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Sweet Tooth 2021

First season was pretty good but 2nd and 3d was very boring tbh.. Like most of the shows nowadays is all about milking money. This is one of the shows that if it was a lot shorter it would be a lot better

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A beautiful, heartwarming show that brings happiness and enjoyment. This is easily up there as one of my most favorite and enjoyable shows from the past year.

Christian did an incredible job playing the character of Gus, and it was lovely to watch the relationship between Gus and Jepperd evolve over time. Oh, and I would take a bullet for Bobby any day.

I'm excited for season 2! :)

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Excellent show! Very easy to watch. Lots of character and backstories. A little preachy at times. The biggest problem I had, is that I was left wanting, no, needing more. But alas, I will have to wait for season 2 (unless Netflix cancels it).

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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What an unexpected treasure! Pure fantasy, but beautifully crafted. Characters you fall in love with, both flawed and innocent. The antithesis of an apocalyptic tale. Man still wreaks destruction yet in this movie nature recaptures the world. It is about hope. The central character is superbly cast and young Christian Covery wins our hearts. I highly recommend you get past any mental block you have against fantasy. This series is so good. I give this series an 8 (very good) out of 10. I hope Netflix renews it for other seasons, the season finale certainly gave us many paths to still walk down. [Fantasy Drama]

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Not really sure why so many would recommend this to kids. They dissect children seemingly while they are fully lucid, literally burn people alive and put a bear trap over a man’s head. Y’all desensitized…

Really not sure who’s the target audience here but definitely not children.

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Slow, predictable, childish behavior of the main character makes it sometimes infuriating to watch. Backstory is interesting but it can be compressed in a single episode.

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First season :thumbsup: Second season :thumbsdown:

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What a show. Really wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was. Great depth of characters with most having their own story arc. Will be interesting to see how it develops in season 2.

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In fact, I didn't expect that much, I liked it a lot, I cried a couple of times because it is very beautiful. I liked the cast, I really connected with Gus. It's easy to see, good to watch in family, I like it.

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Season 2 is dreadful. Bad acting, crap plot and rubbish costumes, this sweet tooth has gone rotten!

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The comments before mine say it all. It is full of emotion & well worth getting through the intense emotions to see & understand the full story. Please NOTE: the age rating is TV-14 for many reasons. Some parts are very upsetting, it's not a kids fantasy. Parental Guidance is suggested. I can't wait for season 2.

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I guess I'm in the minority, but I thought this show was pretty lame. Well made but predictable and formulaic. I think a bot could have written the script. Just a lot of rehashed plot elements and feel good ploys. Might be good for really young kids.

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I love how DC made this not as dark as their other movies. I like the way they tell the story, showing each character's backstory one by one and then slowly revealing the connection & what their roles are in the hybrid pandemics. I love how close the universe to our current reality, our own real-life pandemic, so it feels relatable yet full of a fresh fantasy vibe.

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The writing in the 2nd season is terrible. The events should have happened in a couple of episodes. Instead it was stretched out to 8 episodes. I can't believe they had the nerve to set it up for another season.

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Excellent 1st season…great cast…Gus personality is infectious

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The first two seasons are perfect. Absolutely great and fantastic. But the last one, some things... Yeah, it was a fair ending. All right.

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I fell in love with this show within the first episode, a lot of mystery, lots of action and thrill, an apocalypse/forest/nature/fantasy/adventure theme! a lot of twists and turns, and the best cliffhangers. Watch it you will not be disappointed!!!!!! you’ll know after one episode whether it’s for you or not.

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Excellent first season, but S2 had a completely different feel.

It felt like an episode of the muppets instead of the gritty post-apocalyptic story it set out as. Parts of the story felt like it was squarely aimed at the PG crowd with the plucky band of kids, then the subject matter jumps straight to an R with some truly morally challenging scenarios that were a bit too heavy for that same crowd.

All in all I enjoyed it, but it really does feel disjointed at times and can't find it's center. Hoping S3 will reveal the show's true identity, but not really expecting it.

S2 Ending:
They didn't take the map of where they were headed and just left it on the table???!!! They obviously needed a way for the doctor to find them for the story, but It's like they didn't even bother trying.

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S02 was not what i expected and waited for

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I could do with less of that narration. It gets annoying quick.

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Don't like it to much Netflix can do better don't think so that will be a second season

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I looked up reviews re: age appropriate. I thought I'd add it here for anyone else is interested. Sweet Tooth age rating per Netflix is suggested 14+. But as a parent, you decide.

Source Netflix Life

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I just love this show.

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Great story that feels a little disjointed and the first season finishes before a meaningful conclusion of story elements.

What I liked:
- relatable pandemic story but unique so that it doesn’t hit too close to home
- quite good child acting
- funny moments
- darker themes / concepts without making the feel of the show too dark
- well fleshed out world
- a lot of intrigue (but don’t feel like enough is resolved)

What I didn’t like so much:
- The multiple perspectives and flashbacks can make the story feel a bit disjointed
- The ending feels like a mid season break and not a conclusion to the story arcs. This is quite disappointing as you feel a bit short changed on questions answered and story resolution
- There are a few moments that are a bit predictable / generic / cheesy
- few too many unanswered questions

Overall 7.5/10 (rounded to 8), easy recommend but prepare for a bit of disappointment at the ending of first season.

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At first I was really disappointed that they really toned down the darkness/violence and made it more whimsical/hopeful. But it turned out really well and heartwarming. Altough the last few episodes are full of plotholes but the story is interesting enough for a second season.

The little actor that plays Gus is really good.

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Sweet Tooth Review

Sweet Tooth is an emotional adventure which is heartwarming, touching and uplifting. This poignant post apocalyptic journey is a beautiful mixture unfiltered emotions. Netflix's sweet little take on a fairy dystopian tale.

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