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Ted Lasso 2020

Suprisingly good 1st season. It's easy to balance this naive all goody goody optimism combined with the word believe without becoming annoying and delivering a stupid show or getting lost in religion. It avoids the pitfall very well.
But end of 1st season, it shows that things will go bad. 2nd season is like it is written by different people and is bad in my opinion.

Best character, Roy Kent
He's every-f***ing-where'

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its a shit show, only season 1 is worth watching

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Hilarious, quite emotional, inspirational and enjoyable show with football that binds all these characters together. 3 seasons made me cry far too many times, that’s impressive cause it’s pretty hard to do that

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Season 1 started of as 6/10. Season 2 ... don't remember anything from it.

Season 3 - 2/10
It's not funny.
It IS tedious.
It's all about being woke and not reality - typical apple+

I only watch this shit cause the wife likes it.

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Such an average show, not sure why all the hype.

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Season 1 was a perfect 10, season 2 is more of a 7/8 so I'll split the difference for now. What a wholesome wonderful show, I am so in love with these characters and their relationships, I can't wait for more episodes! Also, who else besides me is shipping a Roy-Jamie-Keeley throuple??? We need some queer representation on this magical show!

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Best show on TV. You relate to all the characters, you like almost all of the characters, the story is fun and when it's serious it is interesting. Apple wokeness is not present whatsoever (yet, they'll f*ck it up soon enough) and you aren't force-fed politics - and it's about the only show on TV that just leaves agendas at the door and entertains you.

Given the massive success of this show, you would think that Hollywood would stop putting out propaganda, but that's not in their nature. They would rather have hum-drum shows that you end up hating because of politics than entertaining shows that people love.

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Shout by Zac
BlockedParent2020-08-15T15:36:23Z— updated 2020-10-09T19:08:22Z

So far so good - pretty fun show. Coach Lasso is such a positive character, the show put me in a good mood pretty easily. Love Jason Sudeikis of course

Edit after finishing the first season: Fantastic show all around, I looked forward to it every week. Coach Lasso dealing with his struggles as he brings together the team makes for an interesting and entertaining story

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I don't know what to say than; Just fking perfect!

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This in my opinion is in the top 2 shows I've ever watched. Loved it, really hope they listen to the people and go again 1 final time.

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I just watched this through after years of seeing it win awards. I was not even considering watching this show considering the subject (Soccer) and I wasn't much of a fan of Sudeikis.


I broke down and watched through it and... wow... finally a show that is wholesome and funny with a great story but just the right amount drama and tragedy to not take away from the other qualities. It was a nice break from everything going on in the world and the shows that are centered around that.

I have a new found respect for Jason and Hannah and Juno, all who's chemistry is unmatched.

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What a great / interesting idea for a TV series as it follows a successful American football coach who takes a job as a head coach of a soccer club in England in order to get away from his problems at home, only to discover that the job was not as it seemed it would be. The casting is brilliant in this heartfelt comedy that would have been nice to last longer than 3 seasons, but 3 seasons seemed appropriate. Its not a spectacle by any means, but certainly a good time binge worthy show.

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Loved the show. Hated how some things were just passed through tho. Like was not a fan of how fast Jack came and left. Also didn’t make sense on how fast the team forgave Nate.

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Ted Lesson is my favourite Season.

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I am not a sports fan. Full stop. That being said, Ted almost makes me want to be one. This feels like what I'd expect the good ol'days to feel like.

Side note: Extremely well written. There's a reason it's so popular. If you're on the fence, just do it.

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First season is a gem, all characters on the stage does their own very specific job of making scene unique & fun, at the same time being live.
Second season & i guess forth don't worth the court's time. Awful piece of 'corporate' made entertainment with all expected aspects. No more people in frame. No fun dialogs. Tons of redundant characters on the stage. Awful makeup(almost all characters looks like +20 years). etc.

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Enjoyed the first season, discovering the characters, but subsequent seasons just dragged, became far too cutesy with the thumbs up cutaways and pseudo macho horseplay.

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I hate soccer but fing love this series.

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I didn’t expect to like this show so much! It’s not stressful to watch at all. It’s sweet and funny and the characters are just really unique. Great tv here!

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Wow I absolutely loved that.
Ted lesso has such warmth, intelligent script writing, beautiful moments of connection and care for fellow humans... I wish there were more shows like this.
10/10 My only gripe was the title theme track which I had to fast forward every time because I dislike it so much. superb TV!!!

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Pains me to say this, but season 3 was a let down. Rating down from 10 to 8.

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Here's my honest and humble opinion that nobody asked for: Friday Night Lights did it first and did it better.

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Fantastic show. The ending felt a little rushed but overall I enjoyed the show even though it’s VERY sad at times

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Going to miss Ted Lasso :joy:

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This is the best series i have ever watched. cried so much at the end, i’m gonna miss it so much

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The best kind of feel good tv, can’t recommend Ted Lasso enough. What an ending to an amazing show, wanted another season but it ended on a right feel good note.

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Therapy is expensive. Thank god, this exist. This show can literally end war between nations and bring peace all over the world.

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One of my favorite shows! It was so entertaining to watch. There was not a single "meh" or boring episode.

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Season 3 rated a 7.4

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It's just a F***kin Masterpiece this show is going to the top ones in my list !!
Apple TV is jut Killin it this show is one of the unforgettables glad i watched it.

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Vapid, puerile and unfunny. The creators were clearly going for a feel good show for the single digit IQ crowd. The lovable idiot protagonist cliche arc isn't executed well. It ends up being unfunny, uninspiring, shallow, dumbed down stupid mess. Won't bother with the third season. Don't waste your time.

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Cried in season 2 and cried when it ended, the show is one of the best i have seen in years.

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I rarely ever comment on any show or movie, but I absolutely had to say something about this one.

Please do yourself a favor and treat yourself by watching this. It was ALL heart and if you’re anything like me, then you’ll never once feel like spending time with this show is a waste of your time.

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Admittedly, I am not as big on this show as most. I love sports content. I love Jason Sudeikis. But something about this show seems pretty average to me. First season is easily the best (also the shortest). The second and third get progressively slower paced and interesting (also progressively longer). I do think this is a show everyone should check out, because I know many people REALLY love it. However, it will not be one I purposefully revisit.

Average Season Review: 7.67/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Feel Good Sport Fans)

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Quite simply, a perfect show.

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This show is great but we could kind of guess what has gonna happen is season 3 since it's the final season and it should have gone on longer because what happened in the season finale felt like it happened too soon

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Believe me: I‘ve seen a LOT of entertainment in my 60 trips arounds the sun. There‘s a tiny amount of TV shows I‘ve watched during those years that deserve the maximum amount of points.

For Ted Lasso it‘s the first time I wished, the scale would go up to 11. So many good feelings. So many lovable characters. So much compagnionship. And a whole lot of love.

I‘ve shed many tears and I‘m not ashamed to admit it. Seems like the show is ending. I just hope that‘s not the case.

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Believe me: I‘ve seen a LOT of entertainment in my 60 trips arounds the sun. There‘s a tiny amount of TV shows I‘ve watched during those years that deserve the maximum amount of points.

For Ted Lasso it‘s the first time I wished, the scale would go up to 11. So many good feelings. So many lovable characters. So much compagnionship. And a whole lot of love.

I‘ve shed many tears and I‘m not ashamed to admit it. Seems like the show is ending. I just hope that‘s not the case.

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Such a great show. Sad it ended after just three seasons.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2023-05-31T20:22:56Z— updated 2023-06-13T08:02:16Z

It's a mediocre show. Not about real soccer. Not about sports in particular. Not extremely hilarious. Not serious. Not a complex drama. Not a romcom. W/o an overarching coherent story line. Full of cliches and stereotypes. Season one is the best season. Season two is the worst. I know why it's a mediocre show: they risk virtually nothing and designed the show exactly like They probably thought that's a one season show. And season one was the perfect uplifting show for the pandemic. They never thought to need longer story arches or complex characters. And the lack thereof became apparent in the last two seasons. The show has nothing to tell really.

Watch it in a cold winter. Three weekends will do. Highly binge-watchable and you don't need to pay much attention. It's feel good TV. Likeable but shallow characters. Not many other shows produce that sort of hear warming feeling. I said it before. I'll say it again: that's the innocuous familly entertainment companies like Apple deserve. What Emily did to Paris, this show does to European soccer culture.

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I love this series. Great start. Interesting story. Brilliant ending, albeit predictable in places, but still beautiful. Looking forward to watching again; be a Goldfish.

In the end, all I can say is: Believe.

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Shout by 5en5ei
BlockedParent2023-05-31T16:47:27Z— updated 2023-06-28T03:19:33Z

I don't know if there are any other such feel good shows or there will be. I could always come back to AFC Richmond .

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Just finished watching it and I just couldn't be more in awe.

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Ahhh, well well well, okay here me out, this series for me one of best ever
Because it's simply touchs your heart
Know how to make u feel happy and sad and even sometimes asking yourself questions! About yourself
So yah
This whole series is totally masterpiece and very recommend for anyone
U will like it anyway and u will find a part that touch your heart i promise you
, They really have done great job in this series to level that u wish it's never end but in same time u see it's better like this and u are afraid that it will become bad if it's more than 3 seasons? I hope you understand me guys but yah
It's just so good
The storyline, soundtracks, and for sure acting
Totally awesome and specially for sure for
Jason Sudeikis, he was so freaking good
Actually (Goat) hahah so yah
I will miss this guy, bc he is really heart touching
Anyway again
I recommend this series
It's great
U will understand when u watch it
who knows
Maybe this is not the end of the story..

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Thank you for helping get the world through the pandemic.

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most overrated show in the history of television

went from a cheesy forced and contrived show carried by its performances to a series of shitty afterschool specials whose ambitions completely outstripped its ability

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In season 3 the main story arc seems to be going nowhere and the prolonged length of the episodes really overstays it's welcome.

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My roommate at the time turned me on to this show when it started, and boy am I glad he did. It’s the definition of feel good tv! It makes me chuckle, and it makes me tear up. I love this show, even though I hate soccer, lol

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I see this show as a nice, easy and fun thing to watch, and sometimes is all we need.
We are focus on over the top shows, with big budgets and minth blowing stories, but the simple ones that make us feelgood have their value too.

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The first two seasons are very nice and easy to like.
The third season is pretty awful.
It feels directionless, episodes are too long, the renewed focus makes it feel like a melodramatic soap opera, lots of misfires with the comedy (e.g. the Zava character doesn’t work at all), some of the acting got too cartoonish; the show took a swing and it turned into something that doesn’t work.
It’s nice that it tried to break down some barriers with the integration of real issues such as homophobia and racism in sports, but some of that stuff feels so tacked on or handled in a way that doesn’t make sense.

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Ted Lasso Season 1 was amazing. I think they jumped the shark in Season 2. Season 3 has become filled with the regular woke nonsense Netflix throws at us. Except, now it's on AppleTV+.

The woke mind virus is real. I knew season 3 is fucked as soon as the cast showed up to stand in the background at a Biden White House press briefing. :rolling_eyes:

I'm going to re-rate this Season by Season. Season 1 being a 10/10 and the rest just getting lamer and lamer.

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A great show that makes you feel good while you watch it, Ted is full of positivity that somehow transcends the screen.
I like Roy's attitude towards everything :100: He's there.. he's there.. he's every-fucking-where.. ROY KENT! ROY KENT!

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Season 1 was great. Season 2 was worth watching. Season 3 turned into trash. The decision to move from light comedy to whatever social issue of the day was completely changed the show.

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Season 1 was lightning in a bottle. Season 2/3 are not even worth rating. It'd been better if they just stuck to Ted's fish-out-of-water shtick instead of trying to give their unlikeable characters "depth".

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This show had a great concept for an excellent one-off season. They chose to make two more seasons that weren't necessary and it shows.

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The first season was OUTSTANDING, 9/10; then it started going downhill on the second, and now on the third, it is just plodding along. It's not bad, but it's not great either... the spark that the first season had, is gone.

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Thought I would give this a go to see if it was as good as folk have been saying.Maybe it's just me but I didn't laugh once watching the first few episodes.I maybe smiled a couple of times but if this is comedy then comedy is dead.Which isn't surprising in this woke planet,anything that's funny is now racist or offensive.Me I will just continue watching it's always sunny for my belly laughs.

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Haven't finished season 1 yet, but... yeah turns out everyone was right. It is as good as they say.

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Ted Lasso has been my favorite show since it aired, it has always been just plain fun and entertaining with no political agenda - a refreshing change in television. Season three, for the first time, introduced two political biases in the first episode - in the first 5 minutes, one of which was right up near the top of the normal attack list. I hope yet another show isn't destroyed by the constant peddling of this nonsense. Just keep Ted fun, it's about the only show that has kept mum on politics and just aims to simply entertain.

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S03E01 coming with a big swing. I love it. TED is back.

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Ted Lasso is a perfect show. It's funny, it's heartfelt, it's impeccably crafted, and it's the kind of show that makes you feel better about the world. If you haven't watched it yet, do yourself a favor and dive in. You won't regret it.

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An excellent season 1 with a great deal of depth and conflict and feel-goodness from the stakes and the interactions with the teams

Which turns into a boring slog of a second season with lots of unnecessary drama, far less mirth and a plodding and glacial pace. Couldn't get past episode 8 and dropped it

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It is a pleasant series, it has everything (comedy, drama, black humor, with a message, etc.) it is really good and waiting for the 3rd. season :thumbsup_tone2::thumbsup_tone2:

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Excellent comedy series (but not to the limit of clown) different .. really fresh, very fresh.

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I am not the biggest soccer/football fan but I am a huge fan of great comedy and that is what Ted Lasso has to offer. The show might be about the sport of soccer but that’s just the back drop. Ted Lasso is really about the relationship that the characters have with one another and how the emotion of life come across for everyone in a different way. Jason Sudeikis puts in the role of his career in my opinion, his portrayal of Ted Lasso is very heartfelt, funny, emotional, and down right brilliant. I love how Jason Sudeikis can bring his comedic chops to this role and that he is the every man. Ted Lasso also has a brilliant supporting cast of actors from across the bond.

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Shout by Tallion
BlockedParent2022-04-25T16:33:34Z— updated 2023-06-20T22:19:50Z

S01: Really enjoyable show and played well the second time thru. right mix of comedy and drama.
S02: Way too much drama and not enough comedy. Drifts off into areas that are not really about the main characters. needs to keep a tighter focus! Workplace romance was the wrong direction. Still some good laughs in it.
S03:wow... What a mess. Episodes way too long for this type of show. No direction scatters the stories all over the place. Very few actual funny segments in this season. instead it is replaced almost all progressive wish list topics. Nothing worse that a clearly straight character all of sudden goes gay just so they can check that box. An OK 30 minute show with 20 to 30 minutes of utter crap added to every episode...

Watch season 1 for sure and then just move right on!

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This is not the type of show I am typically drawn to but after hearing many positive things I decided to check it out. I really can't overstate how much I love this show. It is laugh out loud funny, the actors are great and the writing is superb. I love Coach Lasso's upbeat optimism and sage euphemisms. It's more than soccer, it's a lesson on kindness & positivity.

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Looking forward to season 3! Ted Lasso has definitely become one of my favorite shows. You'll definitely feel good once you watch its episodes, but it's also satisfying as you'll learn wisdom with the characters' struggles in life.

At first, you'll expect that there'll be a concrete enemy which the main characters have to face together, but the only the enemy they have is themselves. It's refreshing to find a show like this because you really do get to discover the characters as they discover themselves. I also admire how the writers wrote Ted Lasso as someone who's extremely positive, yet they also showed his flaws. The world's not perfect and Ted Lasso shows just that in a feel-good way.

Nate's downfall was unsettling yet necessary. It just goes to show how helping others is not one-dimensional. It is complex and it will not always turn out the way you wanted it to be. Looking forward how his story unfolds in the following seasons

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This did not sound like my thing. Heart-warming? Sports-themed? Yet damn you Ted Lasso you roped me in! I should have listened to the critics... I thought he was some kind of 21st Century Forest Gump but the writing is much sharper than that.

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Superb! Series. A lot of laughs, Jason Sudeikis played it really well.

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The first season was almost perfect. It was really light and the serious elements didn't take up too much time. Ted is goofy but not too goofy, I like that he has some emotional baggage. It makes the character more relatable and less of a stereotypical stupid American. I laughed out loud many times and even cried a couple of times during some of the emotional scenes.

The second season, however, dropped the ball for me. The character became way too unrealistic and goofy to the point where you just couldn't buy their characters anymore. They turned the gear up on the goofy and the emotional and that ruined the series for me. The football aspect of the show was never the main storyline but I feel like it's hardly part of it in season 2. Bigger isn't always better and this show is a prime example of that.

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What a refreshing experience. I have been going through weird stage personally, and I owe this TV show a lot. It is a smart comedy with heart and grit like no other. Love love the attention to secondary characters as well. Absolutely looking forward to season 3!

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Have the writers ever actually been to a game?

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I could get all lyrical about this show but instead I'll just keep simple like Roy Kent, far-kin good tele!!

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S02 : Ted Lasso sparkles with its sweet, comforting drama with witty humor. The chemistry between every character is heartwarming, fun, and vibrant which keeps you loving the show. With the events of Dani killing the mascot in the first episode comes around peeking in the finale, the line football is life brings a charming wide smile to your face. The season though explores less of football and deeps dive into relationships and bondings of the characters, it still is comforting and pleasing to watch. Jade, Brett, and Hannah are at their best throughout and I couldn't complain. If you haven't seen Ted Lasso it's high time you start.
Telegram : @streamgenx
Full Reviews :

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Excellent, moving, funny. Perfect melding of all of the above.

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A wholesome and feel-good show with some light drama mixed in.

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As a therapist I love for they bring mental health to the core front of the conversation

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Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great!

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This is a great show! Repetitive, but great. Fantastic acting from everyone, great depth to the characters as well. I hope they stop after season 3 though, I could imagine they’re going to run out of interesting plot points and stories and turn into a “hanging on for more loot” series.

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Just finished season 1 and I honestly never thought I would see a sitcom like this come into existence.

Sudekis has done a great job blending the optimistic sitcom stylings of the US with the more down to earth and cynical take you often get from british sitcoms. It is somehow both wholesome, uplifting and at the same time tackles some tough issues and weighty subject matter. The title character played by Sudekis is charming and likable but also vulnerable and flawed and a fascinating character to watch as the first season unfolds. Possibly Sudekis' best work to date.

Looking forward to season 2!

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I absolutely love Roy. He's like me if I played football

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Great show..we all could use a lil more positivity in our lives... I'm more like Ted's Lasso's cousin Ned Asshole bahahaha seriously should most definitely check out Daily Dose of Internet's YouTube pairs wonderfully with Ted

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I need a Ted in my life

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If they get rid of the mc it could run forever.

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Couldn't get passed the first 2 episodes will all the Apple product placements. The ads took me out of it.

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It’s literally scary how fantastic this show is

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Ted Lasso is the proof that a well-written series with good complex characters is just good enough to work. And it does splendidly. It's definitely not my kind of comedy, this has close to zero satire and it focus more on the drama, but it delights just because of the basics of writing applied by the book, and a great underdog premise.

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Research "1st and Ten" then move it to the UK and use Soccer.

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Excellent comedy, well written characters that are developed well, authentic, complex, and deep, incredible actors, and a plot that's simple but compelling. This was just a joy to watch and so moving. It made me laugh a ton and it made me cry too. I loved it very much and it quickly became a favorite.

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Has good things but of futbol has nothing.

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I put off watching this show for so incredibly long because the trailer did not translate well and I have absolutely no interest in soccer or sports in general. I finally buckled in and gave it a chance and let me tell you, I was absolutely hooked after the first episode. Everything I initially thought about the series was thrown out the window and I was completely enamored by Ted, the players and the feel good positivity embedded in each episode.

This show is not groundbreaking, but it is something that instantly put me in a good mood when watching and I was gutted when certain events played out due to how invested I was. If you’re not sure if you should give Ted Lasso a chance because it does not resonate with you, I absolutely implore you to put that notion aside and give it a fair chance. You absolutely won’t regret it!

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Best surprise of 2020. This show is such a little amazing experience... loved it from start to the end.

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This was the best 'feel good watch' I had in a long time. Yes I like soccer, but this show gave me so much more than a story about sport. It's funny, emotional and just hits you in the feels. Loved it!

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I avoided watching this expecting a sports show. I saw it reccomended over and over and finally decided to watch. I'm so glad I did. Funny and emotional. Just what I needed. The only downside is 10 episodes is not enough!!!

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[Apple TV +] Although it cannot escape the stereotypes of sports stories, which limit development, this series manages to create characters that are endearing. Without falling too much into the topics of the contrast between American and English culture, which there are, the best that scripts offer is to surround the main characters with comic situations that magnify them. The result is conventionally funny.

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Basically USA version of L'allenatore nel Pallone!

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