nonverbally because they play so well their emotions tell everything we need to know. Again, that teeth pulling scene: a pinnacle of the show.

And Julia Garner incomiiiing

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oh my god, the tooth pulling scene!

i won't lie, that scene was kind of more compelling than basically anything the show has done since season 2 started

i'm feeling like this season's new characters are a bit gimmick-y so far. like "wouldn't it be funny if they had a new handler who played scrabble while talking about mission details" "what if there's a russian who defects, BUT she's obsessed with american candy bars"

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