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Supernatural: Season 15

15x20 Carry On

One of the worst finales to a series. All character arcs, build ups and growth abandoned so the brothers can regress to their season 1 self. Sam never mentions Eileen and Dean never talks about the circumstances of Cas's death. Other characters? Who are they? Only Sam and Dean make up this show. Family DOES end in blood.

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Gave up on kleenex half way through let it run baby! Loved every minute, wish it didn't have to end!

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This was quite a let down. So Dean battles countless demons, vampires, deities, literal God and the Devil...and he gets got by a rusty spike in an old barn?? I wouldn't say it was on the level of Game of Thrones bad; this finale was more a weak effort rather than terrible. Mind you, the final season has been a bit so-so, with the second half being particularly sub par. The concept of them all ultimately ending up in Heaven is a nice one, although arguably unnecessary for the show's finale; the fact they did this feels a bit "and that's that, guys, we're not having any spin-offs or films". Personally, I think they'd have been better off fleshing out and properly crafting last week's plot across a double episode and giving it chance to breathe, while also bringing back a few familiar faces like Crowley and Rowena to help see off Chuck, who I feel were sorely missed from the show's final outing(s).

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Season should have ended with episode 19. This was a serious let down.

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This finale was soooo painful for me

I finished the episode and was still crying (ugly real crying not just tears)

I feel empty
I feel sad
I feel relieved as well

IDK how to feel now that it's actually done!! I started watching Supernatural when Season 2 first aired.. I was still at school and my face had not even a single piece of hair

now I'm a university graduate and work in a full time job with a beard that covers my whole face

time feels weird.. Supernatural wasn't just a show, it was for a very long time a part of my lifestyle, I get excited waiting for new episodes every week and now there's no more to wait for

that's kinda depressing to think about

Sam, Dean & Cas, I will forever love you guys and the memories that I have of you will live with me until my day comes

Carry On you know, Saving People, Hunting Things. The Family Business.

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OK, I agree with most comments. Theses last episodes were not worthy of the whole show. We were all expecting a huge final battle, not some leftover vamps. But it would have been amazing if anything was related to their first case ever. Like ending a cycle.

Not gonna lie tho. I cried like a baby when wayward son came up.

AND LOVED that the actors themselves thanked us for sticking around.

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"Singer and Kripke. FBI."

Heh. Dean's end is pretty anticlimactic here, but well done. The post stuff (essentially a VERY long epilogue) is bittersweet, but fitting. Some folks will be upset that every plot point isn't addressed, but this ending seems appropriate to me. Things started and now end with the three main characters: Dean, Sam...and Baby.

Grade: B

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Miracle was the best part of this episode.

So, let me get this straight. Jack brought back the people murdering monsters? Then one lame vampire accidentally kills Dean? I love Dean so watching him struggle with leaving Sam as he is dying made me cry. His job of taking care of his brother is finally done.

I know they couldn't do a lot of cameos. Jensen and Jared had to spend weeks in quarantine to finish filming. Apparently, it also forced them to use a $5 wig from the Halloween store on Sam.

Overall, the episode is a emotional trap with no point other than to quickly slam the door on Supernatural. Disappointing!

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Agents Singer and Kripke. I see what you did there. Nice one.

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Just… PERFECT. I have no other words. This is the ending that I'll remember for a long time.
I know there are simplifications done for the sake of the episode containing everything needed to finish the series in style, but it doesn't matter.
I don't even remember when I started watching the series, it feels like it always has been around. I'm going to miss Supernatural.

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Not all characters merit 15 seasons, but these did. Now it's one last time, with or without feeling. The series had its ups (oh hell yeah) and its downs (do I need to be specific?). Today it ends. Everyone knows the climax was in the previous episode, so this is just the last wave goodbye, and it keeps its dignity, such as it is. It's OK, Sam and Dean. You can go now. Goodbye.

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not even gonna lie, i cried lol. my heart. i feel like they could have maybe done more w the other characters, but still a good ending.

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Even though I think they chose kind of an odd way to end this show I will miss it. Even though my favorite characters were already gone and I ended up liking Dean more than Sam by the later seasons of the show, I loved it.

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I read a lot of opinions about the last episode and I have to say I definitely like it at least it touched me or whatever... In my opinion, the previous episode was a bit in rush but overall it was a great season finale(which I think was not enough to a series finale)
Rather, the 20 parts tried to give a kind of final conclusion.
As I see Dean's death was okay, at least that he died when he was hunting, the solution was a bit crappy and a little artificial, but somewhere the character required it just it was not as cathartic as it could be.
Sam and the montage of his life were beautiful a bit foggy and rough, and I would be happy to see a couple of hunting scenes, not only Dean Jr., but ultimately it was okay.
The end and the heavens were especially beautiful and quite touching, nostalgic. Overall, I think it was a nice conclusion to the series and the long journey the boys have taken.
(PS .: It would be cool with more cameos)

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WHAT. THE FUCK. JUST HAPPENED?!?! They had the perfect ending! Everything wrapped up, victorious, no tears, flashbacks included! And then they fucking ruined it! And now I'm sobbing my eyes out on Christmas! According to Doctor Who that's enough to kill a villain so DIE YOU HEARTLESS WRITERS DIE! May your frozen hearts melt!

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Shout by Bubbles Prior
BlockedParent2022-09-04T07:39:51Z— updated 2022-09-16T14:18:37Z

I really enjoy this journey and I didn't expect this final so I guess is good. It is a pity that they have to do it while covid because it affect to filming. I don't like the final of Dean and he deserves better but is different. The wife of Sam could be Eileen but we don't know It.
So goodbye Winchester's brothers. We will miss you and we can see the show again since first season again.

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damn. it's actually over.

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I don't know but this was the finale or happy ending I expected.This wasn't what Winchester Brothers deserved !!! Even though this worst finale,this will be one of my favourite tv shows.

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Goodbye winchester brothers we'll miss you!

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I knew from the previous ep this one will be weird. Everything ended in E19 sooo... barely started and a death in the first mission?! So am I suppose to think the brothers were shit without God and they would pretty much die as teenagers or even earlier? Nope! I hope I can forget about this episode. Sam had a kid, you dont know with whom, couldn't afford to bring Eileen for a minute? And also Dean just dies immediately and Sam has a long life and we're suppose to be happy?

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Piss off. This was not the ending the series or the characters deserved after everything.

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I was actually thinking “Yeah the show has made me cry before but honestly I can’t imagine it happening again. I’m prepared.”

Me at the end: :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::heart:

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I loved this episode!
It was kinda quick, the circumstances which culminated in the end. But it was amazing. It was everything I wanted in Supernatural.
I have to admit, Deans death was stupid. How come a man that was beaten by God and didn’t died could a little push from a vampy through a nail in the wall got him KAPUT.
I understood the symbolism.
This means that after EVERYTHING they are now free. Both of them never really died before because they were pawns, they were needed in Gods plan. They aren’t anymore, there is no one to protect them, and that death, it was an unfortunate occasion. Afterwards, Dean being in Heaven and seeing Sams life on earth really got me so emotional, it was what Sam wanted in the beginning of the show.
Ugh dudes, pls just think that a show with 15 years has ended. Stop focusing on “bu huu I wanted this finale” - be glad that you got a ending that both characters were happy. That’s everything I wanted for both of the throughout the 15 years of episodes.I just wanted them happy.
And finally they are.

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I can't believe it has been 15 years! A truly heart fealt thank you to cast and crew, present and past. Supernatural has been a part of my life since season 1 when I thought 'this looks like fun' and has continued to entertain, tear at my heart and make me laugh out loud. You will be missed but better to burn out than fade away. Carry on my wayward friends ...............

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This has to be one of the worst series finale I have ever seen. It was really poorly written and poorly paced. There was no point in making this episode, the last one was fine as a series finale.

This being said, I'm gonna miss Sam and Dean.

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Just can't stop crying! (Tears of sadness, tears of joy!)

You know, one thing's remained constant throughout this show for me, and that was the feeling I wasn't alone while watching it! I don't mean just this episode. I may be mostly alone in this life, in reality, but what little dopamine I expressed -- either in my emotional reactions, or in a truer free-form way, both afforded some sense of greater connection with all of you, and the world.

It's been a great ride, and some great adventures!

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I'm a mess! Been crying with this painful lump in my throat. Well done. This is how you end a series.

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This was just such an unnecessary episode. Leaving it at ep 19 would have been acceptable, instead they conjured up a quasi happily ever after that they pulled out of their ass. Leaving more questions then a wrap up should.
No reference to the reappearance of the people they “cared” about, not even a phone call? What killed dean? They couldn’t go to the hospital? Jack brought everyone back but not Cass? Wait cass is back just dgaf about them anymore? Is Sam with Eileen or some rando? No check in to see how old god is going. Not catch up with jack, is he alone now he’s god or what? No reunion of the whole family

Plus we’ve seen the long teary speech between brothers and drive in a car a thousand times before so don’t tell me they just ran out of time to show it all.
Like a lifetime movie all emotion no substance nor sensical to the story line.

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SRYSLY?! WTF?! What a cringe episode... :thumbsdown:

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Oh hell no!! This was just awful. What a let down.

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Shout by sp1ti

AAAAnd they doubled down on the botched ending... I'm not in the loop with the series production but you better hope that there is a good excuse for them having to resolve the story like this. I don't mind that they did what they did here but it doesn't work if you play this after last weeks episode. The trajectory for this was all wrong and it's missing a lot of in between! Kinda hard to fall for the manipulative writing when you have to doubt what is being presented to you. And Sam growing old was not only cheesy pandering but a huge joke that had me laughing because of the unbelievably bad makeup.
Rushing an ending for a show after 15 years is NOT appreciated.

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should’ve rewatched the six feet under series finale instead

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Shout by bianca

i've just rewatched season 1 to 5 and then watched all the latest episodes and i've been crying for the past 2 hours cus it's just so touching to see the story coming to an end showing sam and dean just being human, ordinary, since they are finally free to go on with their lives without any other power controlling them. especially dean. his end was just human, shit happens every day vibe just like all the other hunters we've seen in the show. and let's be honest, he's been tired of losing people, saving the world and all that without ever catching a break for so long. it was just so beautiful to see him in heaven, driving the Impala and the words "there'll be peace when you are done ... don't you cry no more" blasting throughout the scene cus that's what finally happened for him. and sam got to live a long, ordinary life with a family and probably being the kind of father john never got to be for him. the ending with the two of them, finally in peace, was everything i wanted it to be.

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This series finale of Supernatural was so......ooof. Not good. 15 years for this episode. There was a couple of things it needed to do to be considered a good finale, but honestly, the penultimate episode is a much better farewell. This one was so forced and so unnecessary, and paced horribly, and inconsistent with the rest of the season/series.

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I get why everyone is pissed, cz I'm pissed too. But in the end and deep down in our hearts we knew this was coming. One of them is gonna die and one of them is gonna have to live a full life and bring the next generation Winchester out into the world. It was a given in my opinion. Or on the other hand they both die and we still are pissed off about it. The writers just had the audacity to not mention anyone in this last episode of the effing SERIES! Like, WHAT!? WHY!? Why wasn't Cas there to welcome Dean? Why didn't the other hunters come back? Why didn't jack come to meet Dean and Sam? What happened to Judy and the girls? Just why did they had to die anyway? Why did Dean die like that? Why did I ugly cry when Dean was dead and then again when Sam was on his death bed taking his last breathe and then again when Carry On was playing?? WHY? WHY?? UGH!!!
I'm just happy its finally over. But seriously, so many questions were unanswered.

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I always longed to see Sam and Dean with their kids but I did not expect to end this way. F.

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I’m sad!!!! I didn’t expect that end!

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Just sad this episode was so stupid most parts. I always thought both can have a family or at least Dean and he hunts eith his son like the beginning with the show from s1. And then get killed from a super strong monster......

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To be honest, this episode even tho it was reaaaaally emotional, was so unnecesary. The previous one gave general sense of "good" ending considering everything, but this one just disipated that feeling. Being the last episode of the series, they could have afford to spend some money in a couple cameos at least (the wife of Sam is not clear if it was Eileen resurrected by Jack (also never explained what happened with that) or some other woman. Just appeared in the background in one scene and that's it). It would have been a good touch that, for example, Jodi and Donna were in Dean's funeral. After all, they were kinda family.

Anyway, i loved the series so much, they gave a kinda good ending (even tho i still think Dean's death was really stupid), but they should have finished it in the previous episode. They even could have made a double-episode and would have had more sense; but alas, it was a good run.

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Shout by K.D

The previous episode is the true final episode for me!

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I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FEEL! Why did I watch this at work?! How do I explain why my eyes are so red now?! FUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK!

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Shout by Erin

That was really nice! Obviously they had planned to have a lot of cameos of old characters which wasn't possible which was a bit of a let down but out of their control. I thought the ending was exactly what it has always been heading towards and was how Dean would have wanted it to be. Without Chuck or anyone controlling them of course they're going to get into trouble.

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Who cares about the ending?!
The truth is... 90% of the audience continued watching because the two main actors are so fucking hot. I love Ackles as Dean, the perfect "macho perv".
Anyway, after the 5th season the series went on a rollercoaster with good and bad moments (most of them very bad). But we love the characters and would lick the 2 main actors to death!

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personally this ending was amazing to me. i think the writers were a little too nice tho. woulda been funny if sam died first and dean had to deal with knowing sam never got the happy family he wanted!
sorry to all the side-character lovers, but this show was never truly about them. it was always sam & dean, and cas wasn't even introduced until season 4, why would they spend half of the final episode talking about everyone else?!
and no dean did not die by tetanus... he died from being impaled by a rod ... lmfaoo

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-01-05T21:31:19Z— updated 2021-01-11T12:16:20Z

It’s like the writers of Six Feet Under wrote the finale. Decent finale though since you always knew Sam could have a normal life. With Dean in his life, he’d always be a hunter.
So it is disappointing yet fitting. Episode 19 would have been happier though. Maybe HBO Max could bring them back for a movie in like 5 yrs.
They don’t have to stay dead. It’s Supernatural where they both died multiple times. This ending is at least better than the 2 series finales of the X-Files.

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this season was a crap but this last episode was (almost) perfect to me. i cried like a baby, i really love it

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It was a proper end, so long boys !!!

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I forgot same hair looks so fake and they could have done it better XD. And also the acting was not so good some scenes :0.
And also his son did not hunt anything? XD

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I can't even tell how not ready I am for this...

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