Truly great episode. Though now that I know the episode's title I'm wondering if it refers to anything beyond someone having to pretend in order to shield themselves from others. In any case, I kinda assumed that's what Isaac had a problem with but they still managed to make the twist interesting and emotional with the whole "we don't care but we do care".

Roy has been giving hints that Ted has rubbed off on him a lot and this episode was no different. Now I guess he really only needs to try and make things right with Keeley (regardless if they actually get back together) and take over after Ted to complete his arc, if they really end the show this season that is.

Nate seems to have come to a crossroads and chose wisely, but hopefully that means he could finally start to circle back. Having now personally slighted Rupert, I think it's clear his days at West Ham are numbered. I can't get a read on sphinx Jade but "it's worthwhile to meet you" was a great line.

Also, Sam and Jamie's little exchange over the armband. :rofl:

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As far as coming out episodes go, that was better than a lot. It only works because of pro sports being so homophobic though. But having George Hearn on the closing credits was brilliant.

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First episode in a few that didn't feel like a complete slog. Not coincidentally, it was also a bit shorter than the previous few. This show simply isn't cut out for hour-long episodes.

Coach Beard has never been more wrong than his opinion on Jimmy Page.

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i said it last week and i will say it again, this show has absolutely no right to deal with the issues it does and i absolutely love it

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Now I know I'm f'd, even Roy brought tears to my eyes.

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“What the fuck are Denver Broncos?” - Jamie Tart

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how I wish the world was really like this

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They really destroyed this show.

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This season remains wildly inconsistent. That being said, this episode proves great Ted Lasso is still possible. More episodes like this, please.

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Not the Captain bringing tears to my eyes twice in one ep. I'm so glad it wasn't as it seemed. I hoped it was his feelings being hurt and not the obvious reason for his coldness. Also Roy Kent in that press room :100: :fire: love that man.

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I thought I couldn't love this show more. Turns out every week I can.

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Way better episode this week, briefly regaining the spark the series had on its first season. But what is up with Colin's "I'm gay" being said off screen? WTF!

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This season is so shit... I'm only enduring it because it's the last one and I wanna finish the show but bloody hell I'm using the "skip 10s" button A LOT. It's like they want to preach about social issues every episode for no reason at all. If you know a little about football you know the football part was bad and unrealistic since the 1st season, but I ignored it because it was entertaining... well, now is tedious.

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Another proof the 45 minutes episodes are by far the best Ted Lasso episodes. Over an hour is too long.

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Are we not gonna talk about Isaac not apologizing for snatching Colin's phone and going through his private photos?

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This show used to be entertaining and funny. This season is progressively becoming the opposite. Dissapointing.

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Perhaps a bit heavy-handed in its messaging, but I love and care about all of these characters so this show is able to pull off tackling real-world issues better than others. You can also tell that the writers are actually pretty well-informed on these things and they are able to do it more justice than you might expect. Good moments for plenty of characters in this episode per usual, and a great balance of emotional and comedy.

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I'm not crying, you are!

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